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Feline Fantasy 31.08.2011

Незамысловатый юмористический профайлик, посвященный мурлыкающему животному с усами, лапами и хвостом, иначе говоря, коту. Сразу после просмотра я связался с автором, который меня заверил: во время съемок клипа кот не пострадал! Oops, шутка :) Приятного просмотра! :)

Аниме: Kimagure Orange Road (OVA), Kimagure Orange Road (TV)
Музыка: Shonen Knife - Catnip Dream

Feline Fantasy

Comments: 42 |  Rating: 3.833.83
Author: dokidoki

こーどぎあすっ 反逆のるる~しゅ 2nd 31.08.2011

Комментарий автора: This is for the AMVNews Team Battle 2011. I picked Remaster to work with. It took me a while to pick a vid, but in the end I just settled for this M@D I found years ago. I tried my best making it look the same like the original, but I couldn't find some of the scans the person had used. (Some really had bad quality to begin with) Either way, I hope you guys enjoy. :3

Since the original video got deleted, I had to look on YouTube for it: Nico Douga, Youtube
Alternative title: Kiss My Lips

Аниме: Code Geass - Lelouch Of The Rebellion
Музыка: Saori Sakura ft. ave;new - Kiss My Lips

こーどぎあすっ 反逆のるる~しゅ 2nd

Comments: 52 |  Rating: 3.123.12
Author: aoisenshi

Shikabane Distortion 29.08.2011

Комментарий автора: The idea of the video was to remake the opening of an eroge with an anime primarily know for its dark atmosphere. It was really long to choose an opening to edit because most of them have an awful music, or are just to difficult or to easy to copy. So I finally chose the opening of nekonade distortion, mainly because of the pace of the video, and secondly because of the music. (yeah outer=kotoko)
It was really difficult to edit this, shikabane hime has really a dark atmosphere, and above all has only dark pictures. So i had to use many filter and level adjustement in order to make something brighter, but in the end, i'm quite proud of the result, even if it could probably have been better. But, to me, it really looks like an different anime, and i hope you'll feel the same. I really enjoyed to make this m@d, and i hope you'll like it. =)

Аниме: Shikabane Hime aka, Shikabane Hime kuro
Музыка: Outer - Bullshit!! Hard problem!!

Shikabane Distortion

Comments: 71 |  Rating: 3.333.33
Author: Kain-x-Spirits

Gendo's Paradise 28.08.2011

Комментарий автора: Well I was kinda pushed by my friends to make this AMV, but it turned out very well I think. On the begining there was my friends crazy idea to make an AMV which will for sure win the first price on Animefest 2006 AMV contest. They wanted to use Neon Genesis Evangelion as a footage and make their own music based on Coolio's "Gangsta's paradise".
After some months of work (about 6 months I think) they made up lyrics and recorded it. I participated on that as a recordist, mixer and mastering engineer. Than (about 9 days before contest deadline) I started with editing the video. It took me whole 7 days (approx. 12 hours a day) to put it together and another two days to polish it.
And finally it really won the first price!

Because of the original lyrics, we decided to make a harcoded karaoke. So if you don't understand the lyrics, try to follow the karaoke.

Аниме: Neon Genesis Evangelion, End of Evangelion
Музыка: Original: own lyrics for Coolio's "Gangsta's Paradise", which are strongly inspired by Weird Al Yankovic's - "Amish Paradise".

Gendo's Paradise

Comments: 57 |  Rating: 3.653.65
Author: Manta

I am zombie ? 27.08.2011

Комментарий автора: Что можно сказать? В первую очередь что это довольно экспериментальная работа для меня, и что хотелось создать фан, но получаем что есть =) Кстати на ютубе немного другая версия. И конечно, приятного просмотра =)

Аниме: Kore wa Zombie Desuka
Музыка: Electric Light Orchestra - Roll Over Beethoven (Single Version)
Награды: Выбор Animau на Animau 2011

I am zombie ?

Comments: 74 |  Rating: 3.553.55
Author: Buffoon

I Think I'm A Clone Now (Kaysow Extended Remake) 24.08.2011

Комментарий автора: After finishing up Engel, there's been demand for a better encoded one, in corrected aspect ratio. While tinkering about with that, I got a request from Sand Camel Productions to go at it with Studio Service's classic "I Think I'm A Clone Now", and eagerly accepted. It's a nice little video, not grand or anything, but neat nonetheless.
And a good excuse to get away from Engel for a while, trying to figure this 4:3 bullshit out.

For this; thank Sand Camel for getting it done, James Kao and Gregory Marques for the original edit, and Kionon for the awe-inspiring aspect ratio. Oh and me too, don't forget me.

There was this little clip in it with a chibi animation of Rei, which I couldn't tell for the life of me where it came from, so I redid that in flash. That's the "original animation" =)

This is the final, extended version. I really liked the song, and thought it a shame it ended so fast, so now it's about 30 seconds longer than the original video. It came out quite nicely, I'd say.

Аниме: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Музыка: Weird Al Yankovic - I Think I'm A Clone Now

I Think I'm A Clone Now (Kaysow Extended Remake)

Comments: 55 |  Rating: 3.523.52
Author: Kaysow

Anime Kiss 17.08.2011

Комментарий автора: This AMV was made for those who love and know how good it is to stand by who you really like. I will not spend much time talking about the video, watch and comment. And much luck in love for you all.

Аниме: B Gata H Kei (TV), Bokura ga Ita (TV), Ef - a tale of memories (TV), Inu Yasha (TV), Kissxsis (TV), Rosario + Vampire (TV), Rosario + Vampire Capu2 (TV), Yu Yu Hakusho
Музыка: 3OH!3 - My First Kiss

Anime Kiss

Comments: 118 |  Rating: 4.384.38
Author: Sniper

SWEET & PUNK 09.08.2011

Комментарий авторов: Очередной MEP в стиле кип аут, только уже абсолютно другим составом. Что же можно сказать о процессе создания этого "чуда"? начальный план состоял в овер 20 участниках и какой-то трешовой музыке (как всегда получаем фан от общения), но результат - 10 человек, 2 замены в составе, абсолютная бессвязность происходящего на экране (все как всегда). В целом, если бы можно было все описать словами. Весь этот ужас, который пережили участники при проживание вместе в одном уютном чатике, то ... кхм кхм ... в общем приятного просмотра!

Аниме: Detroit Metal City, MM!, Maria Holic, Panty & Stocking, Gurren Lagann Parallel Works 2, Koreha Zombie Desuka ?, A Channel, Sora no Otoshimono, Deadman Wonderland
Музыка: Reel Big Fish - Take on Me
Награды: 1 место на Азия Бриз 2011


Comments: 120 |  Rating: 3.963.96
Author: ManoD

Call of Bunny 26.07.2011

Ещё один представитель клипов на игровую тематику. В этот раз игра в исполнении кроликов и в основном с плачевным для кроликов финалом. Как видно из названия, клип пародирует известный шутер Call of Duty.

Аниме: Cat Shit One (ONA)
Музыка: Daft Punk - Aerodynamic, Daft Punk - Aerodynamic (outro)
Награды: 3 место по версии зрителей на Japan Expo 2011

Call of Bunny

Comments: 42 |  Rating: 3.623.62
Author: Aya

The Shrink! Colorful Therapy 09.07.2011

Комментарий автора: My entry for Japan Expo ! 2nd place =D A crossover between two weird animes, the story of a mad man who needs a shrink madder than him.
Special thanks to Angelface (for the outro and the great moral support XD) & Dn@ (technical support and awesome beta testing =D) ! Hope ya like it !

Аниме: Tatami Galaxy, Trapeze
Музыка: Rinocerose - Cubicle
Награды: Второе место на Japan Expo 2011

The Shrink ! Colorful Therapy

Comments: 77 |  Rating: 4.244.24
Author: Creed

FLASH! 26.06.2011

Комментарий автора: This was as very fun video to work on. Not only do I love the song, but I've always loved the long time hero Flash Gordon.

The video parodies Flash Gordon in several ways. Firstly the video itself is a parody of both the Trailer and story from the 1989s Movie "Flash Gordon". The movie itself was very cheesy but managed to gain a huge cult following. I wanted to reflect that in the video itself as much as possible. The trailer features the song with snips of dialogue and I wanted to preserve that feel with my own selections of dialogue from the movie.

The music used is from Queen who did the sound track for the movie. The soundtrack itself become much more known then the actual movie and the song Flash remains one of Queens greatest songs! And YES, the opening dialogue is actually part of the song itself on the soundtrack. I just shortened it a bit to get rid of some parts that I felt would make it too long

Secondly, I also wanted to parody the character of Flash. Surprisingly, Kamina from Gurren Lagann shares a LOT of characteristics of Flash Gordon and so I centered the video around his character. Turns out the match was more then perfect and enabled mt to have fun with both the character and story.

I only did the timing of the video in Premiere and all the rest was don in After Effects with the help of Photoshop. The video used a lot of lip sync and several areas of rotoscoping.

From the response this video has gotten, I thing people have found it to be a lot of fun and I’m happy about that!


Аниме: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
Музыка: Queen - Flash Gordon Theme
Награды: Sakura-Con 2011 - Technical Award; Kawaii Kon 2011 - Best Video in Showcase; Animefest 2011 - Jury Prize (Judges' Award); Anime Central 2011 - Best Upbeat/Dance; Anime North 2011 - Northern Lights – Best in Show Award


Comments: 84 |  Rating: 3.753.75
Author: Vlad G Pohnert

Disney's Evangelion 13.06.2011

Порой при совмещении совсем несовместимых вещей получаются довольно странные и оригинальные клипы, поэтому представляю к вашему вниманию одного из немногих представителей подобного жанра.

Комментарий автора: I had the idea for this video over 2 years ago, but never got motivated to actually make it. It's a look at what Evangelion would be like if Disney had brought it over to the states.  It's by far the most disturbing AMV I've made.

Аниме: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Музыка: Disney's Pete's Dragon - Boo Bop Bopbop Bop (I Love You, Too)
Награды: Won the "That's Just Wrong" Award at Metrocon 2005

Disney's Evangelion

Comments: 90 |  Rating: 4.004.00
Author: ZennMora

Addiction 05.06.2011

Комментарий автора: So here's my first time trying to make an AMV with a theme / storyline. The editing is definitely not my usual style. Mainly there were plenty of still masks and camera movements to help keep the flow going and make the text interesting.

Anyway, hope you enjoy. Yes those statistics are real so be careful. :P

Аниме: Welcome to the NHK
Музыка: The Cataracs - Top of the World ft. DEV


Comments: 85 |  Rating: 4.354.35
Author: -Corsair-

Smooth Criminal 31.05.2011

Комментарий автора (перевод): Я сделал это видео специально для TommyRude's 80's AMV contest. Он попросил чтобы это было чем то ярким, эффектным. Поэтому я постарался сделать самое яркое и эффектное видео, которое мог! Но судить вам. В клипе очень много отсылок на клипы Michael Jackson. Прошу учесть что изначально клип и не планировался быть идеальным, в первую очередь он должен вызывать ностальгию :)

Аниме: Lupin III (TV), Lupin III:Castle of Cagliostro, Lupin III: Dragon of Doom, Lupin III: The Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure, Lupin III: The Return of Pycal
Музыка: Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal
Награды: Anime Weekend Atlanta 9 Expo (2003) - Best Tribute

Smooth Criminal

Comments: 54 |  Rating: 3.923.92
Author: Zarxrax

Ромео и Джульетта 29.05.2011

Дабы немного разнообразить содержимое ресурса и побаловать девушек малость пикантными работами, решил добавить этот укуренный стеб на слегка яойную тему. В клипе так сказать поднимается проблема давней трагедии о "несчастной любви".

Аниме: Princess Tutu
Музыка: Красная Плесень - Я Сошёл С Ума

Ромео и Джульетта

Comments: 85 |  Rating: 3.923.92

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