
Exam videos
Contests Results of AMV, GMV and CV contests at Connichi 20 Friday, 30 September 2016


AMV, GMV and CV contest at Connichi 2016 are over. This year 99 editors submitted 143 videos, including 113 AMVs, with 34 exclusive entries. Congratulations to the winners!

AMV contest (exclusive)
1. ceddic - Feldzug M.O.E. 
2. zest - Unlimited Waifu Works
3. The Old King - Das letzte Kapitel
4. Pic4 - In Shadows 
5. Lapskaus - Situationsabhaengigkeit



New videos Otherside Friday, 30 September 2016

Author's comment: Hello there. Here it is! the AMV for Abunai Beyond the stars 2016! I've been working on this for months, the deadline was at 29th of July, i started with this project at 27th of March... First off i had to watch the ENTIRE Clannad Series, and i was in a hurry because i had to edit the AMV as well too, so i was watching around 8 episodes a day, so if you have already seen the anime itself, you know how much i might have cried of the misery and sadness in the anime D: After that, i started editing the entire AMV on the 3rd of May, and it was alot, of struggle, and fighting, and pushing on to the limit alot of AE composition works too XD But all the hard work paid off, and im really happy with that! my idea was to get in the top 3 this year, but instead i made a bump to the 1st place! which is really great! So after all the hard work, and going insane, i present to you: Otherside! I hope you'll enjoy the video, and if you were at the AMV Compo, you enjoyed the video! Thank you!

Author: Liquified
Anime: Clannad, various
Music: Lana Del Rey - Dark Paradise
Awards: Abunai! 2016 AMV contest 1st place



New videos In Shadows Thursday, 29 September 2016

My exclusive enty for the Connichi 2016 AMV Contest. Got 4th overall. The AMV is about the Nightraid organisation from the anime Akame ga Kill and about their motivations. I tried to focus on my favorite characters Akame and Mine. I hope it is enjoyable for you! ;)

Author: pic4arts
Anime: Akame ga Kill
Music: Beyond the Black - In the Shadows

In Shadows


New videos Swing Box Monday, 26 September 2016

Забавный дэнс в стиле ретро. Мог бы быть покороче, но и так неплохо. Очень понравилась цветовая гамма. Судя по коментам, автор потратил на этот клип около месяца.

Author: nicolio1313
Anime: Shingeki No Bahamut, Death Parade, Hibiki Euphonioum, Kaito Kid 1412, Kaleido Star, Kekai Sensen, Tamako Market, Tamako Love Story, Endless Night, Yuri on Ice
Music: Caravan Palace - Lone Digger

Swing Box


New videos 9909 Saturday, 24 September 2016

Author's comment: Haters will say it's random. xD
My aim was a Character Profile of Mumei and I think that's also what I ended up with. I really enjoyed the series, but I hated the antagonist - that's why I avoided him completely. Also, check out this Band - I'm glad I found this song. Special Thanks to iEmelien! You were a great help.

Author: Kiriforce
Anime: Koutetsujou no Kabaneri
Music: Danger Silent - 9909



Contests CONSTATION v2.0 contest Friday, 23 September 2016


Freelance video studio Constantium announces contest for DIY video creators who would like to bring video making skills to a new level. According to contest results one or several participants will be proposed to join CONSTstudio.
Videos made entirely in Adobe After Effects are eligible. You can use AE templates and any 3D plugins. There will be two winners: Best overall and Judges' choice. Submission deadline is November 1st, 2016.

You can use last year's contest thread as a reference, the rules have not changed.

 CONSTATION v2.0 thread at our forum


New videos Supremacy Friday, 23 September 2016

8 место на Japan Expo 2016

Author's comment: Donc voici mon clip pour cette J.E 2016. J'obtient cette année la 8ème place, ce qui en soit est une progression par rapport à la précédente, bien que très faible... Espérons faire mieux l'année prochaine avec quelque chose de plus convaincant.
La story (parce que oui, il y en a une) : Le projet en lui même est né il y a à peu près 2 ans. Je voulais faire un clip sportif le plus " badass " possible et l'idée d'y introduire un parallèle entre l'homme et la bête (la loi du plus fort) m'est donc rapidement venu à l'esprit. Pour faire court, je voulais introduire mon clip avec une phase où l'on se rendait compte de la domination de certains (Akashi, Narumiya, Aomine, Oikawa etc..) avec quelque chose de " provoquant " (40 premières secondes). Les sportifs lambda (proies) étant écrasés et impuissants face aux dominants (prédateurs), intervient " leur dernier espoir " qui en quelque sorte a le potentiel de changer la donne (0:40 à 1:10). La rupture sonore sert d'une part à démarrer la monté en puissance, mais également à mettre en scène les outsiders censé faire jeu égal avec les dominants (Kise, Eijun, Hinata, Haruka etc..). A partir du drop (1:10), il est question d'un affrontement où les outsiders prennent le dessus jusqu'à ce faire rappeler à l'ordre par les dominants qui imposent leur " suprématie " pour montrer que c'est leur territoire (1:10 à 1:40). Les outsiders se rendent compte que ça ne va pas être simple de les faire tomber, on a alors un phase de " re-motivation " (1:40 à 2:00) avec des scènes où l'on voit le public qui les encourage, pour ensuite enchaîner sur une phase où les outsiders commencent à gagner en confiance et se mettent à provoquer les dominants. On arrive donc à la dernière phase correspondant au dernier drop qui est censé mettre un point final à tout sa. Je voulais que cette phase soit la plus violente possible pour montrer que les ex-dominants se retrouvent être à présent les dominés.
> L'idée principale : Imposer sa suprématie implique que l'on ne soit pas la proie mais le prédateur.

Author: Naoya
Anime: Kuroko no Basket, Haikyuu!!, Ace of Diamond, Free!
Music: Apashe (Feat.Panther & Odalisk) - No Twerk (VIP) x Let's be Friend - FTW (Radio edit)



New videos Introductory chapter Thursday, 22 September 2016

Author's comment: 俺たちの運命の分岐点にはいつも雪が降る(願望)

Author: Totori
Anime: Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata
Music: Unknown

introductory chapter


New videos Feldzug M.O.E Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Here we go again! This Video made 1st place overall in the exclusive contest at Connichi 2016. 🎉
I was heavily inspired by Girls And Tanks which nobody seemed to be as excited about as I was - therefore I had to show the world how awesome Sabaton fits cute girls in war machinery. Visually I tried to loosely emulate the look of the Valkyria Chronicles games. Hope you like it ❤

Зеркало 1 - Версия 10bit

Author: ceddic
Anime: Girls und Panzer, Haifuri
Music: Sabaton - Resist And Bite
Awards: 1st Overall - Connichi 2016

Feldzug M.O.E


New videos Onodera LOVE☆恋爱大危 Tuesday, 20 September 2016

I choose Onodera Kosaki

Author's comment: 泷沉琉璃2015夏日祭第二日作品,毕业之后终于能有时间用心填一个MAD出来,这个作品是与弃疗的某菌-千棘x一条乐的爱情故事(Black space)一起联动的,在这里贴出联动传送门av2744903(希望不会引起党争,跑路.....)

Author: SungHsu
Anime: Nisekoi
Music: オレンジ - 釘宮理恵 堀江由衣 喜多村英梨

Onodera LOVE☆恋爱大危机


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