
Последние комментарии Leonardo Lazarte

Количество комментариев за все время: 18, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 6 (42.86%)
Отрицательные оценки 8 (57.14%)
Количество положительных комментов 2 (11.11%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 2 (11.11%)
1) Shut em Down! Leonardo Lazarte | (1 | 0) | 18.06.2014 00:43
Hi n_n
Well first of all...THANKS for all your coments!!! n_n
(yeah...even the ones like :''Awful 1'' ''Complete crap 1'')
I will try to progress with all your comments in mind

I saw that many of you said ''I don't think Dubstep and Titans would suit''
hmmmm...Yep...I think you are right jaja I will try to think about ''Suitable'' songs for the correct anime next time n_n

hmmm...jajaja many of you also said ''Titans?...again? '' jajaja sorry about that...Yeah...there are 4 or maybe more videos of the same source :/

but...I knew that was coming jaja
after all SNK was the best anime serie of 2013!!!

but i don't see the problem...after all there are Pleanty of amvs of any anime (deathnote,soul eater,naruto,BRS,etc,etc)

editors just Can't motivate while editing a Boring/bad anime :/
they will edit what they like :v

emmmm...oww..you also write that I was inspired/copy/compared my video to ''Kensh1n - Louder Than Words'' video
emmm I really like his video...BUT...I didn't try to make something similar or anything ._.
My video just CAN'T compare to Such Great video as ''Kensh1n - Louder Than Words'' jajaja

hmmmm...and.....that's all n_n

To be honest...My only goal for this contest...was to..Pass The 1º voting (and I made it *-*)
After all...I just started to edit a little time ago (._. ')
But Next time I will aim MUCH Higher!!! >:1

Thanks for Watching My Video n_n

WAIT WTF???!!! ''Plagiat! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rx7y43z_no '' I didn't even knew about this video! o_O..and..NO...I would NEVER commit plagiarism >:c

2) ULTRAnumb Leonardo Lazarte | (0 | 3) | 02.06.2014 04:57
Ultranumb....What a Great Song *-* So Awesome!!!

...about the Video...
1 Sorry

3) Strange Life Leonardo Lazarte | (1 | 1) | 31.05.2014 07:31

1 point

4) Little life-long 104 seconds Leonardo Lazarte | (1 | 0) | 23.05.2014 06:33
Good Sinchro
No Effects but....Whatever
It was Fun to watch
Good Job n_n

5) aitnemed Leonardo Lazarte | (0 | 0) | 18.05.2014 02:49
Strange....BUT...It's not a bad Video ._. 3
Maybe Random Things aren't My Favoryte tipe of AMV

6) Time Note Leonardo Lazarte | (1 | 1) | 11.05.2014 21:31
Awesome n_n
Good Job
Nice editing
Good amv Consept
I love it *-*

I'm going Straigth to your chanell ._.
You have a New Sub now jajaja n_n

7) Into The Dead Leonardo Lazarte | (0 | 1) | 08.05.2014 06:55
What You did here was a Really Good Idea!!!! n_n
But...it was Poorly Implemented....Sorry 3
Anyway Good Idea n_n

8) LIBRARY - MANKIND Leonardo Lazarte | (0 | 0) | 08.05.2014 01:05
Good amv n_n (I don't really like this genre BUT...I like This one jaja)
a really Good amv concept
Good story
Great Job n_n

9) Hight School Of The Dead Leonardo Lazarte | (0 | 0) | 06.05.2014 12:26
...Well...It's at least better than the last one ._.
emm Good n_n emmm Sometimes the shyncro was good (sometimes)
3 Points
Keep editing n_n

10) Stiff soul Leonardo Lazarte | (0 | 0) | 05.05.2014 16:39
it was....just TOO Bad Men u_u Sorry :/
Bad Shynchro
none AMV concept
everything was all fasted up (to much)
Anyway ._. I watched till the end (I did My best! that can't have been 3 min O_O I feeled like...5 or even more)
Anyway...You Will learn with time and gain experience
Even if this wasn't a good amv...Do Your best and Try another time
(this is MY opinion n_n Maybe I'm wrong...Maybe not)
Points: 1

11) SHE Leonardo Lazarte | (1 | 1) | 03.05.2014 22:04
3 Sorry I...I...really tried to understand the AMV concept but...I couldn't ._. anyway Good effects on the chorus!!! n_n

12) One More Chance Leonardo Lazarte | (0 | 0) | 02.05.2014 18:48
Good Work Fatima!!! n_n
I was looking forward to see your ''Croosover'' amv n_n
Good Luck on the competition! n_n

13) Never forever Leonardo Lazarte | (0 | 0) | 01.05.2014 19:42
Good n_n
3 points

14) All Our Love Lost Leonardo Lazarte | (0 | 0) | 01.05.2014 19:38
5 Excellent
Good Work!!!
Nice alternative Story n_n

15) J Leonardo Lazarte | (0 | 0) | 01.05.2014 18:24
Cool Nice Work!!!
The end was a little off but...(the girl just...just...walk infront carrienge a knife ._. END) But Good Work Anyway

PD: What the F*ck was that ending!!!???
Go with the atmosphere!!! xD

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