
Last comments aced

136) Хелсингова убитая романтика aced | (3 | 0) | 24.04.2012 21:43
Perfect-Blue wrote:
Somebody, please, give a good AMV already!

lol, all the good ones will probably be near the end ...only 300 to go

137) File 301 aced | (0 | 1) | 17.04.2012 00:44
[madaraxD] wrote:
Honestly i don't know what to say..the first 38-40 seconds were really nice, but i dont like the rest..maybe is only because i don't understand a word of it...xD

Same for me, started off good then the rest was lost in the language barrier. Considering previous works though (fu / ty logika, no action)...had very high hopes =(.

138) Адский буфбол aced | (0 | 0) | 16.04.2012 00:01
it just seems awkward, i don't know whats meant to be going on.

139) Wrong Door aced | (0 | 0) | 15.04.2012 00:41
Sеrv wrote:
Лол, только последние дегенераты считают этот недохоррор даже чутка нормальным. 2, явная оценочная.


140) Courtesy Call aced | (2 | 0) | 13.04.2012 22:25
waisehell wrote:
i expected low ratings...i didn't take my time for this; anyway, the low quality is just an effect of the film look i used, that's what a film look is in its essence;
on the other hand, i must say that i assumed that this is a contest organized by people with knowledge of English language and that the participants have the same knowledge as it is an international language; i had to use google fking translate to understand ur comments and i'm sure i haven't done so, at least not fully and i'm sure u won't understand my comment either which seems lame as the title of the competition is in English; take care!

http://i44.tinypic.com/35n0llk.png < ghosted frames
http://i41.tinypic.com/t85ili.png < macroblocking, not a "film look"
http://i40.tinypic.com/1zh1mic.png < oversharpend, line art destoryed...also haloing

Those are all heavy throughout, and as the footage is extremely low quality theres also ringing, caused probably by the fact your source footage is a very low bitrate...should not of passed checks

141) Courtesy Call aced | (0 | 0) | 13.04.2012 22:05
Am surprised this passed the tech check, theres artifacts and banding all over the place...really bad in parts infact....

142) Touchin On My aced | (0 | 0) | 09.04.2012 14:14
ugin1729 wrote:
Что-то БК в этом году ну совсем никак(надеюсь что дальше будет лучше)..куда же хорошие авторы пропали?(

List [265] > 6 released so far

Ask the same question in 2 months perhaps......

143) Senescence aced | (11 | 0) | 08.04.2012 20:25
Hikado95 wrote:
Damn... you left me with the desire to...


...to fuck your sister?

144) Pan!k aced | (4 | 0) | 08.04.2012 14:18
-5- wrote:
Классный клип! весёлая музыка! Прикольный исходник. Мне понравилось 5

Author must of payed you

145) Godspeed: War In The Making aced | (0 | 2) | 05.04.2012 21:06
What an awesome video to start with....thoroughly enjoyed

146) PRO100KBACwuHO aced | (1 | 1) | 25.03.2012 13:36
Good technically but seen at least 20 versions of this OP on nicodouga so its kind of same old same old for me

147) The shatters of reflection aced | (0 | 0) | 24.03.2012 01:28
sweet, best so far for sure

148) DESERT aced | (2 | 1) | 22.03.2012 03:27
Mazzoi wrote:
ни смысла ни содержания, больше похоже на титры в конце какова нибудь аниме.
оценка 2

Clearly its 2...clearly...

149) Love Addict aced | (8 | 1) | 12.03.2012 21:21
Needed more loli ;_;

150) Nobody here is perfectly fine aced | (1 | 0) | 11.03.2012 15:10
To many white flashes at some points, very good though...

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