
Last comments MatthewRoy

61) Anime 404 MatthewRoy | (6 | 0) | 04.12.2014 21:14
He's making what the internet wants, a collection of stupid jokes about memes

what a waste

62) ME!ME!ME! MatthewRoy | (1 | 0) | 25.11.2014 22:38
a man who can't overcome his vices

63) Chi & The Not So Company MatthewRoy | (0 | 0) | 23.11.2014 14:43

64) Oneness MatthewRoy | (1 | 1) | 08.10.2014 17:17
[quote]You look for philosophy in music and cartoons? good for you. You probably look for the meaning of life in amvs and anime as well it seems.

Why not?
They have the potential to make me do so, anime? surely. Amvs? They can do it as much as some shorts can.

Then it's not like I'm saying every video should be philosophical, I wouldn't even want that. But there are anime/videos that try to give a deep/abstract message and I don't mind them. If it was for me more people should try to be philosophical

That part about keeping in mind the difference about fun as a genre and a video being enternaining/interesting was actually good to read. it's a pity, well at least you reminded me to expect the worst from trying to discuss stuff on comments sections of the internet. Bye

65) Oneness MatthewRoy | (1 | 3) | 08.10.2014 00:59
aced wrote:
Yeah. I thought this was about amvs though....not stand alone shows.

but ok...

Because those two aren't related at all, right? XD

If I have psicology, philosophy and serious themes in Anime and Music why shouldn't we have something like that in an AMV as well.. that comes from both?

Nothing wrong with stating your opinion if you didn't like the video. You want something entertaining, I thought it was clear that it wasn't in the author intentions to do something downright "fun"
But hey what do I know, perhaps next time I should go below a comedy video and ask for a more serious mood.

66) Oneness MatthewRoy | (1 | 3) | 06.10.2014 19:49
aced wrote:
maybe some people watch Japanese animation and music to TRY be Philosophical? .... I dunno

Ever heard of Evangelion?

67) Exodus MatthewRoy | (2 | 0) | 04.10.2014 16:24
At the start I had my doubts on this (lip-syncing is good but came unexpected)..it started growing on me after the walking scene, and then the ending is just amazing, left me speechless

Watched it again and I appreciated it more
And now I see the connection between Gendo's plans and the whole reaching the Promised Land theme that the song is about. not a bad fit at all, nice one

68) Resonance MatthewRoy | (1 | 2) | 24.09.2014 10:25
Centurione wrote:
But no worries, I'll do my best not to disappoint you next time even though I can't promise that every next video will be better than a previous one

This video is more than fine. I like that you care about it, but the last thing we want is for you to get stressed by doing an amv that has to meet extremely high expectations.
It's an hobby after all, as long as you keep enjoying what you do,I think it'll be fine.

As for the video itself, it was enjoyable and it did a good job at pleasing the eye.. also the fact that I rarely watch this kind of romance videos/sources helped at keeping it fresh.
Props for thinking about making a confession with a video, I tought it was really cute when I read that

69) The Last Battlefield MatthewRoy | (3 | 2) | 25.08.2014 02:22
zoronik wrote:
What I really hate on amvnews.ru Is that you guys are having a certain form of ethnocentrism.
Be it a Amv made by a Russian guy + The use of a Russian song= Automatically a highly given rating.


I think I would enjoy more a video in my native language as well, if there were any around

If you think about it there might be videos with an average execution on the technical aspects, but with a great fit between the lyrics and the source or a great message/story told through the song... And with videos made with russian songs we get none of that, as we don't understand the language.

So what I'm trying to say is:
- They might be a bit biased towards russian videos, because it's easier to appreciate something closer to you/your language/your culture. And there is nothing to be ashamed about it, so deal with it
- We non russian speakers are probably not in a good position to judge a video with a song that we don't understand. At least those videos that rely a lot on the lyrics.

70) Blazing MatthewRoy | (1 | 1) | 20.08.2014 16:14
I don't like this mindless action kind of videos. Too fast, too random for me

71) Turn it up MatthewRoy | (0 | 0) | 08.08.2014 15:51
tone down the color corrections

72) Good Clean Fun MatthewRoy | (1 | 1) | 08.08.2014 15:44
More bizarre than funny

Also from the sources:
Where Did I Come From (Animated Sexual Education Video)

I guess there is an animated sperm somewhere? XD

73) Grapevines MatthewRoy | (5 | 1) | 01.08.2014 15:44
Avient wrote:

I find your comment more disgusting than anything I've seen on this site

Expressing criticism is one thing, totally lacking respect is another

74) The Disappearance Of Skepticism MatthewRoy | (1 | 3) | 28.07.2014 17:32
I don't see the relation between the title and the video

75) The Virus MatthewRoy | (0 | 0) | 27.07.2014 23:17
It's a virus, what's with the eclypses, heartquakes and the alchemical symbol?

I get that they give "end of the world" vibe but imho they were out of place

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