
Last comments aced

181) Madoka Magica x Steins;Gate aced | (0 | 0) | 20.07.2011 00:37
archivist wrote:
По поводу качества. В хорошем качестве скачать можно отсюда http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14586335 , правда это только для тех кто знает японский . У меня с японским не лады потому и ютуб-версия.

Well it's my youtube channel and i can tell you the streaming quality of Nico is poor, i only rip from there if i have to and every time i do i have to adjust the colors and re-encode it because Nico's visual quality always looks "washed out*, my youtube copy is defiantly better =p.

Zoome.jp is the better streaming site to rip from if you can't get hold of the original file.

182) Worldless aced | (0 | 0) | 11.05.2011 22:29
It's not too bad for a first works in 3d, however i can't get past how bad the source is. The image quality in some pictures is really bad and forcing the upscaled encode to 720p made it worse...2/3

183) 5A1C aced | (0 | 0) | 02.05.2011 15:19
I loved 5W1H and i love this one too, good job 5

184) Yesterday's Gone aced | (0 | 0) | 01.05.2011 00:18
Technically it was really good, but i found it pretty boring personally. 8-15, Nara and Hello World are all much better in my opinion, you can do better, still 4 though

185) Skirmish aced | (0 | 0) | 28.04.2011 22:07
Typical action video with the game style, but still nicely done and enjoyable to watch, 4

186) Cyanic Inscription aced | (0 | 0) | 28.04.2011 17:34
zmaster wrote:
Нужно попросить Шикари, чтобы он организовал в городе автора парад в честь x264 – может тогда автор явит миру версию клипа без факин артефактов, которые в данном случае особенно не к месту – видиоряд красивый…

edit: Парад отменяется - судя по клипам в базе, автор вооружился няшным энкодером (Что на "Cyanic Inscription" никак не отразилось ).
Кстати, дата создания клипа указывает на то, что эта работа была сделана после "Utopian Notturno" (спустя 6 дней). %) (Предположительно, в качестве даты создания здесь указана дата премьеры.)

The date is just a guess, SM@D 09 was in the autumn, so it could of released a good month earlier.

187) Freaking Out aced | (0 | 0) | 24.04.2011 18:09
Kosmit wrote:
It's not bad, but I've seen you do much better. Don't disappoint me next time ;)


188) Spätsommer Mumpitz aced | (2 | 0) | 07.04.2011 00:27

you probably ripped it from my youtube but this is the original file if you want for an external link

189) Losing You aced | (1 | 0) | 01.04.2011 21:04
Studio name: Sony Vegas , lol.

190) With Happiness aced | (0 | 0) | 26.03.2011 15:25
@S.A. Robert

This was №绯红の天空's release poster if you want it for the description


191) Hollowing aced | (0 | 0) | 23.03.2011 01:31
I demand my bandwidth back.

192) Spätsommer Mumpitz aced | (0 | 0) | 15.03.2011 17:03
o,o my youtube page, Evanlet makes loads of awesome videos....you can find all his work on zoome.jp

193) Level Up! aced | (0 | 0) | 13.02.2011 11:12
It's an improvement over all the authors other work, like a better version of Life for Fight from BC2009...just you added too much screen shaking...still good job, 4

194) Medseller aced | (0 | 0) | 30.05.2010 10:36
very good 5

195) Looking-glass aced | (0 | 0) | 02.05.2010 21:45
That was GLORIOUS. 5

Russian contests are so strong lately.

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