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Shaft Ex Machina

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Yes! i know i spelled fight wrong and i probably did some mistake here 2! Made this for my first contest. I was sure of what i wanted to do but i didn´t have the tecnique. So, a litle cut over here and there, and some random scene and voila! The amv that won a contest! NOT REALLY SURE, what happen, but i won and that gave me a burst in my selfestime. Now i want to make better amv so i´m sure if a win some contest i can be proud of it! I want 2 know where are my biggest flaws and tips for improving!

Anime: Bakemonogatari; Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Music: Woodkid - Iron
Awards: First Place on IberAnime AMV Contest

AMV - Shaft Ex Machina

AMV - Shaft Ex Machina

AMV - Shaft Ex Machina

AMV - Shaft Ex Machina

AMV - Shaft Ex Machina

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2.48 2.48 (27 votes)
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Author: (video created: 01.04.2016)
Studio: OtakuLevelUP
Submitted by: rogyexmachina 01.06.2016 at 21:36
2.48 2.48 (27 votes)
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Comments (4)
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rogyexmachina   User profile
  02.06.2016 14:12
All the comments are right on the spot! The syncing and the idea behind the amv could all get way better. I made this with the intent of having fun participating in a contest but for future expect better work and more serious editing.
Lion0608   User profile
  02.06.2016 10:30
Вроде, интересная попытка сделать что-то оригинальное и ироничное под Вудкина. Почему-то как-то не выстрелило. Может просто зря было это заигрывание с Мадокой. Даже затрудняюсь сказать. И переходы, по-моему, местами не совсем то что нужно, отвлекали от настроения работы.
JoeBlack2027   User profile  Video channel
  02.06.2016 03:18
First up - I really liked the clip. I even watched it till the end, something I do really really rarely. Now onto the points:

1. Video quality: This is the first thin I noticed, the video quality is somewhat low, it's perfectly watchable but still not entirely on par with 720p resolution. Maybe consider using higher resolution/bitrate footage next time. Maybe not. Maybe I should go fock myself proper with all the lossless footage I've exposed myself to.

2. The sync. Now don't get me wrong, the sync is really good, it's just that sometimes syncing the entire clip to just one beat is not a perfect solution. For example: up until the 00:46 mark, the drums kinda dominate the scene, so it's a good idea to sync to that BUT after the vocals get into play, you can consider syncing to the tone of the voice instead. Like when the lyrics go: "I am" at 00:59 mark you could maybe shift the scenes with two subtle movements, one at "I" and second at "am".

3. The overall tone. Now this part I really liked, it kinda builds up to that epic part of the song and plays off cool till the end. The ending was also funny. Good job there.

Now, of course, that's just some random stranger giving you advice and who am I to tell you how to sync that shit and stuff but excuse me, that's just my shitty feedback, good luck with future projects!
MesoGear   User profile  Video channel
  02.06.2016 00:23
чета как-то совсем никак...

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