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Alice 08.06.2012

Комментарий автора: I'm back, folks! Like really. I'll add a thorough video description later so let's just say now it's exactly what one could expect from me: a dark storyline, obsessive sync and a whole bunch of outdated effects. Enjoy it, please.

Аниме: Vampire Knight Guilty, Vampire Knight
Музыка: ayria - Blue Alice


Comments: 42 |  Rating: 3.733.73
Author: Emong

Precision 07.06.2012

Комментарий автора: Also, in the beginning, I don't like the masking on the fourth beat, because in the 3 beats before that, it was focused on Canaan (white haired) and on the fourth beat it was focused on Alphard (blue haired), it seems a bit strange to me, but I ran out of clips for that fourth beat, and it was the 1 day before the deadline, so I had to put something in there xD. When the AMV was done (1 day before the deadline) I was so relieved. I'm satisfied with what I made, because I think that I learned.

Аниме: Canaan
Музыка: B-Complex - Beautiful Lies


Comments: 15 |  Rating: 3.143.14
Author: FadingSundown

I'm becomming this 06.06.2012

Hi ! Since I saw my firsts AMV in 2005 few months after youtube came I always imagined me making an amv about gundam seed with this song. I know.. it's Linking Park blablablabla I like it too =p

So for this amv Kira is the main character but it's also a tribute for all the Mobile Suit's Pilots. I really wanted to show what is to be a Pilot.

Try to enjoy it ;)

Аниме: Gundam Seed, Gundam Seed (Special Edition)
Музыка: Linking Park - Numb

I'm becomming this

Comments: 13 |  Rating: 3.073.07
Author: Yoken

Falling Down 05.06.2012

Комментарий автора: women make you mourn

Dedicated To: VJAndromeda, xDieguitoAMV, Maniataki [I dont remember his full nick but is my psychedelic beta tester].

Аниме: Le Portrait de Petit Cossette
Музыка: Sigur Ros - Hun Jord

Falling Down

Comments: 12 |  Rating: 2.932.93
Author: Bloodplus93

Timeless Today? 04.06.2012

Когда один день похож на другой, они летят так быстро, что кажется — последний из них уже совсем недалеко. И тревожит смутное чувство, что ты не сделал что-то действительно важное... Думаешь — ничего, начну завтра. А завтра не наступает, всегда только одно бесконечное сегодня...

Аниме: Nisemonogatari
Музыка: Дельфин – Кран, Spinefish – Eyes of grief

Timeless Today?

Comments: 12 |  Rating: 3.323.32
Author: Not found

A breathing shift 03.06.2012

Первый раз пробуюсь в horor(е), ко всему сильно сказался недостаток свободного времени... В общем, решил остановится на страшилке, вышедшей относительно не давно, так и с поиски трека завершились в тот-же день... Спешка стала постоянным явлением... Пришлось долго выбирать между техникой и сюжетом, который был дважды переписан с нуля...

Аниме: Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Музыка: Audiomachine - Waiting At Dusk

a breathing shift

Comments: 16 |  Rating: 2.582.58
Author: alex cmak

D.THE SEQUEL 02.06.2012

Комментарий автора: Mugiwara's on top !

Intro/Outro = Koys
Track 1 (09 à 39 sec) = Koys
Track 2 (39 à 1.26 mn) = Vann
Track 3 (1.26 à 2.19 mn) = Creed
Track 4 (2.19 à 2.42 mn) = Koys
Track 5 (2.42 à 3.52 mn) = Dn@

1st place @ Pile ou face Iron contest :)

Аниме: One Piece
Музыка: Egypt Central - Over and under, The Birthday Massacre - Broken, The Birthday Massacre - Promise me


Comments: 24 |  Rating: 3.283.28
Author: Soul's Team

History of a fighter 01.06.2012

Моя первая работа на Жду хорошей, адекватной критики, хочу сказать большое спасибо Kylso за помощь :3

Приятного просмотра.

Аниме: The Sky Crawlers
Музыка: Kelly Clarkson – Because Of You, Kashiwa Daisuke – Coto

History of a fighter

Comments: 17 |  Rating: 3.663.66
Author: Discaple

Ikarus Лететь выше 01.06.2012

Клип про падшую с небес ангелоида прихоти, свалившуюся как снег на голову японскому школьнику. Исполняя желания своего нового хозяина, Икарос не заметила как влюбилась в него. Теперь она мечтает быть вместе с хозяином, окрылиться и взлететь выше...

Аниме: Sora no Otoshimono
Музыка: Нюша - Выше

Ikarus Лететь выше

Comments: 28 |  Rating: 2.572.57
Author: EL_Renegade

Battle of Marineford 31.05.2012

Битва при Маринфорде - грандиознейшее сражение Великой Эры Пиратов, в которой в борьбе за господство над морями сошлись легионы Морского Дозора и сильнейшие пиратские дивизионы под предводительством "Белоуса" Эдварда Ньюгейта. Она коренным образом изменила расклад сил в океанах и навсегда оставила свой след в истории.

Аниме: One Piece
Музыка: Jack Wall - Shadow Broker

Battle of Marineford

Comments: 22 |  Rating: 3.623.62
Author: Nihai

Extacy2 30.05.2012

Hello there... this is a video that i made in a week aprox because i wanted to edit something and also the song got stuck in my head.
Special thanks to: [madaraxD] , Daaf, Gabber1991md, SunnyAMV and SiK.
Please enjoy.

Аниме: Freezing, ikkitousen, Kampfer, To aru majutsu no index, HOTD, Rosario+vampire, Macross frontier, Sora no otoshimon, Hidan no aria
Музыка: Fire Hive (Krewella fuck on me remix)


Comments: 18 |  Rating: 3.333.33
Author: xDieguitoAMV

Last Order Code: Eureka 7 28.05.2012

I am glad to finish the clip started long long ago. It is modified and a bit different from the original one. I am trying to make it look like a story but hope not to bound your idears by describing the plot here. At last, any suggestion is appreciated.

There are simple translations of lines:
- This is what becomes of the former ace pilot of SOF First Mobile Squadron...
- Just like Hap said, what the hell am I doing?
- I really am pathetic...

- This is the Nirvash. We are currently flying the skies over Gremikowa.
- Any signs of life? Do you see anything moving?
- I see nothing. It's nothing but ruins.
- I see.Understood. Return to ship.
- Roger.

- You worthless soldier!

- Don't beg, earn it. Then it will be granted to you. What in the world are we all seeking, Adroc?

- What is it that you really believe in? What did you believe in when you were inside the Nirvash?

- I don't know. But there is one word that I know.
- What is it?
- Future.That is what lies beyond the Great Wall. Adroc said so.

Аниме: Eureka Seven, Eureka Seven: Pocketful Of Rainbows, Eureka Seven AO: Astral Ocean
Музыка: Harry Gregson Williams - Metal Gear Saga

Last Order Code: Eureka 7

Comments: 9 |  Rating: 2.672.67
Author: DK

Appetite For Dynamite 28.05.2012

Комментарий автора: This is my sixth video to date. I made this in exactly one week, and enjoyed every minute of it ^_^

I had originality been weary to make a Bebop vid until now, do to my love for the series and my doubts on being able to do it justice. Once I heard Appetite for Dynamite though, that all changed. The song is an absolutely PERFECT match for the characters Spike and Fay. The song is about Darin and Avril (at least I think that's her name, couldn't find a lyric sheet anywhere ^_^ ) and their somewhat self destructive lifestyles. Both parts of the song (one for Darin and one for Avril) parallel Spike and Fay accordingly to a tee, making this vid nothing but fun to edit.

I took a slightly different approach to editing this, but I hope you all enjoy it just the same.

Участие в конкурсах: CSUN Anime Club Anime Music Video Coontest (2002-11-09), Anime Weekend Atlanta 9 (Expo) (2003-09-26)

Аниме: Cowboy Bebop
Музыка: Citizen Cope - Appetite (For Lightin' Dynamite)
Награды: Anime Weekend Atlanta 2003 - Judge's Special Award "Democracy Sucks" (Award given by Matt Wagner)

Appetite For Dynamite

Comments: 8 |  Rating: 3.433.43
Author: wonka

Get Off 26.05.2012

Too bad that due to the lack of space I had to get rid of some of my old footage including my Evangelion material. So I made this little IC just to remember all the awesomeness of Evangelion. Originally planned to be a tribute to all the serie, but then I liked the way the song was matching with Asuka, so I ended making this little IC based on Asuka.

I don't tend to upload ICs but I was asked to do it, so here it is :)

Аниме: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Музыка: Halestorm - I get off
Награды: Winner of Best Action at Tora-Con 2012, Winner of Best Editing at Tora-Con 2012, Winner of Managua Iron Chef 2012

Get Off

Comments: 14 |  Rating: 3.783.78
Author: TritioAFB

[Imaginary] 25.05.2012

Ей снятся сны. Сначала снится небо, сны уносят ее в прошлое,но они же и убивают. Ее одолевают ужасные,но несуществующие боли. Вскоре она всех забудет, даже тех,кто был ей по-настоящему дорог. Когда ей приснится последний сон она умрет. Она всегда была одинока... Чем ближе мы были,тем хуже нам становилось. Мы обе могли умереть,поэтому она попросила меня уйти. Она была сильной и доброй... Поэтому со мной ничего не случилось, а она умерла. Эта крылатая дева в вышине - вечно одинокая и вечно юная, продолжает видеть грустные сны. ©

Аниме: AIR
Музыка: Evanescence - Imaginary


Comments: 26 |  Rating: 3.533.53
Author: Bunny

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