
Last comments KazeShin

16) Fetish Fever KazeShin | (0 | 2) | 08.06.2017 00:10
CLASSIC ZEST 10/5 FAWK!!!! the story ooooommmgggggg

17) April angel KazeShin | (0 | 0) | 29.05.2017 19:46
That was cool to watch i didnt like some camera movement too rough for me but overall was good amv and the part at 1.33-1.45 was awesome, 4

18) Restless Mind KazeShin | (0 | 0) | 28.05.2017 14:49
Cool work ! 4

19) Aphrodite KazeShin | (3 | 0) | 16.05.2017 18:27
Cool work some scene are too static and some fx are meh but i enjoyed watching it you put lot of work on it, good job

20) PARASOMNIA KazeShin | (2 | 1) | 15.05.2017 01:21
5, good work !

21) Quiet KazeShin | (1 | 1) | 13.05.2017 17:44
Lion0608 wrote:

Русская душа - потемки). Забористый денс в стиле Леба лучше тонны ниочемных масок)

Biensur que je comprend pas vos délires, et si tu compares ça avec des "vrai" amv dance ça reste moyen y'a rien de fou a faire un amv avec 48fps j'suis désolé mais si c'était fait par quelqu’un pas connu de votre communauté vous auriez tous commentez "ahahah basic dance amv blablabla" mais vu que c'est Leberate vous préférez tous sucer même si y'a rien de ouf j'peut définitivement pas vous comprendre.

22) Quiet KazeShin | (8 | 6) | 13.05.2017 17:07
Comenting like a god of editing in each video and make an average speed up dance amv.

23) Ventus Fugit KazeShin | (1 | 1) | 10.05.2017 11:51
You know what i think about it, i'm so proud of you my boi

24) Sunlight KazeShin | (6 | 3) | 07.05.2017 13:00

25) Kizuna - Valley of the End KazeShin | (1 | 0) | 06.05.2017 12:55

26) Dusk KazeShin | (5 | 3) | 06.05.2017 12:34
One of my favorite video from the contest right now

27) Devilman - School Children and the Cosmos KazeShin | (1 | 1) | 02.05.2017 22:38
The atmo was on point too bad it wasnt longer, 4

28) Despair KazeShin | (0 | 0) | 02.05.2017 19:19

29) Twisted Hours KazeShin | (1 | 1) | 29.04.2017 16:02

30) Áminning KazeShin | (2 | 1) | 17.04.2017 15:44
Very good work +5

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