
Last comments Gorz

181) Stop The Clocks Gorz | (1 | 0) | 20.02.2013 18:56
Thank you for your feedback people, yeah I'm aware of the little things I still have to improve, I'll try to do better next time :3

Turbo wrote:
Заглавная версия 10 бит? К сожалению он-лайн плеер делает её несколько зеленой (

Indeed, I was so stressed by the deadline and I've ended up encoding it in 10bit Blurays ._. hopefully a new version will be available soon..my bad hahah

182) In Watercolors Gorz | (0 | 0) | 19.02.2013 20:04
Love it)

183) Our Pain Gorz | (0 | 0) | 19.02.2013 18:36
apomas4 the story should be on the AMV, you don't even have to bother explaining it.....but I'm sorry from watching the video I couldn't get it, that apart, I enjoyed it this melancholic feeling you succeeded to create, probably because of the audio source! good job

184) Time Waits For No One Gorz | (0 | 0) | 19.02.2013 04:50
I salute you AtomX! you were the original prodigy who come up with this concept, but sadly it was too good for 2007 that it passed unnoticed... (y)

185) Love in the middle of war Gorz | (0 | 0) | 18.02.2013 17:13
Эль-тян wrote:


186) Sperar Gorz | (1 | 0) | 17.02.2013 13:54
who would shot an angel? )

187) Save You Gorz | (2 | 0) | 15.02.2013 23:28
Very cute video, nice up ^^

188) The New World Gorz | (0 | 0) | 11.02.2013 18:08
Good job!

189) Nefrea (Corpse Ruler) Gorz | (0 | 0) | 09.02.2013 17:54
Dairan wrote:
Хельсинг и брутал? Эт что то новенькое!

No sh*t Sherlock you want Hellsing with some cry baby songs?

190) Nefrea (Corpse Ruler) Gorz | (0 | 0) | 09.02.2013 00:34
Cool action! some slides were really weird and unnecessary and the Idea of interpreting Dante as a "crime fighter" is already portrayed with Birth Right, nevertheless I enjoyed this gorish and darkish AMV, STK posters are always great, nice UP :3

PS : Alucard > Dante

191) The Villains Gorz | (2 | 0) | 07.02.2013 23:28
Weestwoood wrote:
о бож ты мой, trampler, какова , просто если умудриться обьеденить все параметры то можно получить результат как у "Nostromo"...
Просто сюжет здраво продуман... но сразу видно что с прогой чтото не так, если посматреть её первый амв и этот...
Кто скажет если не я?!

dude you are a joke... http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lu2c3efMIm1qk4qen.jpg

192) The Villains Gorz | (7 | 1) | 07.02.2013 21:46
yet another girl is lost, killed, raped, asphyxiated, tortured!! God bless the amvnews

193) Forgiven Gorz | (1 | 0) | 07.02.2013 18:51
This is glorious!! 5.

194) Never Forget Gorz | (1 | 2) | 07.02.2013 03:27
Thepooh wrote:
Ok, so you were tired of little girls dying due to a car. Hell yeah !! You're right dude, it's a bit redundant...

So you tried to kill her by a train. Nice try.

Does anyone here wants to kill a girl with a boat, or an airplane or something else ? And he could add a teary music, and of course the girl must come back and haunts him...

It could be awesome !!! Editors please, think about it !

Oppa umika style!

195) Solex (Remastered) Gorz | (1 | 0) | 06.02.2013 21:19

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