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Japan Expo 2015 video, started back when the anime was airing and finished recently. Didn't expect to finish it actually but here it is. Also Special Thanks to SWS, Geingel and Kuruta for betatesting the proyect

Anime: Witch Craft Works
Music: All That Remains - What if I was nothing







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Author: (video created: 04.07.2015)
Submitted by: TritioAFB 08.07.2015 at 17:20
3.65 3.65 (124 votes)
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Comments (9)
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S.A. Robert   User profile
  31.08.2015 10:47
Неплохо, но чего видеоряд такой тусклый и в блюре. Если это цк, то не слишком удачный, лучше оставить как в исходнике.
Hikado95   User profile  Video channel
  16.07.2015 07:07
Muy buena iluminación. Usaste Maya para la remastizacion de las armas y los objetos como en esta escena?

Usted es una genio en ese campo del diseño 3D.
[DisOrder]   User profile
  14.07.2015 03:53
Amazing work ^^
TritioAFB   User profile  Video channel
  13.07.2015 17:49
Leegf wrote:

1. You guys take the lyrics too seriously. Although I didnt want the clip to be 100% lyric syched
2. Dont mind about that, it's just that I love some drama in the final moments
Leegf   User profile
  13.07.2015 12:27
"I can't be sure I know just what we're fighting for."
Indeed, why the heck were they fighting? With whom? For what?

Few words about the ending.
2:50-2:53 - With a wound in his back he was lying on the ground. Considering the expression upon his face it wasn't the pleasant feeling for sure.
2:58 - He's completely alright and even capable of smiling.
The amv has a lot of such vague moments.

Well, as an action clip it's not that bad. The song is really good.
L33tamv   User profile  Video channel
  11.07.2015 21:46
there were so many better amvs in the exam section then this one that you guys didnt let though and yet this one is here its just sad :3

#no hard feelings Tritio :3
Axiles   User profile
  11.07.2015 17:05
хорошо сделано и песня понравилась - 4, молодец
KEEREN   User profile
  11.07.2015 11:03
забавно 4
Mohgog   User profile
  08.07.2015 19:55
An ok work, transitions were a bit too rough for me and didn't liked the color correction. 3.

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