
Последние комментарии Dark_Death

Количество комментариев за все время: 33, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 70 (58.82%)
Отрицательные оценки 49 (41.18%)
Количество положительных комментов 8 (24.24%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 9 (27.27%)
1) Ani-Mon Dark_Death | (0 | 0) | 26.02.2016 21:55
-Kisagi- написал(а):
Dark_Death, You clearly don't get the video at all nor understand the reason why it was edited the way it is.

Maybe I don't get the video?. No excuse for the editing at all though. It's nice to defend friends and all but nothing good comes from bullshitting.

Anyway, it's not my intention to try be mean so I'm not discussing it more.

2) Ani-Mon Dark_Death | (0 | 0) | 26.02.2016 05:34
The competitions you enter are clearly weak. It's a below average video and that's the truth. I don't know how anybody would find it funny and editing wise it's not even good basic editing. Poor looking default text with nothing but hardcuts. Very bland. Presumable the character choices to the pokemon are meant to be funny...but not to me at all.

3) Oneness Dark_Death | (1 | 3) | 08.10.2014 01:39
no 1 cares, please die

4) Oneness Dark_Death | (0 | 3) | 07.10.2014 23:59
slimed написал(а):

you asked if anyone watches japanese animation/music to try to be philosophical; evangelion is an example of japanese animation (which can be used in amv).

wow, you're either very slow or having a serious mix up.

"Well, that's what AMVs are...a form of entertainment. If they are not a form of entertainment what are they? maybe some people watch Japanese animation and music to try be philosophical?"

Let Dark_Death senpai help you. Clearly when he says Japanese animation and music, he is breaking down what an AMV is. Replace it with "maybe some people watch amvs to try be philosophical?" if thats simple enough.

and clearly, it was sarcasm as nobody watches amvs to be philosophical. Why something this simple even needs explaining is beyond me? maybe you're Russian with bad English understanding.

now that this is cleared up nice and simple so even a tard can understand, how about we all shut the fuck up?

Yours truely, Dark_Death.

5) assert(GAME==ON); Dark_Death | (0 | 0) | 07.10.2014 23:30
For an IC the video is nice, but the song is just so boring. Was there seriously not a better one from the pack

6) Massacre Dark_Death | (0 | 1) | 07.10.2014 23:21
Avient написал(а):
Bea$t is that you?

Does this video really look on Bea$ts level?

The song is as horrid as a Bea$t choice, true enough

7) Oneness Dark_Death | (4 | 1) | 05.10.2014 01:32
slimed написал(а):
although i will say that basing a rating off of how "entertaining" or "boring" a video might have been is shallow and holds 0 weight as any type of valid critique. stay as objective as possible folks

Lots of people haven't even said how they rated, simply voiced some of their thoughts on the videos premise, not the editing. Not everything requires scrutinising under a microscope to satisfy anybodies critique approval.

In the end if you can remove all the bullshit as a viewer and only one question matters: Did you enjoy the video?. It's a yes/no answer.

Editors like to talk about the ins and outs, what went wrong, what can be improved etc. That's all well and good, but not everybody cares about that. I care about enjoyability personally, not how leet the editing is. All some people have done is say why they don't find it enjoyable, nothing wrong with that.

8) Oneness Dark_Death | (3 | 3) | 04.10.2014 15:28
To be fair it was pretty boring, you can't exactly say it was thrilling, exciting, interesting, scary, dramatic or anything of the sort...its just two people walking with a dance at the end lol

9) Vintage Misery Dark_Death | (3 | 1) | 04.10.2014 15:24

10) Human Dark_Death | (2 | 2) | 14.09.2014 17:07
People get massive hardons over mass disliking everyones comment now don't they. MOM LOOK, IM IMPORTANT.

11) Воля к победе Dark_Death | (10 | 1) | 10.08.2014 02:20
EnIgMoZz2 написал(а):
Exactly how many of Enigmo's videos have you been watching in the past few months?


12) Marvelous Dark_Death | (6 | 0) | 08.07.2014 04:25
TritioAFB написал(а):
Personally if something is wrong for me or if the video doesnt work for me, I will justify myself. Unless I'm too tired or the video really doesnt have anything else to offer I'll put a quick comment instead of an opinion

You're missing peoples points, no one has a problem if you don't like it. It's the way people go about saying they don't like it.
and I see nothing hypocritical here either, unless trying to be dignified instead of a complete tool is hypocritical of course. Not sure you even no what hypocritical means tbh...

Squall(c) написал(а):

It's not the community's fault that you guys are constantly expecting a 100% positive feedback. And that you get mad if someone even dares to say that, the video is, well, nothing new and looks pretty much like any other standard dance-youtube-trash that constantly takes up high places at any Japan Expo for no apparent reason.
If you don't want shitty comments, here's an idea: make something good. Interesting. Original. Then we'll talk.

I only commented on why people stop posting their videos here as often, and it will continue to happen. Not because everyone wants people to be all nice and bum each other over videos, it's because people act like complete cockends. Obviously by the way amvnews staff spam youtube, social media, todou and whatever other sites they want such people to come here. They probably get here and are scared off however....

13) Marvelous Dark_Death | (11 | 5) | 07.07.2014 23:37
and this is why nowadays Minstrel or another admin has to post the video. Who would seriously submit their own video here to read these shitty comments.

14) Gatsby Dark_Death | (7 | 1) | 29.06.2014 22:32
ThalesEditions, are you actually serious? 40 seconds in and that video is unwatchable. Absolute mess with terrible design and no sense of color coordination at all. They don't even compare.

15) Naruto And Sasuke - Best Friends Forever Dark_Death | (0 | 0) | 05.06.2014 00:36
Whats wrong with her voice, it sounds like a cat fight

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