

New videos

Geppu Dasu BOMB!!! Sunday, 12 June 2016

This was a project I dropped a while ago. Then my graphic card broke up and all of a sudden I had nothing to do in my life. So I decided to pick it up again and I've finished it pretty fast. This is the result, hope you like it

Author: Yusuke
Anime: One-Punch Man
Music: Maximum the Hormone - Buiikikaesu

Geppu Dasu BOMB!!!


Home Thursday, 09 June 2016

... и я рад, что на свете есть расстояния более немыслимые, чем между тобой и мною.

Сделано по фану, в свободное время и от души. Я все это пишу потому, что ограничение в 200 символов не дает мне залить видео с просто глубокомысленной цитаткой. Всем спасибо, enjoy :)

Author: LIA
Anime: Subete ga F ni Naru: The Perfect Insider, Harmonie, Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki, Shinsekai yori, Grisaia no Kajitsu, Otona Joshi no Anime Time, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, Kyoukai no Kanata, ef - a tale of melodies, Air, Ao Haru Ride, Boku Dake ga Inain Machi, Hibike! Euphonium, Higashi no Eden, Kimi no Iru Machi
Music: Coldplay ft. Beyonce – Hymn For The Weekend



Wagnaria Memories Wednesday, 08 June 2016

Author's comment: 自制 第七回春秋合战第一日作品。感谢陪伴我们这么多年的迷糊餐厅~ yamada快跟我回家吧!公开页

Author: 小一二P
Anime: Working!!
Music: 小鳥遊宗太・佐藤潤・相馬博臣 - まつ毛にlock Tv Size (Working!!3 Ending)

Wagnaria Memories


综漫误解伪预&# Sunday, 05 June 2016

Author's comment: 重发黑历史,脑洞开太大,发现技术严重跟不上,脑补的镜头很多没有实现

Author: 3酱
Anime: Various
Music: Steins;Gate OST - SPCD02_01, The Expendables 3 OST - Lament, Ao No Exorcist OST - Exorcist, X-Ray Dog - Cosmic Radiation, X-Ray Dog - The Last Prediction



Wheapon Saturday, 04 June 2016

Author's comment: I recommend watching full-screen with your headphones turned up. :o
My good friend and roomie MonkeyKingGhost is always on everyone about making more AMVs using rap/hip hop music so I thought I'd toss one on the pile for him. It's not intended to be a deep video, I just really enjoyed syncing this slick animation to this song. I've had K on my harddrive for years waiting for a decent song/inspiration to strike and I found this song around when the new season started airing. I waited for it to finish, then cooked this up right quick to send to a few cons this spring. Enjoy!

Author: Ileia
Anime: K-Project
Music: Bastille Vs. Angel Haze Vs. F*U*G*Z Vs. Braque - Weapon
Awards: Tsukino-con 2016 Best Action, Anime Detour 2016 Best Action



Angeli Caduti Wednesday, 01 June 2016

Author's comment: "War may make us fall, but we will return to fly again."
Lately I struggled to find an idea for a video, but with no results. Then I stumbled upon this song and suddenly I found the inspiration for an AMV with Gundam. I think that the lyrics and the mood fit very well with this anime. Hope you'll enjoy it. 

Картинка Making Of (~1.56 MB)

Author: [key]Scarlet
Anime: Mobile Suit Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: A Wakening Of The Trailblazer, Mobile Suit Gundam: Movie III
Music: Black Veil Brides - Fallen Angels
Awards: Best Action at Anime CrossRoads 2016

Angeli Caduti


Very Bald Man Killing At Incredible High Speed Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Аллюзия на официальное видео.

Author: kyle_m
Anime: One Punch Man
Music: Gus Gus - Ladyshave

Very Bald Man Killing At Incredible High Speed


Onii-chan sosu ka soe wo Saturday, 28 May 2016

i made this for um soulsteam ic and they put me on 31st place. I have to upload a lot of amvs I made this year but I'm lazy andIi dont want to take print screens :'( i mean I had them but I had to reformat so I dont feel like print screening and putting them on paint but imma still do that cuz idk wtv. And i dont want to write anymore thanks. 

Author: leolide
Anime: Monogatari, Gochuumon wa usagi desuka ??
Music: Kids and explosions - Swear words

onii-chan sosu ka soe wo


Honey Time Thursday, 26 May 2016

Author's comment: 自制 【自制】我的过去作品的投稿是用这个作品最后。收藏有其他的作品。下月新作将投稿(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

Author: Maamu
Anime: Yuru Yuri
Music: Ai Kayano - Hachimitsu Doki

Honey Time


Moth Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Horror amv by Cross ~ Sora to Kasai. 7th place out of 42 (ST IC XII). Enjoy.

Author: Cross
Anime: Ranpo Kittan
Music: Long Way Down (OST Evil Within)



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