


VCA 2017 Finalists Friday, 24 March 2017

Results of Soul's Team Iron Chef XIII Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Best Action: Nyala - Deepware
Best Romance/Drama: 
Brenda Hikaru - Reality vs Fantasy
Best Fun
Madao - (This is)DEEP!!
Best Dance: Sephi - 
Best Horror: Zuuki - Deep Jail (Prisoners)
Best Psyche
lokkiclu - Equivocate
Best of Souls Team 10 years special: Jeff - Frontline

Team Ranking (Top 3 + teams with Russian participants)

1st place - QuinxSquad (Sephi, Luciole, Zuuki)
2nd place - TeamSkull (Azexous, CeliaPhantomhive, Zelda)
3rd place - Fifty Shades of Awesomness (JazzsVids, AMVLuna, Sagiki)

6th place - Criptex (Zhul, Fury, xDeuz)
9th place - notshirtTeam (Kazeshin, L33t , ElevenPlayer)
18th place - Team Cerberus (Despair, Cynic, xHAZAMx)
19th place - FanClubSoulsTeam (Red King, Black_Thunder, REVISiON)
20th place - ScarletTeam (Fobos, AntaresHeart07, Cear)
22nd place - REDNET (Anirise, Satoshi, Bake)
31st place - Going Under
46th place - Ass Backwards (Liar, Jey, Klarity)
50th place - KOJIXO3 Team
52th place - East Side Ballas (Jay, Shiki, Ink)
76th place - Cyber Team

Team Ranking
Category Ranking  



AMVNews: Big Contest 2017 (Demonstration) Thursday, 16 March 2017

Date Author Video title Video page
16.05.2017 LaeksAMV Transmigration Link
16.05.2017 Kenji Aphrodite Link
15.05.2017 SWS Benny Benassi - Whos Your Daddy (MMD PV version) Link
15.05.2017 Diadark Densha Link
14.05.2017 NakkiD PARASOMNIA Link
13.05.2017 Hellsing THE WRATH OF HEAVEN Link
Show full table

All contest videos

Japan Expo 2017 AMV contest Thursday, 09 March 2017


AMV France and Japan Expo invite you to take part in annual AMV contest Japan Expo 2017. The contest is open for everyone, one AMV per participant. Remember, that only exclusive videos are good for Japan Expo! Submission deadline in June 5th, 2017, you can fill in the form first and upload your video later. Results will be announced at Japan Expo convent (7-9th July), and various prizes are waiting for winners.

Contest rules (English, French, Spanish)
Registration of participants


Cyber Team at Souls Team IC XIII: Change The Game Thursday, 02 March 2017


Было интересно. Получили интересный опыт, пофанились при создании клипов. Кодить исходники надо было до начала конкурса:)  Всем приятного просмотра, надеемся кому-то понравится то, что мы наворотили.

Dr. T - 6 Days of Tragedy

TENTALLE - Dog howling in the darkness

SystemDflt - ICDO


Going Under team at Souls Team IC XIII: Change The Wednesday, 01 March 2017


Комментарий hohmTM: Доброго времени суток дорогие клипмейкеры, зрители и как же без вас, критики. Конкурс был очень насыщенным и активным, столько участников и столько знакомых клипмейкеров, я думаю, не видел ни на каком Iron Chef, но, по сути это и дало многим участникам мотивацию. Столько классных и разнообразных работ, достойных работ, которые заслужили попасть в топ-10 - очень много. Что касается нашей команды, она была создано буквально за мгновение, начиная с вопроса "а ты будешь участвовать?" И планировалось, что я сделаю клип в жанре романтики, в котором, по моему мнению, я сделал бы куда лучше с таким количеством хороших песен, но по воле судьбы, пожалев нашего капитана команды Going Under Евгения, я выбрал психоделику. По конкурсу - желаю всем удачи. Кто возьмёт первые места - вы это заслужили. И, надеюсь, конкурсными работами вдохновилось много клипмейкеров.


SpitFire - Your Fractures

Mystery - Crows


VCA 2017 reminder Thursday, 16 February 2017

VCA 2012

Let us remind you that nominations for VCA 2017 are open! If you have registered at before January 1st, 2017, don't hesitate to login and help the videos you consider the best reach the top!

Nomination pages are here.


Announcing Soul's Team Iron Chef 13: Change The Ga Friday, 10 February 2017


Soul's Team welcomes you to the annual Iron Chef contest, the most well-know and expected online Iron Chef of all. Compose a team of three, elect the capitain, choose one of the 6 genre categories and make an AMV in 72 hours (from February 23rd till February 26th).  Check the complete rules below and get ready!

Complete rules at Souls Team forum (English)
Registration of teams


CreaCon 2017 (change in the rules) Saturday, 04 February 2017

Attention everyone! Contest rules have changed.

Main changes made for this year's contest:
- prize fund increased to 40 000 roubles;
- deadline extended till April 1st, 2017;
- a new winning category added;
- winners of main genre categories will also receive diplomas;
- Avision Media agency should be mentioned in each video.


Results of AKROSS Con 2016 Wednesday, 01 February 2017

  Akross Con 2014

Best Video:
1. MrNosec - Numinous
2. JustRukia - Red Queen
3. xDieguitoAMV - Eternally
4. leolide - clozufilu
5. kuruta - Amnesia
6. Joskua - Martyrdom
7. Steelshine - The Fall: Friends Forever
8. buggy - Singularity
9. cecco - Fjarlaegur
10. UnluckyArtist - Epiphany
11. PieandBeer - Fiat Lux
12. TritioAFB - I knew you were Psycho
13. DarkCat - Invisible Embrace
14. Duczmen - Godsend
15. Nixanol - Slice of life 

Best Action:
1. MrNosec - Numinous
2. Rider4Z - Gloria Fortis Miles
3. Davide_hxc - We are the Royal 

Best Drama:
1. Steelshine - The Fall: Friends Forever
2. DarkCat - Invisible Embrace
3. buggy - Singularity 

Best Romance/Sentimental:
1. xDieguitoAMV - Eternally
2. kuruta - Amnesia
3. PieandBeer - Fiat Lux 

Best Comedy:
1. leolide - clozufilu
2. TritioAFB - I knew you were Psycho
3. NoglasticNinja - Desu Standing  

Best Fun:
1.Davide_hxc - We are the Royal 
2. Joskua - Martyrdom
3. xGafuditoAmv - Strange underwear and where to find them 

Best Psychedelic:
1. UnluckyArtist - Epiphany
2. MrNosec - Numinous
3. kuruta - Amnesia

Best Character Profile
1. JustRukia - Red Queen
2. xDieguitoAMV - Eternally
3. bbsnypur - Frozen Dreams

Best Story/Plot:
1. Joskua - Martyrdom
2.  leolide - clozufilu 
3. Steelshine - The Fall: Friends Forever 

Best Original Concept:
1. leolide - clozufilu
2. Joskua - Martyrdom
3. JustRukia - Red Queen 

Best Technical Work:
1. MrNosec - Numinous
2. JustRukia - Red Queen
3. xDieguitoAMV - Eternally 

Best Design Of Visual Effects:
1. JustRukia - Red Queen
2. MrNosec - Numinous
3. xDieguitoAMV - Eternally 

Best Presentation/Design:
1. JustRukia - Red Queen
2. xDieguitoAMV - Eternally
3. kuruta - Amnesia 

Viewers Choice Award
 leolide - clozufilu

DarkCat - Invisible Embrace



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