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What A Wonderful World

A dramatic AMV for the Madoka Magica series featuring the song “What A Wonderful World”. The AMV focuses on the dark and sinister world that is the setting for the series and how the characters inevitably embrace or are consumed by the darkness around them. I think the show fits absolutely perfectly with this darker take on the song.

Anime: Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Madoka Magica Rebellion
Music: Joseph William Morgan - What A Wonderful World

What A Wonderful World

What A Wonderful World

What A Wonderful World

What A Wonderful World

What A Wonderful World

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3.19 3.19 (26 votes)
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Author: (video created: 04.07.2015)
Submitted by: CJEJTHEDJ 09.07.2015 at 15:28
3.19 3.19 (26 votes)
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Comments (2)
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sxm95   User profile
  12.07.2015 15:20
Default Avatar
that looks good....... you need to do something about the flow, scene selection, coloring, lip flaps are annoying... so get rid of it
score 3-5
Mohgog   User profile
  10.07.2015 07:53
Получше чем предыдущие работы автора, но ошибки все те же, резкие движения камерой, хлопорты, кривенький монтаж. 2+

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