


First round voting of Big Contest 2015 Friday, 12 June 2015

big contest 2015

We begin first round voting of AMVNews: Big Contest 2015. 89 videos took part in the contest. 26 contest videos rated lower than 3 points were excluded from voting. All 63 contest participants whose AMVs are eligible for the first round can take part in the voting now, as well as 29 jury members (Avient, CityBE, KG7x, MatthewRoy, redbull, TritioAFB, kyssifur, Turbo, miyase, XEnforcer, Animan9, Axiles, Alina Vega, Daru, tan_elorn, Leberate, maxximm, LIA, Lion0608, Not found, ceddic, Fox114, Uniquevil, ElpsyC, Chono, Lady_MooN, Disengager, Яise, Leegf). Voting in first round is totally voluntary.
There are 16 contest nominations to vote in. Some of those include all videos, others include only the videos which match the nomination thematically. Finalists in each nomination will be chosen during first round voting.
First round voting ends June 16th, 20-00 Moscow time (UTC+4). 
Link for voting form can be found in "Authorization" block, right upper corner of the webpage. You can fill in the form, add and change anything as much as you want till the end of voting period. Contest participants do not see their own videos in the list and can't vote for them.

If you have any questions concerning voting procedure please contact site administrator via private message


Выбираем победителей конкурса "Тексты песен" Wednesday, 03 June 2015

На нашем форуме идет голосование конкурса "Тексты песен", в котором требовалось написать текст песни и затем исполнить его для любой мелодии из заданного набора. Для более объективной оценки требуется помощь как можно большего количества музыкальных критиков с ньюса.

Перейти к голосованию

GoldAMV: an online contest from ZonaAMV studio Monday, 25 May 2015


ZonaAMV invites everyone to take part in 6th annual online contest GoldAMV. In this contest each participant takes the challenge of editing an AMV in a pre-selected genre (one single genre, different for every year). It's a good chance to try yourself in a new creative field) This year's category in Romance/Sentimental. You have quite a lot of time for editing: submission deadline is August 10th, 2015. The contest is opened for exclusive entries only!

There will be two winners (Judge's choice and Audience choice).Winners' videos will be shared in studio' social networks and published both on ZonaAMV website and in Hall of fame.

Full contest rules and submission form (English)
Contest topic at our forum


Конкурс AMV на фестивале Natsu Nami 2015 Sunday, 24 May 2015

Организаторы пятого ежегодного аниме-фестиваля Natsu Nami (г. Одесса) приглашают всех желающих принять участие в конкурсе AMV в рамках фестиваля. К участию допускаются клипы, созданные не позднее 2014 года и ранее не занимавшие призовых мест на каких-либо конкурсах. Каждый участник может представить до 3 конкурсных работ. 

Заявки на конкурс принимаются с 23 мая до 5 Июля 2015 года.

Для победителей конкурса предусмотрены призы. Главный приз - сертификат на сумму в 500 грн. на покупку аниме-фигурки в магазине Game Prize Magic.

Подробные правила конкурса на нашем форуме
Группа фестиваля Вконтакте


Winners of CreaCon 2015 Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Best video overall
1 place - Benjamin - Beyond Us (175 points)
2 place - UFец - Heisters (166 points)
3 place - Samuel - Holy War (163 points)
4 place - Leberate - COVEN (143 points)
5 place - Malya - The Lost Future (137 points)
6 place - Norlack - Falling Skies: Battle Earth (132 points)
7 place - B@rs - ДЗ-17 (99 points)
8 place - PriDock - Lost Memories (90 points)
9 place - HLEBAL0L0MATOR - Not Tomorrow (84 points)
10 place - Neogrimm - Immortal (54 points)
11 place - SandY - Games of Q-Mind (53 points)
12 place - Speedy_Gonsalez - Heavy Destroyers (52 points)
13 place - Vek - Crow's Justice (45 points)
14 place - Domius - Amazing (39 points)
15 place - Tar4s - Elysium - Orenda (34 points)
16 place - Hellsing - BAD GRANDPA (19 points)


Big Contest 2015 deadline extension Monday, 18 May 2015

Good news everyone! Big Contest 2015 deadline extended till the 2nd of June! As usual, by numerous and heart-wrenching demands to administration. )


CreaCon 2015 Finalists Saturday, 16 May 2015

Finalists of the CreaCon 2015 contest using  FMVs, GMVs and other non-anime music videos were revealed. There are 16 videos in the main category. Details under the cut.


AMV contest at Nan Desu Kan 2015 Friday, 15 May 2015

Nan Desu Kan, one of the 10 biggest anime conventions in USA is now taking submission for 2015 AMV contest. Get your videos in for a chance to win a world famous "Asuka" award

Non-exclusive videos created after September 1st, 2014 are accepted in case those didn't participate in Nan Des Kan before. To enter the contest simply fill in this form. Submission deadline is August 22nd, 2015.

Contest topic at
Full rules (in English)



All CreaCon 2015 videos Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Meanwhile at Creaspace all contest videos of CreaCon 2015 have been shown. There haven't been many participants this year, but quite a lot of strong competitive videos. Below you can find a short review of what the contest has to offer (turn annotations up to see links for contest videos). The list of finalists will be up in 4 days. 


Prize fund of Big Contest 2015 increased Thursday, 07 May 2015

Great news for all Big Contest 2015 participants. Our prize fund tripled thanks to a generous sponsor and now our winners can count on the following prizes:

1 place - 17000 roubles (~300 Euro)
place - 13000 roubles (~225 Euro)
place - 10000 roubles (~175 Euro)
place - 3000 roubles (~50 Euro)
place - 2000 roubles (~35 Euro)

Main sponsor commentary: "AMV means a lot of work, and when I see somebody doing it just for the sake of it, out of interest and to show others one's skill and emotions, I want to support this person immediately, because the future belongs to such people. Not to the audience, no. The audience must strive to become creators"




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