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22 место на Japan Expo 208

I share my clip for the JE2018 already am quite happy with the result my goal was clearly to finish finalist and I arrived there. Now about the clip already the story (yes there is a story) at the beginning, I did not really know what to do I wanted to do something dance but I thought why not try something quite complex and I said : why not make an amv that would put forward a serial killer and I directly thought about the character of hiro shishigami and the rest came alone. In terms of editing it became complicated because I did not know what effect (horror film) I had to use basically the hardest was to create an atmosphere that would link murders. without much success. in the end I could test a lot of stuff and I think that next edition I could do much better.
if you have reviews do not hesitate to make me by. THX
MERçI a Sephi et Hakuryuu pour les betas

Anime: (Inuyashiki, B + others)
Music: Bella Goldwin - Higher than life

[AMV] FrIcTiOn II V -{22th JE2018}

[AMV] FrIcTiOn II V -{22th JE2018}

[AMV] FrIcTiOn II V -{22th JE2018}

[AMV] FrIcTiOn II V -{22th JE2018}

[AMV] FrIcTiOn II V -{22th JE2018}

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3.12 3.12 (24 votes)
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Author: (video created: 08.07.2018)
Submitted by: 8989 13.07.2018 at 08:18
3.12 3.12 (24 votes)
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Comments (3)
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iris-am   User profile
  30.07.2018 07:22
Столько всего по намешано - вроде чувствуется, что здесь должна быть показана какая-то история, но даже после прочтения комментария автора и пересмотра клипа её очень трудно было разглядеть, возможно как раз из-за многих лишних моментов, хоть и неплохо обыгранных, но которые перегружают работу разными событиями...
Moumato Kensei   User profile
  16.07.2018 21:13
Ooooh !
dumtumdum   User profile
  13.07.2018 20:18
good work

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