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Brinkmate R

There are serious spoilers in video!

A little remake of an amv I made for a contest made by amv-france (Online contest 2.0). I had to make an amv based on a theme...redemption. While browsing my anime, I decided to take a little risk not being too generic, to choose a pretty unknown anime that I enjoyed a lot to watch and that I wanted to spread a bit.
I didn't wanted to add filter or fancy color thingy. I wanted the anime to stay at it's most "pure form" since anyway, I don't think anyone really knows about that anime. After seing Go by Ngsilver, I wanted to try synching a bit the same way. But, I'll tell you that, it was quite a challenge to keep a logic story, synch and rythm and im quite glad I've kept my initial theme and intention. The only regret I really have is not having used a bit crappy quality. From what I gathered, a lot of people agree to say the story is good, the anime looks repulsive with it's graphics and that the cut are a bit too violent...well, still sharing it!
I really love shogi by the way! I sometime play in my spare times!

Anime: Shion no Ou
Music: Emiko Mizukami - Amol

Brinkmate R

Brinkmate R

Brinkmate R

Brinkmate R

Brinkmate R

Brinkmate R


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Author: (video created: 01.08.2013)
Submitted by: General-Guy 23.09.2013 at 09:21
3.41 3.41 (44 votes)
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Comments (6)
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*Boster*   User profile
  25.09.2013 21:13
Default Avatar
Сюжет не очень понравился.
KrioStar   User profile
  24.09.2013 16:56
Исходник шедевр,музыка в тему,клип смотриться красиво для своего жанра 5 и за
Поджигатель   User profile
  23.09.2013 14:07
3 =_= УГ
tamriko   User profile
  23.09.2013 14:00
Работа оставила двоякое впечатление. История вполне ясна, за что большой плюс, но м/в неособо понравилось. 4
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  23.09.2013 11:08
Simple and yet I like it
Berendor   User profile
  23.09.2013 09:49
одновременно интересно и уныло(музыка) 4

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