
Last comments Shadox

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1) Animeverse Shadox | (0 | 0) | 08.10.2018 01:05
Kuichi wrote:
I didn't know that Strike and Pika are members of eden team..

I didn't know either

2) Mounting Dread Shadox | (0 | 1) | 02.05.2016 19:29

3) Depression Shadox | (1 | 0) | 26.09.2015 20:32
Nikola wrote:
>I know how the depression feels, i already had it 3 years ago
So that's how looks like self diagnosed depression.

Haha there is a difference between how the depression feels and what depression can make you do. So nope, i didn't had the same situation as the character did in my AMV.

4) Depression Shadox | (1 | 1) | 26.09.2015 16:05
@MatthewRoy : Thanks for your comment MatthewRoy.
Being in depression doesn't mean that someone gonna spend the day by doing nothing and crying. There is so many alternative in depression, like in my AMV with the character lost all he loves (like his family) and he is turning into the delinquancy. When you turn into schizophrenia there is positive signs like delusions and hallucinations, but he have not this on my AMV. I didn't wanted to put empathy on the character, this is a story of a man into depression. The end is maybe an unorignal cliché of the angelic girl, but if you were in depression you could understand that you need help from someone to get out of this shit. Maybe its cliché but its fucking true. After i make the AMV based on the episode 7 of Charlotte, if you want to understand the character and his depression you should watch it, maybe that's why you have this conclusion. Peace :)

5) Depression Shadox | (3 | 2) | 24.09.2015 03:26
Hum... I guess some people didn't understand what i did in my video. That's normal.

To begin, I don't want you to look at this clip as a AMV but more like if you were watching a movie and listen to his story, hence the interest of cuts/ellipse and the framing of scenes that I worked ( and I really insist on that ) and that is probably why you find that its linear (but all plans are there for the thread and you can just by looking at the plans what he is doing precisely and that's normal if its look linear, it's a STORY). It's true that it's special for me to do this, but it is mostly an artistic point of view than creative that I made this AMV.
You really need to look the AMV as a spectator, as if you were looking a silent film of 1920 (btw even film from 1920 had music...). The music and anime are not related but which is just for the ambience. For the lyrics of the music should not take it at first degrees but you should tell you that it is really what a person in depression can think and therefore the main character thinks. There is a real paradox between what he says and what he does, as if he couldn't be resonated. My AMV beyond all of this, is "weak" technically but more deep in his "artistic" side, after that depends for who it pleases or not.

6) Cyrus Shadox | (1 | 0) | 23.07.2015 17:33
Oh, I didn't thought that someone would edit this song one day
Nice job GINBR.

Btw this is : Fractures - Won't Win (Japanese Wallpaper Remix)

7) Annihilation Shadox | (1 | 3) | 09.07.2014 12:30
J'aime pas la musique, peut mieux faire.

8) All Our Love Lost Shadox | (0 | 0) | 06.04.2014 00:57
Trop d'avis constructifs dans ces commentaires.

9) Bangbangbang Shadox | (1 | 0) | 16.02.2014 16:53
Regarde cette quenouille.

10) Solex (Remastered) Shadox | (0 | 1) | 27.09.2011 23:50
DragonAsh wrote:

I hope you are joking.

Everyone has a different opinion, I resumed the criticism given to me in France.


it's a remake.

Osef. C'est pas comme si ça allez changer le monde.

11) Ombral Solar Synthesis Shadox | (0 | 0) | 27.09.2011 20:08
Good stuff Sticky

12) Solex (Remastered) Shadox | (0 | 0) | 27.09.2011 20:04
Honestly, I don't like the original. Everyone has an opinion to share my video. Ok you prefer the original, the French prefer mine, after it is purely subjective. I haven't edit Solex just for the "music" it's completely stupid, I just thought it was interesting to redo the "editing" of the AMV, which was bad. A facelift, as they say in France. I found it funny that you think the sync, the rhythm etc ... is bad... It's a remaster eh. The sync, the rhythm is the same as the original but in more dynamic. Well, thank you for your opinion interesting or unhappy.

13) Prognosis Shadox | (0 | 0) | 24.09.2011 17:54
xDreww wrote:
anybody know what music video is at 1:25?


14) Radical Sequence Shadox | (3 | 0) | 11.07.2011 07:50
It's a good AMV action. This is not an Auriga but it's nice to watch. 4

Ignores the lips and look at the characters/lips movements with the music, everything is synchronized.
Watching the scene several times a character when he speaks, you will see. He just tried another way to sync.
Nostromo is not stupid.

15) 4/4 beat Shadox | (2 | 0) | 23.03.2011 14:40
Good story, lacks a bit of sync. 4

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