
Последние комментарии mistlovers

Количество комментариев за все время: 13, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 7 (100%)
Отрицательные оценки 0 (0%)
Количество положительных комментов 5 (38.46%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 0 (0%)
1) Scarlet Eyes Revenge mistlovers | (0 | 0) | 30.08.2012 14:10
Bjakua написал(а):
Истории, как я понял, как таковой нет, просто приключения героя... ну ок.
Динамика не вытянута в динамичных моментах трека, но в целом атмофера есть, для оценочной хорошо. Сорц заинтересовал.

Definitely watch this anime but 1999 not remake ^^

2) Scarlet Eyes Revenge mistlovers | (0 | 0) | 29.08.2012 16:07
FreY написал(а):
Да уж... Я совсем не представляю возможным донести до тебя хоть часть своей мысли по поводу работы.

Maybe because your opinion worthless to me, you're just saying abstract things which already was obvious. If you can, so criticize in normal way, dont just say that its not Tin video. Peace :)

3) Scarlet Eyes Revenge mistlovers | (0 | 0) | 29.08.2012 13:15
FreY написал(а):
mistlovers, I'm not comparing the clips, I compare their performance under this track

As I said those two videos too different to compare. And I didnt use so much of effects like in Tin. I'm trying to master simple editing. So in conclusion this video isnt like Tin in any aspect, because it has completely different atmosphere which you cant value of lack of the objective opinion.

Lawelas написал(а):
Первые 40 секунд - слишком большие куски нарезки, они просто огромны.
40-50 - синхра растворилась.
50 1.5 опять статика, гигантские куски.
1.5 - песня класная надо дослушать доконца.
вконце вроде даже заинтриговало=)

Nuuu I was trying to feel the song and show it with scenes, that's why some of them are so long. It's not like I'm used to create amv, most of the time I'm trying not to leave such long scenes. But as I said in this one I've tried to feel the song as much as I could ^^

4) Scarlet Eyes Revenge mistlovers | (1 | 0) | 28.08.2012 19:49
OxyGen1 написал(а):
Спойлеров много? А то ремейк смотрю, а тут такие скрины, что смотреть страшно, ибо вдруг дикие спойлеры...

heh then dont watch, kinda huge spoilers for those who's watching anime :D

5) Scarlet Eyes Revenge mistlovers | (0 | 0) | 28.08.2012 18:42
FreY написал(а):
Этот трек я ни с чем кроме TIN:) не могу ассоциировать. У этой работы нет и 1\10 того что было у fallout в клипе.

Well then you surely cant rate this video. Of course here isnt anything like in Tin, completely two different videos with only same song. I dont understand how you came with the idea to compare them, that just so silly :D

-Kib- написал(а):

+, подсел на него после амвешек от Чии, шикарное аниме. Клип тоже неплох, на 4, насчёт ассоциаций, у меня же Lost со спейса всплывал.

I started to watch anime after Chii Desu amv, so... ^^

6) The SwordSpears mistlovers | (0 | 0) | 17.05.2012 13:34
Thank you everyone for the comments! I really appreciate them!

I think now i know for real whats so not-to-like about this AMV, and obviously, will try not to do the same mistakes in the future. Actually, i even 100% agree on most of the criticizm points, because i was worried about the lenght, ocasional sync problems, the song and not-so-finished montage before even uploading to BIG con.
Still, i know it has that little "something" in it, so for few of those who find it, it will be, at the very least, enjoyable to watch and re-watch.

Again, thanks for the comments, especially for the longer ones. You're great.

7) Neverland mistlovers | (3 | 0) | 13.05.2012 17:57
Awww thanks to everyone for such good comments. I didn't want to upload to amvnews for overused anime source, already akross con suffered from that.
P.S. Yep there isnt much of idea just video for fun :)

8) PRIMARY mistlovers | (0 | 0) | 06.10.2011 11:09
Argh ppl stop using eve-online music, its not working :F

9) Less than 25: Angel Sanctuary mistlovers | (1 | 0) | 12.07.2011 13:15
Hey guys, thanks for comments. Some of them i really enjoyed to read, because some of you understood that this is not an Happy-Go-Lucky few minute visual feast to the eyes, but something different. So, thank you for that. I Appreciate it. (Turbo, thank you also for the support).

The other half of commenters were very mean and.. strange. I love critics, i love to hear where i was wrong, and i just love objective and in-depth criticizm. I really do. But this was just bashing all-out.

So to all those bashers:
First of all - Read the description. Under the IMPORTANTi wrote that those who don't understand english and can't concentrate on reading should not watch my work. Apparently, everyone who doesn't understand english ignored this request and watched it anyway. What's the point? To say in comment section that you don't know english? Nice work, that just proved your incompetene, not mine.

Now, about the work. Some of you said you didn't like the camera. But i don't really see what you shouldn't like/dislike about it. It just moves where the text shows, and is slowed down tremendeously from the first draft. You should be able to read the text, as many others stated that it is readable.

@MooNi - The color gama is changing, and it is very apparent; When there's a good mood moment - gamma is warm, bad moments - cold. You can even see that from the picturesi uploaded above.

Music - I couldn't drop on some coll music like Justice, PRR, Sebastian, or anything like that. Why? Well, because i had to sharpen the atmosphere with music, and not put Le'ts fucking Rock on a scene where, in instance, Katan dies. That's pretty much as simple as that.

Hopefuly you learned something and will be more mature next time commentig. In all the AMV's/MMV's, not just mine.

Thank you. ^^

10) Semper Solus mistlovers | (0 | 0) | 10.04.2011 10:41
I agree with you on that. Had thoughts on how should i make that culmination 'couse the song itself ads few emotional piano notes from the half-through, but just couldn't get out from that situation with the time-lack. So i just decided to give it a go as it is, like an atmosferic flash of events that leaves you wondering for some time to come.
Thanks all of you for the comments so far!

11) Пушистая любовь mistlovers | (1 | 0) | 20.04.2010 21:29
Just asking, the creator of the clip is a man or a woman?

12) I wish there was a Unicorn mistlovers | (0 | 0) | 16.04.2010 00:09
Calling, you obviously didn't read our commentary at the top of this page. It doesn't have to make any sense at all. You listen&watch to music acompanied by sensless, but beautiful anime video footage. You just have to watch not searching for ANY kind of meaning. If you had a great time watching it - great, you liked it. You didn't like it? I'm glad that you spent your time watching it ^^

I repeat - No.Sense. (nonsense? This.is.Unicorn!) in this AMV.

13) I wish there was a Unicorn mistlovers | (1 | 0) | 14.04.2010 11:56
Everyone, those who beat us to death and those who stroked our heads, thank you for commenting. We really appreciate all-round criticism. There's just one thing we regret now - that we didn't start to create it like month before, not deliver a week of rushed of work. Well, other time ^^ Cheers!

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