


Fun Con 2017 deadline extension Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Good news everyone! Fun Con 2017 deadline extended till September 18th! As usual, by numerous and heart-wrenching demands to administration)


Top 10 AMVs of NCS AMV Contest 2017 Wednesday, 02 August 2017

AMV contest at Nan Desu Kan 2017 Wednesday, 26 July 2017


Nan Desu Kan, one of the 10 biggest anime conventions in USA is now taking submission for 2017 AMV contest. Get your videos in for a chance to win a world famous "Asuka" award
Non-exclusive videos created after September 1st, 2016 are accepted in case those didn't participate in Nan Des Kan before. There are several new prize categories this year, check the rules to find out! To enter the contest simply fill in this form. Submission deadline is August 12, 2017.

Full rules (in English) 


Top 10 AMVs from Japan Expo 2017 Saturday, 15 July 2017

Indigo Team Iron Chef Saturday, 08 July 2017


AMV studio Indigo Team invites you to join the second IC hosted by the studio. The IC will start on Friday 21-07 00:00 (GMT +3) and end on Sunday 23-07 23:59. You can enter with either a solo AMV or a collab/MEP. There's a special category for live action videos! Money prizes reserved for the winners. 

IC rules at our forum
Registration for the IC


Конкурс AMV на фестивале Хиган 2017 Sunday, 25 June 2017


Ежегодный фестиваль современной молодежной восточноазиатской культуры "Хиган" (г. Минск, Беларусь) приглашает всех желающих принять участие в конкурсе AMV в рамках фестиваля. Эксклюзивность не требуется, однако к участию не допускаются клипы, занимавшее ранее 1, 2 или 3 места на каких-либо конкурсах. Заявки на конкурс, заполненные по соответствующей форме и со всеми необходимыми материалами, принимаются не позднее 24 сентября (включительно).  Лучшие клипы конкурса будут демонстрироваться на фестивале зрителям, результаты будут оглашены на церемонии закрытия фестиваля. 

Подробные правила конкурса на нашем форуме


AMV, GMV and CV contests at Connichi 2017 Wednesday, 21 June 2017


Connichi contest, the biggest and longest running AMV-contest in Germany is looking for entries! This year videos can compete in up to four categories. You may send up to five videos (three AMVs, one GMV and one Cosplay Video). Numerous valuable prizes and certificates are waiting for the winners. Deadline for submitting entries is August 2nd, 2017.

Contest thread at AMVNews forum
Full rules (English)
Full rules (German)

More... presents AMV D-contest Monday, 19 June 2017

Chinese portal invites you to join a large AMV event - D-Contest 2017.  Exclusive entries accepted, i.e the ones made specially for the contest.  Submission deadline  - September 5th, 2017.   You have to be registered at to submit your video. Prize fumd - $1300.

Contest rules at our forum


AnonCon 2017 from CreaSpace Monday, 12 June 2017

Simultaneously with a thematic contest from AMVNews another thematic event from takes place. What the contest is about: all participants are totally anonymous. No hints on authorship either in the video description or in the video itself. When the contest is over the video will be moved to the author's account. 
Contest video can be made of movies, games, sports programs, home video, original 3D, etc. (the only exceptions are anime and Japanese games). Entries accepted from August 1st till September 1st, 2017.

Prize fund:
1st place: 3000 roubles
2nd place: 2000 roubles
3rd place: 1000 roubles

Detailed rules (English) [Russian rules]


AMVNews: Fun Con 2017 announcement Sunday, 11 June 2017

Fun Con 2017 holds summer thematic AMV contest Fun Con 2017. Everyone is welcome to participate! To join the contest you should makea comedy/fun/dance/parody video, either light and entertaining or just funny. Random videos not related to the subject will be released non-competitively. Let us remind you that we accept only exclusive entries, the ones never released before the contest either online or offline. You can register via on-line form up to the submission deadline (need to have a site account to register). Entries can be submitted from August 1st till September 1st. Apart from regular prize nominations there will be a special experimental category: the award for the best commentary/review for a contest video. 

Prize fund:
1 place – 4000 roubles
2 place – 2500 roubles

3 place – 1500 



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