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Magical Escape Суббота, 21 Июль 2018

12 место на Japan Expo 2018

Комментарий автора: So this is my first time on Japan Expo and i like the results, 12th place - it's a lot more than I expected (i have so many mistakes here). This is my last amv cos im quit amv editing, it was really cool to make a amv with you guyzz thanks to all ppl who helped me this 3 years.
Gratz to all ppl who got in top 25 (Alon - 1st , RRKTS-14th and etc...).
Thanks a lot to ppl who helped me this 2 month - Kitchell, Abyss, ioni, Khaled, RRKTS and etc.

Автор: Shino
Аниме: Hyouka, Kimi no Na wa, Nagi no Asukara, Shelter, Sword Art Online, Uchiage Hanabi
Музыка: Capital Cities - Safe and Sound

Magical Escape


Reprieval Четверг, 19 Июль 2018

5 место на Japan Expo 2018.

Комментарий автора: I started this AMV in around 2016 and edited it on and off until early this year. As a whole, I'm proud of the video I made and making some of the compositions within this AMV was a ton of fun (except 02:58 which was by far the hardest). Take a look at the making of below to see some of the changes I made throughout this AMV. Thanks for watching!

Making-of (~15 Mb)

Автор: Ryuu-Dono
Аниме: Mushishi, Akatsuki no Yona
Музыка: Neurotech - The Act Of Forgiveness



Are you ready Среда, 18 Июль 2018

Новый клип Chiikaboom. На боянистый исходник. Но всё равно приятно, что автор всё ещё что-то делает.

Комментарий автора: Insert surprise bitch meme here.

Автор: Chiikaboom
Аниме: Boku no hero academia
Музыка: Summer Kennedy - Oh my my

Are you ready


Criminal Вторник, 17 Июль 2018

4 место на Japan Expo 2018.

Комментарий автора: Voilà mon clip terminé dans le secret pour la Japan Expo. J'ai peu de choses à raconter si ce n'est que je reviens de loin avec ce clip commencé l'année dernière comme ce fut le cas de quelques autres projets depuis Skyfall que j'avaient commencés naïvement sans jamais vraiment y croire, finalement c'est celui-çi qui a fini par voir le jour. Je l'avais commencé en début d'année 2017 avec l'unique objectif de faire un clip action sans prise de tête après Skyfall (puis finalement mis de côté comme à chaque fois), j'ai ré-ouvert ce projet quasiment 1 an plus tard en janvier 2018. Concrètement ce qui m'a remis dedans c'est probablement le fait de sortir des tracks pour Sacred Burst en septembre 2017 et Hedgeless en Janvier 2018 avec la famille. Avec ce clip j'ai compris quand même que j'avais plus du tout la patience d'avant et que j'ai accumulé beaucoup de flemme quand même quand il s'agit de clipper.
Au final je suis satisfait du clip et content de pouvoir présenter quelque chose ! Merci à ceux qui m'ont déjà donné leurs retours, ça fait extrêmement plaisir et c'est très motivant !

Автор: Okill
Аниме: Baccano, Black Lagoon, Durarara, Gangsta, K-project
Музыка: X Ambassadors, Jamie N Commons - Jungle



Basique Понедельник, 16 Июль 2018

3 место и Приз зрительских симпатий на Japan Expo 2018.

Комментарий автора: Gros suceur va!
Salut la mif! J'ai sortie un clip! N'est ce pas formidable?! Franchement ça fait vraiment plaisir de resortir un solo après si longtemps. Ça fait un peu plus d'un an maintenant que je n'ai rien sortie en terme de solo. J'ai quand mm été pas mal active dans les projet de team, mais au niveau personnel c'était le néant. Plus tôt dans l'année j'ai sortie - dans le plus grand secret - un petit récapitulatif de certain projet abrogé. Ce n'est donc pas par manque d'idée que je n'ai rien sortie depuis tout ce temps, mais plus un manque d'envie de concrétiser un projet. J'avais besoin d'achevé un arc amv fun avant de pouvoir passer à autre chose. C'est donc chose faite.
См. полный комментарий автора на странице клипа / See video page for full commentary

Автор: Sephi
Аниме: Mob Psycho 100, One Punch Man, Boku No Hero Academia, Soul Eater & Clannad additionnel: (+ Ao no Exorcist, Charlotte, Durarara, Gatchaman Crowds, Kiznaver, Pokemon Generation, The Idolmaster, Zankyou no Terror, Deadman Wonderland, Free, Dimension W, Kproject, Air Gear, Dragon Ball Kai, Space Dandy, To Aru Majutsu no Index & Railgun, Aldnoah Zero, Shaman King, Belzebub, Hunter x Hunter, Keikai Sensen, Google image, reportage Japan Expo 2016
Музыка: Black Tiger Sex Machine - Face Down (ft Panther) (Riot Ten & Cybrpnk remix) // Hadouken! - Game Over
Награды: 3 место и Приз зрительских симпатий на Japan Expo 2018



My Last Symphony Пятница, 13 Июль 2018

Originally this video supposed to be for 1x1 AMV battle. I wanted to improve it a little bit more after deadline and here it is. It was a pleasure to practice a little bit more with cross-over and story-telling in general. Enjoy!

Автор: DamnKazu
Аниме: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, Kyoukai no Kanata, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Mahoutsukai no Yome
Музыка: I Am Waiting For You Last Summer - Event Horizon OST

My Last Symphony


3:33 Четверг, 12 Июль 2018

2 место на Japan Expo 2018. Зеркало 1 - конкурсная версия клипа (10bit).

Комментарий автора: Hello everyone! After one year and a half, I finally release a new video ! Glad it's out ! I don't have much to say, I will only say that I got inspired from paranormal myth called « 3:33 a.m », the witching hour, the hour of the devil for some people.
To talk shortly about it, this video should have never exist, it was at the beginning a little practice on Element3D.
The story? There is not actually any story, it's only an apocalyptic tale where demons go out at 3h33 and wipe out the world.
I invite you to watch the video in details, I have hidden a lot of things regarding the myth, for the curious ones enjoy !

Автор: Sagiki
Аниме: Aldnoah.Zero, Another, Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-Hen, Berserk Golden Age Arc, Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi, Charlotte, Code Geass, The Portrait of Little Cosette, Deadman Wonderland, Evangelion 3.33: You Can (Not) Redo, Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Hellsing Ultimate, Highschool of the Dead, Hunter x Hunter, Kara no Kyoukai, Karas, Kimi no na wa, Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu, Kuuchuu Buranko, Macross Zero, Madoka Magica, Mekakucity Actors, Naruto Shippuuden, Noragami, Original animation, Shigatsu wa kimi no Uso, Shiki, Soul Eater, Supernatural: the Animation, Taboo Tatoo, The Animatrix, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Tokyo Ghoul, Zankyou no Terror
Музыка: Keith Ape - Diamonds (ft. Jedi P), Danger - 1:13
Награды: 2 место на Japan Expo 2018



Remenissions Вторник, 10 Июль 2018

Победитель Japan Expo 2018

Комментарий автора: 'Remenissions' tells the story of 2 men, one is grieving about his friend that past away.
The second man wakes up in an unknown location while dealing with Amnesia.
Some words: I was aiming high when i've started this project, but i never thought that this conclusion of me having the first place would transform to reality. For me it's the solid proof that hard work and constant attempt to improve will deliver results, doesn't matter where you are from or what you try to accomplish. 2 years ago i've uploaded my first AE attempt and tried to join every studio that would take me, so i can practice my style. Today i'm standing here, thanking all of you for supporting me through this long journey, some of you actually watched my whole evolution and i really appreciate that you were here to give feedbacks and to support. I love you everyone!

Making-of (~17 Mb)

Автор: Alon
Аниме: Aoi Bungaku, Alndoah.Zero, Code Geass, Death Note, Death Parade, Fate/Zero, Hellsing Ultimate, Hunter x Hunter, Psycho-Pass, Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin, Sword of the Stranger, Trigun: Badlands Rumble, 91 Days
Музыка: Echos - Fiction
Награды: 1 место на Japan Expo 2018



Dango Dango Literature Club Понедельник, 09 Июль 2018

This year for Animecon's AMV competition I once again tried to go outside of my comfort zone by using a song which I normally would never use. I had a hard time picking my main anime & characters. After quite some time, I finally decided which character I wanted to use and where and how. Besides that I didn't wanted it to be just the anime version of the game, but also show my experience and others while playing this game. I had a lot of fun creating scenes and it took a lot of photoshopping and this project is far from perfect and I am fully aware of it, but I hope you will enjoy watching it!

Автор: MarikoAMV
Аниме: Clannad, Clannad After Story, Eromanga Sensei, Gamers!, Net-juu no Susume, Oreimo & Re:Creators
Музыка: OR3O - Doki Doki Forever (ft. rachie, Chi-chi, Kathy-chan★)
Награды: Animecon 2018 1st Place Editors Choice & Animecon 2018 3rd Place Audience Choice

Dango Dango Literature Club


Palette Суббота, 07 Июль 2018

Комментарий автора: 大家好我是轨迹。感谢拜年祭的总导演噩梦大佬给了机会可以用这个PV参加2018拜年祭。这次的PV在制作&保留手绘质感上下了很大的功夫,可以让这么多朋友看到作品真的很开心!
歌曲部分由友人mes(https://space.bilibili.com/109216)写了十分美丽的英文歌词并演唱。希望大家能喜欢> <

palette是喜欢了多年的神曲,感谢原曲作者授权可以在拜年祭作品使用><  感谢各位观看!

Автор: 軌跡_CAxis
Аниме: Original animation
Музыка: ゆよゆっぺ feat. 巡音ルカ - Palette



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