
Last comments nezumichan

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Количество положительных комментов 5 (38.46%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 1 (7.69%)
1) Despair and hope nezumichan | (2 | 1) | 21.04.2015 14:13
There is so much growth between what you did for Level Up and this. I'm in love with this, it's marvelous on so many levels. The poster is gorgeous as well. You're an inspiration to me. Well done! ^_^

2) Yume nezumichan | (0 | 0) | 27.03.2015 03:07
Incredibly beautiful visuals, I keep rewatching because I can't get enough of them. Also, nice song choice. But the story is a bit hard to understand, I don't quite catch what the problem in their relationship is. And 2 minutes is too short in my book :( Nevertheless, lovely video :3

3) Ruthless Devotion nezumichan | (3 | 1) | 26.03.2015 16:33
I want to like this because I can see that you put a lot of effort and thought into it. And you have all my respect for starting things so far in advance of the contest, I don't have that kind of discipline.

However, there are too many things that don't work for me. The numerous fades to black in the first part of the video interrupt the flow and, at some point, begin to make my eyes hurt, along with those white gradients in the top left corner (would have preferred them to be dimmer) that you used on too many scenes.

At first I thought the video would be about the female figures in Kiritsugu's life and that felt like an awesome idea. Then I saw all those Servants fighting and I didn't understand why they were present at all. I can see why Saber's there (being Kiritsugu's Servant) and if she's fighting Lancer, ok, that's fine. But Archer and Berserker don't fit at all, in my oppinion. I would have liked to see Irisviel (and Illyasviel, as well, for that matter) a bit more before he strangles her, there was no connection created between them before it got to that point (like you did with Shirley).

The song has such a beautiful structure and, although I kind of understand why you'd want to cut it here and there (shortage of scenes, I presume), the cut you made at around 2:58 is too much for me, it hits me like a hammer in the head. Two other things I want to mention are the sync that is rarely on point and the rain added to a star-filled, completely clear night sky.

By now you probably hate me, but don't get me wrong. There are many moments filled with emotion and good atmosphere, I can see that. There are also parts where you did a great job with the scene selection. It's just that the things I mentioned before hinder my overall enjoyment of the video and I can't be as hyped as everybody here, although I tried my hardest and rewatched it like 10 times just for this purpose.

Nevertheless, I encourage you to keep working hard and become better and better with each project you do. I never give this kind of feedback because I know it's not my place to do it, but I felt a strong connection to this video (because I love Kiritsugu so much) and really wanted to speak my mind about it.

4) Forlorn nezumichan | (0 | 0) | 24.03.2015 13:23
Really good atmosphere and emotion. The song fits Homura's feelings towards Madoka perfectly. This is a story very precious to me and you captured its essence well. Although one could argue that the video is fairly simple, I think it's just enough for what the song needed. I like the bits of images that you added here and there (as fragments of memories, I guess), I can see that a lot of thought was put into them. There are moments where I think the sync is a tad bit off, but I don't want to nitpick. All in all, good effort. Keep going! ^_^

5) Symphonia Cantabile nezumichan | (0 | 1) | 23.03.2015 15:07
There are moments where the sync is a bit off, but, all in all, I enjoyed watching it. I like how you created a parallel between their struggles and the fact that you are a violinist makes this even more interesting. You kind of abused that font in the credits, though. I think a combo of two fonts, a fancy and a simple one (using the fancy one sparingly to accentuate some things), would have been better. Anyway, I like it, keep going! ^_^

6) Lenore nezumichan | (2 | 2) | 23.03.2015 14:46
Very interesting concept and great execution. The atmosphere is on point, some moments even gave me goose bumps. I agree that the beginning is a bit hard to understand, but it gets clarified in the later part. Although I'm sure I missed a lot of the meaning because I don't speak the language of the song, this was an entertaining and thought-provoking watch. Good luck in the competition!

7) Trial of Sisyphus nezumichan | (1 | 0) | 22.03.2015 16:29
I'm not that knowledgeable about MMVs, but I liked this. The added motion to the eyes, hands, feathers and other details like these contributed nicely to the atmosphere and emotion. But you ended things exactly on the climax of the song :( As an editor, I can understand the reasons that led to that decision, but as a viewer, I would have wanted it to go on and allow the music to unravel towards a point that would be more satisfying as an ending.

8) America nezumichan | (0 | 0) | 22.03.2015 16:18
Amazing and well-executed concept. I love it. I have a feeling you're going to fare very well in this competition ;) One thing, though: try to strike a better balance between form and function with the text. If it's something that people should be able to read, then lean more towards legibility, rather than effects. For example, the text at the very beginning is extremely hard to read. Other than that, good job!

9) Beat Alive nezumichan | (0 | 0) | 22.03.2015 16:09
I'm usually very critical towards AMVs made entirely out of openings and/or endings, because those are very easy to work with in general, rather than searching through whole series for scenes that fit your ideas. Yours isn't entirely like that, as I've caught glimpses of scenes that I know for sure aren't from openings or endings, but I can see the amount of work you put in it and that makes me appreciate it more. There are places with good sync and places where the sync is slightly off. There are strong beats on which little happens and not-so-strong ones on which a lot happens. For future projects, I'd say try to understand the song more. Other than that, it flows rather ok, but other people have commented on that in detail, so it makes no sense to repeat.

Overall, it's a very good effort. It must have been an extremely ambitious project for someone who started editing so recently. I'm impressed :) Keep working hard, you'll overcome all these small issues with practice, I'm sure of it.

10) Bright game nezumichan | (0 | 0) | 22.03.2015 15:51
The more I watch it, the more I realize the amount of thought that was put into it and, even though it's a bit short for my tastes, I enjoyed it. The emotion and atmosphere are definitely the strong points here :)

11) Verity nezumichan | (1 | 0) | 22.03.2015 15:46
Beautiful poster and credits! ^_^ I like the AMV a lot, the only thing that I don't fancy much is how you switched from one scene to another between 2:00 - 2:20. I think this interrupted the flow, especially since most of those scenes would have made perfect sense one after the other without those transitions. But, overall, it's a good video. Well done!

12) Convey nezumichan | (0 | 0) | 22.03.2015 15:37
This is one of my favourite videos in the competition thus far. I keep coming back here to rewatch it. It takes me to this special, emotion-filled place. I think the song fits perfectly with their story and you did a very good job with the sync ;)

13) Here for a Reason nezumichan | (2 | 0) | 17.03.2015 20:18
This is so sweet, you definitely touched me and made me want to watch the anime :D The editing is simple, I think it should have had more sync, but I felt the message and I enjoyed it. Skills come with practice, so keep working hard! ;)

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