
Последние комментарии MrNosec

16) Reprieval MrNosec | (2 | 1) | 19.07.2018 18:23
Most likely my fav entry from this JE

17) The Last Waltz MrNosec | (3 | 1) | 12.06.2018 06:23
Congratz on best action!

18) The Last Waltz MrNosec | (1 | 0) | 07.06.2018 21:06
I missed this video when I first browsed the contests entries, but after checking the finalists and watching it I must say it's one of my favs from this contest, very cool work, the calm parts stood out to me much more than the rest, best of luck!

19) RotoS MrNosec | (6 | 2) | 27.05.2018 20:09
"composing" is out of order this triggers me immensely pls fix

20) Limerence MrNosec | (2 | 0) | 20.05.2018 22:51
Kroner -AMV-, from movies of course

21) Limerence MrNosec | (5 | 0) | 20.05.2018 18:11
I mean the video itself isn't bad, but I can't really enjoy it due to the song constantly switching from angelic autotuned nightcore girl to an eurobeat lightshow rave you'd find in a gay bar in europe.

The tone is all over the place and it definitely doesn't match this anime or it's monochromatic nature.

22) Atonement MrNosec | (2 | 0) | 17.05.2018 16:02
This was a nice AMV honestly, I personally don't like how the after-drop sounds but it's well executed in the video, also this anime looks rad I'll definitely check it out when the bluray releases

23) KNOW THE LEDGE MrNosec | (3 | 0) | 13.05.2018 09:54
The sync off the shirt being ripped and eventually going pop to the distinct note at 1:29 is more addicting than it should

24) RoE trailer: Скоро всё (не) закончится MrNosec | (4 | 3) | 12.05.2018 20:36
I didn't understand anything of what they were saying, it's probably just the lines from the movies themselves but in russian I suppose, but adding a .srt file like many others did before you couldn't hurt.
I know russians love to express devotion to and vigorous support for one's country, but adding subtitles in english would simply benefit your video and not make most people instantly lose interest due to the language barrier.

The 60fps here simply felt unnecessary and added for the heck of it as little to no changes to the original speed were performed other than making it playback faster, and it's only actual 60 frames per second or nearing that value when scenes are played back at a fast enough speed in the more "action" segments of the video, there's no attempt of motion interpolation as far as I can tell.
The colors of the clip are also way too saturated at times, to the point of being unpleasant, specially for a trailer with this tone which is supposed to have that "serious cinematic" look, and over saturation is quite the opposite of that, also the light leak style with magic bullet's "haze/flare" and "anamorphic flare" was nice in some scenes, like outdoor ones, but in others it just looked quite overdone with lens flares protruding from peoples face like their skin is somehow a LED light.

PS: Not really sure why I'm being referenced in the comments of this video, as far as I'm aware I don't really own evangelion and/or the act of rendering ones video in 60fps, nor did I invent them, so if someone else mentions me, try not to get worked up about it again

25) La La Land MrNosec | (4 | 0) | 05.05.2018 19:47
Mitsuha? I don't feel so good..

26) you can (not) realize MrNosec | (4 | 1) | 01.05.2018 22:47
It definitely has some nice imagery at certain parts and the spastic, unnerving shakiness of certain animations also fit the song well, but unfortunately it's not really a strong enough concept to "stand on its own" I'd say, it did remind me of some neat music videos such as this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOErP9CVv74 and if your goal was just to make something pretty I think you got it

27) School Maniacs MrNosec | (2 | 0) | 28.04.2018 21:32
I feel like this would be much better if it wasn't centered around middle schoolers killing each other with lens flares on their eyes (but that's anime for you I guess), also a bit more subtlety as in implying death without showing gory dismemberment and physical transmutation scenes every 3 seconds could have helped quite a lot in my opinion, would make the few scenes where there actually is physical violence much more impactful, without any proper build up this ends up feeling like a gore porn compilation, albeit an edited one.

28) French kiss MrNosec | (3 | 0) | 26.04.2018 21:49
Not my kind of vid but hey, if you wanted to make a video so disturbing and repulsive that viewing it fully could be considered an endurance test for how long you can watch it without feeling the urge to click away, I'd say you got it just right.

29) Integral Thinking MrNosec | (1 | 1) | 24.03.2018 17:06
If this doesn't win idk what will, i bow to thee

30) Страх II MrNosec | (2 | 0) | 09.02.2018 22:42
GoldeNThundeR, yuor an nigerr

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