
Последние комментарии MrNosec

61) Numinous MrNosec | (3 | 0) | 01.02.2017 00:13
kebenaj, Oh thank you very much for explaining, appreciate it.

I understand your point, I am aware this isn't something absolutely groundbreaking in concept, when I was conceptualizing the video I wanted to present my own interpretation of the "Evangelion" series, which revolved around the torturous fight for survival contrasting with the final release of death and relief of rebirth, although done in a peculiar way, it most likely doesn't diverge much from the actual show's premise when you think about it.

And yes I noticed I'm tied with the first place on 5 categories, even including Best Video, very cool, wasn't expecting that at all honestly. Why did I get so many votes? I'm not quite sure myself, maybe because people weren't looking for something completely new and revolutionary in concept, perhaps they simply enjoyed the experience and considered it worthy of such a high place in the contest, which of course can never be the case for every single viewer, not to mention it isn't exactly a crowd-pleaser, so thank you very much for the alternative insight on my video.

62) Numinous MrNosec | (2 | 0) | 31.01.2017 23:30
redbull написал(а):
It's just another insert anime name here with insert music genre here.

The same could be said for any video, could it not?

kebenaj, if you could roughly translate what you said to english I could try and give a proper reply, I noticed alot of questions in your comment but google translate didn't work out very well, sorry about that.

63) Numinous MrNosec | (4 | 0) | 19.01.2017 17:49
NaemnickDi написал(а):
I watch AMVs for the plot.

That's pretty much what I got from the english translation, and I'm having a hard time taking it seriously, because frankly I don't even know if I should.

You actually registered today so you could very well be a troll, or completely new to this so you have no idea what you're talking about, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
You also seem pretty inconsistent in your rating standards, just by looking at your comments you rated " Anime's Got Talent" with 5 stars, and that doesn't really have much of a narrative or subliminal meaning now does it.

Anyways, I've addressed this matter before in the comments, AMVs in no way need a narrative for people to follow, although this video has a pretty defined concept, it's still a music video, not a short film.

I respect your decision in not liking my video, by all means hate it if you will, but if your only reason to dislike my video is a lack of story or any sort of explicit narrative, then you should consider watching movies instead.

64) Clozufilu MrNosec | (10 | 4) | 15.01.2017 18:38

65) Numinous MrNosec | (4 | 0) | 04.01.2017 02:05
Vooradzi, my utmost apologies, I have never heard of that AMV, which seems to have the same song as the second part of my video, what a shocker! http://i.imgur.com/RUxEj1P.png

I couldn't understand the rest of your hopefully astute comment, appreciate the 1/5 rating though : )

66) Singularity MrNosec | (3 | 0) | 03.01.2017 18:44
buggy, ofcourse I realize that you didn't intend to copycat anyone, as I said so before when I mentioned that I didn't agree with the comparisons to lolli, and when I referred to your video as lackluster I didn't mean bad, it was a cool concept and all, I just know you can do much better.

I also find it very amusing how you don't sugarcoat what you say, when you think most of the editors on here make shit videos and you'd rather not have their opinion, you outright say it, that's honestly commendable don't change, and once again, good luck in the contest and on future works

67) Singularity MrNosec | (7 | 3) | 03.01.2017 16:25
How to give constructive criticism on AMVnews 101:

- Give no constructive feedback at all;
- If there's a hint of Twixtor, make sure to compare the video to lolligerjoj's works at least once;
- Keep your sentences short, it will make you look cool, or type an essay if you'd prefer to seem knowledgeable in the matter;

You already know my opinion from my comment on Akross, for what it's worth, so no need to repeat myself here.
Although I don't think this is comparable to lolli's vids, as this is your own idea and concept, the only similarity is the 60fps/twixtor, I find it ironic that yours is being accused of plagiarism by other members, when you yourself did to others editors first in one way or another, I guess it goes to show that being labeled as a copy is just as easy as calling other people out for the same reason.

68) Numinous MrNosec | (1 | 1) | 30.12.2016 16:17
Dairan, thanks alot!

-Kisagi-, that's perfectly understandable, specially when watching for the first time I figure, since it's something I never got the chance to do thanks!

krvc написал(а):
0 points for a selection of music.
This techno demo video for robots, not humans.

I'm pretty sure the rating system is meant to evaluate the video, not to rate how well the song selection fits your personal taste in music, but hey, suit yourself

69) Numinous MrNosec | (1 | 0) | 29.12.2016 16:23
-Chloe-, I'm flattered! Thanks alot, glad you liked it ^^

70) Numinous MrNosec | (1 | 0) | 27.12.2016 22:10
S.A. Robert, I'm not sure if google translated it correctly, but you basically said I should have continued with the same track and the rest of the video seems disjointed from the first minute, right? Sorry if I got that wrong lol.

I intended the intro to be very different from the rest of the video, both to build a sense of progression and to cause a greater impact when the transition occured, which can lead the viewer to feel alienated when watching for the first time.

I respect your decision in disliking the track shift because you feel like the atmosphere was lost, but since that's what I was going for it would be silly of me not to, and with your comment I can tell that it was, for the most part, a succesful experiment.

71) Leave it to Fate MrNosec | (8 | 1) | 28.11.2016 00:55
"I hope you all enjoy my masterpiece. XD"?

Well, it's a raw Fate/Zero action video with skillet in the background, and the sync is pretty much all jump cuts, I wonder where I've seen something like that before http://i.imgur.com/W58OwZ0.png
But I guess people are free to label their videos however they see fit, so nice going with that award.

72) Numinous MrNosec | (2 | 0) | 25.11.2016 06:39
Thank you!

damned, It's actually pretty awesome how someone can relate my video to GEHIRNSTURMEN and Moon Powder, two of my favorite AMVs, that's great to hear, thanks!

Zebiru, It's waaay too early to start guessing, 110 participants and growing with only 10 videos premiered so far, so I bet we're going to have alot more great amvs coming right up, but hey I'll take that as a huge compliment

73) Numinous MrNosec | (1 | 0) | 20.11.2016 23:56
Avient, thanks man, glad you enjoyed those 1.5 mins.


74) Numinous MrNosec | (5 | 1) | 20.11.2016 17:48
ThalesEditions, ahh yes I understand what you mean by that, the whole narrative/plot stuff, some people do find it easier to watch AMVs with them, but to me, the number one goal of an AMV should be to fit the visuals to the audio as best as possible and create a coherent audiovisual experience that represents the music visually. Sometimes this is done as a narrative, sometimes not, but I in the end it's still what's it's called, a music video.

75) Numinous MrNosec | (2 | 1) | 20.11.2016 09:47
IrenSS, Thank you, I understand what you mean by that yes, I made the intro to be quite different from the rest of the video to set a different mood from the start, and to build a sense of progression, glad you had a good time watching!

GABELEKTRO, Thanks alot ; )

DomiusVidz, +1 loled

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