
Last comments Gene Starwind 21122

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1) Perfect World Gene Starwind 21122 | (1 | 2) | 14.04.2016 05:02
I really think you had nice timing in your video. There is nothing wrong with a video that doesn't use effects or is not flashy. I think your AMV carried well with the tone of the music. That being said it just felt like another action video. I mean on the technical end I think you did well, but in a contest setting it just probably wouldn't stand out.

I'm not saying it's a bad video, it just doesn't stand out. If it was longer and had more time to get attached to the characters and the story in the video then it would have a better chance.


2) Ani-Mon Gene Starwind 21122 | (0 | 0) | 28.02.2016 18:56
I'm starting to understand now. I was assuming with Pokémon being so big that everyone would know it world wide. I was also assuming the rest of the world had a Pokerap. I can see how people don't quite get the video.

Thanks again for the great explanation.

3) Ani-Mon Gene Starwind 21122 | (0 | 0) | 28.02.2016 07:22
Xophilarus, sorry I just did not get it at first. I really tried with Glory Questor to make a selectiond that looked or had the personalities of the Pokémon. A lot of the comments just weren't detail or clear enough. It just seem like a lot of hate. I misunderstood what was being said and after spending many hours going through 70 or more different sources and studying the rap I just got really attached.

What I really wanted was honest feedback and if there is negative stuff just please explain.

As a editor myself if I have something negative to say I usually list an example and explain why ai didn't like something or did not get it. Just so the editor has a better understanding where I am coming from.

4) Ani-Mon Gene Starwind 21122 | (0 | 0) | 27.02.2016 00:32
Okay so you want to say the editing sucks and this and that. However if anybody would actually look at the original you would know it is a PARODY!


This is the link to the original rap that was done here I guess for the US release. I don't know if the rest of the world had this or not.

Try playing the videos side by side and 80-90% of it is a direct parody of the original video.

5) Ani-Mon Gene Starwind 21122 | (0 | 0) | 26.02.2016 06:12

It's suppose to be a Parody of the original video. Maybe people don't get that concept these days, I'm not sure what it is. This is exactly how the original Poke'rap was done back in 1999. Maybe now I'm just dating myself because I remember the original video.

6) Ani-Mon Gene Starwind 21122 | (0 | 0) | 26.02.2016 05:30
ZaRish wrote:

Sorry. I didn't laugh. It was pleasure to recall this Pokemon song in a new way, but no more.

No problem, I'm just not use to this type of feedback after the big convention success it has had. Comedy is a hard category to tap into.

7) Ani-Mon Gene Starwind 21122 | (0 | 0) | 26.02.2016 04:44
-Kisagi- wrote:
Неплохо, но одноразового. Ещё и кадры из самого покемона влепили. Надо до конца идеи держаться

Hey Kisagi thanks man Glory Questor and I appreciate it. I don't get all the negative feedback, sure I'm still working on cleaning up some footage as I'm still using older stuff that has not been remastered yet.

I mean seriously it is a 6 time award winning comedy video.

8) Evolution Gene Starwind 21122 | (0 | 0) | 15.02.2016 05:16
Verdandy wrote:
При хорошей песне и наборе годных источников, я ожидала увидеть нечто атмосферное и с посылом. Но увы. Перед нами каша из аниме разных лет, и общая идея не выдержана. И песня пропадает, ее посыл не подается в видеоряде.
Короче говоря, на фоне эта песня, а перед глазами сменяющиеся сражения, и все это живет по отдельности от друга. Вот так.
Печально, а ведь надежда была

Thank you for your feedback. I know I still have a long way to grow as an editor. While the video has been successful at competitions I know that I still need to improve and strive to do better.

I wanted to come across as an evolution of fighting styles and at the same time represent some of the great animes over the past 20 years.

I appreciate your feedback. Thank you.

Gene Starwind 21122

9) Evolution Gene Starwind 21122 | (0 | 0) | 16.01.2016 10:28
Okay thanks radical yue. I'll be sure to look into it more next time. Before I did limited cleaning. This was my first major attempt with using scripts and mixing old and new sources.

10) Evolution Gene Starwind 21122 | (0 | 1) | 16.01.2016 00:22
Radical_Yue wrote:
м/в понравилось.
Хорошее amv вышло, чувство ретро присутствовало в достатке.

Hey Radical_Yue,

I applied quiet a few filters in avspmod and a lot of these shows such as Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star, and so forth don't have remastered editions. Could you possibly help me out with what filters I could have applied. I tried comparing my footage to what l33tmeatwad had on his site but I'm still not sure what I could have done different. I'm still trying to learn this process of cleaning up really old footage from DVD.


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