

Winners of CreaCon 2021

Sunday, 07 November 2021

Best video overall
1 place - VIDOK - CONTROL (47 points)
2 place - MrAuditore96 - Soul Corp (46 points)
3 place - strangemanedits - HELLBORN (44 points)
4 place - Илья Чижов - Battlefield 2011-2021 Anniversary Cut (42 points)
5 place - Kroner - Medusa (34 points)
6 place - Leberate - god of chairs (32 points)
7 place - Муняша - ПРОСНИСЬ (26 points)
8 place - Apologet - War mess (22 points)
9 place - Kenjii - Phenomenology of Spirit (21 points)
9 place - D0SKA - To hell and back (21 points)
11 place - SolvekV - D.R.D.L. (14 points)
12 place - exellic1 - Time to say goodbye (8 points)
13 place - FobosAMV - Crossroad (0 points)

Best debut
1 place - Kroner - Medusa (21 points)
2 place - FobosAMV - THE POWER OF THE DARK SIDE (17 points)
3 place - exellic1 - Time to say goodbye (10 points)
4 place - BlackDiamondTeam - Royalty (3 points)



Author: Turbo Views: 649 time
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S.A. Robert   User profile
  08.11.2021 20:52
Грацы, хорошо что запостили новость, хоть вспомнил о креаконе и пошёл посмотрел клипы.
padre   User profile  Video channel
  07.11.2021 23:21
Победителей с победами!

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