

New videos

Cinders Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Новый клип Chiikaboom, теперь - профиль Ноль Два из Darling in the FranXX. Длинный, но хороший.

Author: Chiikaboom
Anime: Darling in the FranXX
Music: Xan Griffin - Capricorn



Failure Party Monday, 13 January 2020

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2019

Всем привет! Во-первых: Кто найдёт в клипе 3 сплагиченых момента из других клипов, тот молодец! Во-вторых: наконец то я допилил этот клип. Он провёл просто ОГРОМНОЕ количество времени в пыли, которую я переодически встряхивал, но возвращал обратно ввиду нехватки свободного времени. Я стал ленивой жопой и это факт!
По поводу клипа: в целом есть какой-никакой сюжет о тягостях новоиспечённой "Провальной группы", которая сталкивалась с неудачами, и чтобы их преодолеть: пришлось погриндить, поработать над внутригрупповым пониманием, своровать не одну дюжину труселей, потренить скилл, с десяток раз получить люлей от лягух, нарубить капусты, чуть не сойти с ума, но в конечном итоге ...
P.S. Отдельное спасибо seriy за конструктивный бетатест и shel за бетатест обычный.

Author: KSANDR
Anime: Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o! 1&2
Music: Maximum the Hormone - Houchou hasami cutter knife dosu kiri ro

Failure Party


Nya! milk so good! Sunday, 12 January 2020

5 место на конкурсе Frost Moon M@D 2019

Основная ссылка - версия для плеера. Конкурсная версия на зеркале 1.

Author's comment:
calcium psi got me acting strange
uh oh
hehe he
kitty kitty kitty tsk tsk
funny hehehe
bones hoho
sorry for not uploading but i was watchin jojo
Special thnks to mr. nosec he surely is king
and rgb he sure is prince

gib moni keke now thnks

Author: leolide
Anime: Nekomonogatari, Original animation
Music: Heroless - Mad Love

Nya! milk so good!


Vanilla Friday, 10 January 2020

Официальный клип на песню Sachiko Aoyama - Vanilla. Author видео - Shiga Takumi, видеоряд выполнен в технике пиксель-арт.

Author: Shiga Takumi
Anime: Original animation
Music: Sachiko Aoyama - Vanilla



Grenadine Wednesday, 08 January 2020

Author's comment: This is the other video I made for this years AWA Pro, which I put together in record time when I suddenly changed course at the last minute and scrapped a different project.
Naturally, I had to make some adjustments to the contest version before releasing it here.
Okay, well now I need to go finish hammering out secret video #3 over the next couple days.

Author: Copycat_Revolver
Anime: Night Is Short, Walk On Girl
Music: I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME - Do it all the time



Shake That! Tuesday, 07 January 2020

Второе место на французском конкурсе Online contest. Главная особенность этого мероприятия - полная анонимность участников вплоть до момента объявления результатов.

Зеркало 1 - версия для плеера. Оригинал на зеркале 1.

Author's comment: awww yiis got second place at online contest 2019 ;w; me feels happi
thank you for the audience who voted ❤️i love you so much guys ❤️❤️❤️
*After uploading my work for this contest, I decided to take some time and correct a few scenes that were really bothering me xD Just a liiiiitle bit, so i highly recommend to watch this version ;w;

Author: DamnKazu
Anime: Mix
Music: Scooter - Shake That!
Awards: 2 место на Online Contest 2019


Shake That!


Colorless Emotion Monday, 06 January 2020

Основная ссылка - версия для плеера. Оригинал 10bit на зеркале 1.

Hey guys, this is my first collab, I started this video on summer, but for some reasons I have dropped it, talking to Raven, we decided to resume the project and finish it. The idea was very simple, the boy is initially tormented by his sister and is no longer able of feeling emotions, but once he knows the girl with the braids, he gradually regains the ability to feel emotions. We decided to use black and white to better point up this concept, at the beginning when he is emotionless the color is 100% b&w, while as he experiences emotions, the video takes on lighter colors, until the colorfull end.
I also want thank Raven for working with me on this project.

Картинка Making Of (~5.51 MB)

Author: Oscar, Raven-AMV-
Anime: 3-gatsu no Lion
Music: The Neighbourhood - Scary Love

Colorless Emotion


The Thread of Our Lives Saturday, 04 January 2020

I tried to make an alternate story in this project.
The main concept was the feeiling - in a way - how fragile our life is.
One decision can mean the difference between we have or lose someone we love.

Author: Milan21
Anime: Kimi no Na wa
Music: Hans Zimmer - Time (Ben Walter remix)
Awards: Mondocon 2019 Autumn 2nd place

The Thread of Our Lives


Path Of Life-Time Friday, 03 January 2020

Author's comment: И в "Белом Олеандре" (Астрид) и в Эф (Юи) главные герои - художники
Хороший фильм, хороший ост, хорошее аниме. Длинный клип об упущенных шансах.
Самой сложно сказать, о чём клип. Наверное я неоригинальна в этой идее, а родоначальником клипов о музе можно считать по праву Gaurry. Просто в этой работе муза более эфемерная, самодостаточная. Ну и менее сексуальная...

Author: Anejo
Anime: Ef-tale of memories, Ef-tale of melodies, Cossette no Shouzou, Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
Music: Thomas Newman - Oleander time (OST- White oleander)



Flesh & Cogs Thursday, 02 January 2020

Greetings AMVnews! I missed this place!
I had taken a very long break from AMVs, and this video was my attempt to get back into the game. It was made for an IC, but I tried to put my best effort in it, and while it has some silly mistakes, I was quite happy with the outcome, and I think it looks like a fun small AMV for this new anime.
I hope you enjoy!

Author: Changelling
Anime: No Guns Life
Music: Grandson - Rock Bottom

Flesh & Cogs


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