
Last comments xVen

Количество комментариев за все время: 2, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 3 (42.86%)
Отрицательные оценки 4 (57.14%)
Количество положительных комментов 1 (50%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 1 (50%)
1) I need a friend xVen | (2 | 0) | 29.05.2015 14:36
Leegf wrote:
Ok, I'll keep my opinion to myself.
I just advice you to rethink your attitude. You won't succeed with it.

I know, I was too harsh and rude. I felt offended when I read all the negative comments and wanted to let off some steam.

I want to apologise to everyone!

farba wrote:
Good, but, as you know there's an anime for this manga and
comparing with an episode(any) this amv is not that interesting
sorry for your hard work

I really like the anime, too, but the moments/pages/stories I used in my MMV aren't and won't be put in the anime this season. Except that, the manga then was really interesting and I wanted to use it.

Lirinis wrote:
You could say you had a style if your works were distinguishable from myriads of others that try to follow the same cliche.

Um... I don't think you can find the same things that I've made but okay, this is your opinion and in my opinon the things I make aren't cliches.

Lirinis wrote:
Not every opinion has to be pleasing and motivating. Deal with it.

I don't want it to pleasing, I just want it not to be rude/demotivationg: you can say if you like it or not/ what you liked or didn't like/ give an advide how to make it better next time.

Lirinis wrote:
I've heard this soooo many times and it was never true. Don't lie to yourself. Everybody wants others to appreciate his work.

Well, I was planning this project a lot before the contest and I'm glad it was this contest which gave me some of the motivation I needed to finish it.

Lirinis wrote:
Guess what? Friends never give honest opinions.

Look at the video on youtube: all of the comments (except 3-4) are from people I've never talked with. That means that not only my friends like it but also people I don't know.

Lirinis wrote:
This is a contest. You put up your work – you ask for evaluation.

Well, to be honest you're right here. I just didn't expect such rudeness and as I said, I wanted to let off some steam.

I hope I answered everything I needed to and I tried not to be rude/offensive. I'm sorry again for the bad things I said before (though some of them are true) and please don't be rude when commenting. :)

2) I need a friend xVen | (1 | 4) | 26.05.2015 13:57
I just want to say to all of you, who commented, that I am an youtube editor and this is the kind of videos I do and I enjoy. This is my style: don't like it - don't watch it! It's easy... you could've shut your mouth and keep your demotivationg opinions. I didn't make this video for you to like it, I made it for myself and my friends and guess what: I love the way it turned out and you are no one to tell me if the music/manga/fonts/whatever in the video is bad cause you will never be able to do things like this. I think you all have said that cause you're jelous or just bad people but my friends like it and that's all that matters to me.
P.S. If you're gonna write bad comments, just don't - keep your opinion for yourself...

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