


Second round voting of Big Contest 2019 Monday, 20 May 2019

34 contest participants whose videos are nominated in at least one category and 21 members of specially selected jury are eligible for voting in the finals. Voting in second round is obligatory for contestants. If a contestant fails to vote in the category where his/her video is nominated, then the total amount of points that this video gets shall be decreased by a maximum number of points possible for this category. It can affect final rating substantially. You must fill in all slots when filling in the voting form. Voting deadline is May 25th, 20.00 Moscow time (UTC+4)

Finalists of Big Contest 2019 Monday, 20 May 2019

Big Contest 2019 first round voting is over. 59 persons took part in the voting, 32 videos passed to the second round in main nomination. To pass to the finals a video should have gathered no less than 11 votes. Details about second tour voting will be availabale soon. This year all finalists must vote in second round to avoid penalty points! See below the list of finalists in all nominations, ranged by publication date.

Best video overall [32 videos]



First round voting of Big Contest 2019 Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Big contest 2019

We begin first round voting of AMVNews: Big Contest 2019. 75 videos took part in the contest. 10 contest videos rated lower than 2.6 points were excluded from voting. All 64 contest participants whose AMVs are eligible for the first round can take part in the voting now, as well as 27 jury members (Turbo, denismax, redbull, David Heli, kemaxto, g4nzo, Leberate, iris-am, Sempai3607, Arrow, DispariesTL, Kuichi, Ridiculous_CHAN, Qple, FT, Noss, JadeCharm, Lion0608, Tesc, pic4arts, AngrySmile, Kroner -AMV-, slavarussko, J03, EtoJeSpitFire, Letal, Shinzui). Voting in first round is totally voluntary.
There are 14 contest nominations to vote in. Some of those include all videos, others include only the videos which match the nomination thematically. Finalists in each nomination will be chosen during first round voting. First round voting ends May 20th, 20-00 Moscow time (UTC+4). Link for voting form can be found in "Authorization" block, right upper corner of the webpage. You can fill in the form, add and change anything as much as you want till the end of voting period. Contest participants do not see their own videos in the list and can't vote for them.

If you have any questions concerning voting procedure please contact site administrator via private message


NCS AMV Contest 2019 -Summer Edition- Tuesday, 16 April 2019


The NCS AMV CONTEST is back once again and this time we will host the contest on the main stage at NCS! The contest will also be streamed so make sure to tell your friends to both watch and vote for the best amv! Everyone will be able to participate and compete against each other to win awesome prizes and glory. So be sure to be there!
Exclusive entries only. Submission deadline is July 5th, 2019.

Detailed contest rules at our forum


Winners of VCA 2019 Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Video of the Year
tomik - MY2007

Best Action Video
tomik - MY2007 

Best Character Profile 
Kroner  - Roxanne

Best Collaborative Video 
MycathatesyouAMV, King Redeem - Dunces & Dragons

Best Comedy Video
Kisanzi - A Dying Bread

Best Dance Video 
DamnKazu - Can't Hold Us

Best Dramatic Video 
Kroner  - Roxanne

Best Fun Video 
Glitzer - Shiny Teeth

Best Horror Video 
kuruta - Room 302

Best Multi-Editor Project 
Crows AMVTeam - N.E.O

Best Parody Video 
Kireblue & Mycathatesyo - Sausage Corps

Best Romantic Video 
JazzsVids - La La Land

Best Storytelling
BecauseImBored1 - Dream the Impossible

Best Sentimental Video 
Glitzer - Happy Little Clouds

Best Short Video 
Padre - Memento

Best Trailer or Commercial 
Rider4z - Cowboy:Bebop Fallout

Best Use of Instrumental Music
VideoBeats - You Make Me Smile 

Best Use of Lip Synch 
Rider4z - Cowboy:Bebop Fallout

Best Use of Multiple Anime
DamnKazu - Can't Hold Us 

Best Use of Special Effects 
JazzsVids - La La Land

Most Artistic Video 
Gorz - Last Supper

Most Original Video 
ZephyrStar - Daydream | Return

Editor of the Year 

Most Improved Editor



Конкурс #SGZERO Wednesday, 10 April 2019


Небольшая новость для поклонников аниме Steins;Gate 0. Организаторы группы #SGZERO Вконтакте приглашают всех желающих принять участие в конкурсе клипов по этому сериалу. Принимаются эксклюзивные работы, сделаные после 8 апреля 2019 г. Дедлайн приема клипов - 25 апреля. Предусмотрены призы для победителей.

Правила конкурса на нашем форуме
Группа #SGZERO Вконтакте

Japan Expo 2019 Promo Friday, 05 April 2019

Submission deadline in June 2nd, 2019.
Remember, that only exclusive videos are good for Japan Expo! 

Contest rules (English, French, Spanish)
Registration of participants 


VCA 2019 Final Voting Sunday, 31 March 2019


The Final Round of the 2019 Viewers' Choice Awards have begun! This year, all you need to support your favorite videos of 2018 is a google account  (Youtube, Gmail or Google Drive will do). Voting ends on April 8th 11:59pm EDT.

Watch the videos


Results of Soul's Team Iron Chef XV Friday, 29 March 2019

Best Action: Shidensen
Best Romance/Drama: 
Best Fun
Best Dance: 
Best Horror: Kalvary (Prisoners)
Best Psyche
:  flow/er

Last Man Standing 
(Top 12 category winners as ranked by judges) 

1. lokkiclu - flow(er)
2. PikaPika - Moiety
3. Elerye - Runaway
4. Luciole - Shidensen
5. Madao - Red.S
6. Cmoididi - NaNaNa
7. Zuuki - Kalvary (Prisoners)
8. Sempai3607 - Eclipse
9. JazzsVids - Spinnin' Rhythm
10. Kroner - Monogatharem
11. Eion - Cataclysm
12. MDL - Scala ad Caelum

Team ranking (ТОP-3)
1. Hearthless (MDL, Zuuki, Luciole)
2. UnfinishedBusiness (AMVLuna, JazzsVids, Lokkiclu)
3. Homeless (Madao, Sempai3607, Neon)

Full team ranking
Full category ranking


Japan Expo 2018 AMV contest Sunday, 24 March 2019


AMV France and Japan Expo invite you to take part in annual AMV contest Japan Expo 2019. The contest is open for everyone, one AMV per participant. Remember, that only exclusive videos are good for Japan Expo! Submission deadline in June 2nd, 2019, you can fill in the form first and upload your video later. Results will be announced at Japan Expo convent (4-7th July), and various prizes are waiting for winners.

Contest rules (English, French, Spanish)
Registration of participants 


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