
Last comments Kionon

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1) Minmay's a Bitch 2.0 Kionon | (0 | 0) | 28.05.2010 14:22
Well, I'm glad you commented, even if you pretty much universally hated it. That's cool, you're not alone.

Yes, I really did work on this for seven years, although obviously not consistently. I picked at it whenever I got the urge.

For those of you who consider it an "epic fail" or think I "wasted" my time. I quite enjoyed the experimentation I did, and I actually happen to like rewatching it myself. This is very much a fan vid, made for fans of Macross. And that means not everyone is going to get it.

Feel free to argue about whether you feel an editing decision was or was not effective, but I would caution you on making wide ranging value judgements on what is or not a "waste" of my time. Leisure activities have a value decided by those that engage in them.

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