
Последние комментарии Bean780

46) Path of Burdenful Remembrance Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 20.05.2023 07:30
Bauzi написал(а):
After 00:46 I stopped viewing.

Stop being so hectic! Your video is so much stress to watch. The sound effects are really disturbing. The fast cuts are really unpleasing. This is just not fitting to this song. You've built up quite a nice pace and atmosphere and than you destroy it with that sound effect. Now ask yourself: Why for? What does it serve? Nothing at all.

You need to calm down and focus on the essentials.

to show both suffering and losing control. without the sound effect I thought it would just sound like him doing a 'signature attack' without the sound. maybe I could have lowered the volume on the clip slightly to make it slightly less 'in your face'. thank you for liking the beginning atmosphere I was not sure if it was coherent enough or not, it was not on the original outline instrumental scenes are usually done last the 'walk in scene' was the one scene I figure out establishing the face your issues by entering head in and help me establish some of the other scenes, along with the capsule of him going to earth established mystery half.but that might have something to do with the 'mood differences' between the two.

The friend establish scene of the first verse (which seems to be your wife thinks you are saying is causing problem.) is one that I debated a lot. I was to use a salute scene (that gets used later.) but i wanted to establish them as a group of friends and not just a military unit. sadly there was not that many of the whole group but eventually I chose one and that was that since I changed it when the video was already finished meaning I have to be careful of existence timing.

I hope you can at least give the brother intro and chorus a chance. at 1 minute 10 seconds. your comments are definitely appreciate it and were very understandable and constructive.

47) The Chase of Time Together Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 20.05.2023 06:54
Bauzi написал(а):
Your intro is just bad. There is no way to say something good about it. The pictures are irrelevant to me. The font is bad to read. The audiocut is bad. The picture composition is awfuk. Sry to say it, but the video would be better of without it

Many parts of the rest is alright to me. It serves as an alternate opening and it does. Things that don't work out are the insertion of the 3D transformation scenes. Those are just not fitting and are quite hectic and disturbing. The weakest parts are, when you try to sync up audio with fast cuts. That just doesn't fit to the rest of the video. You are going for a fake intro for Sailor Moon. Such things would certainly not be in it.

I do not really try with credits in the beginning. I put the roses because I used to call my studio Yellow Rose (length and two Yellow Roses for the 2017, reference to 'tragic love' that the yellow Roses represents.) but dropped it when I found out there was another yellow rose studio. kept them since I still like them even if I could not use the name for the studio. but The last time I tried to be stylistic I Had credits that were almost as long as the video itself (57sec combined with the least half of it being opening.) The video was 1 minute and 5 seconds. after that choreographed mess i decided just to do simple. granted I had even less time to do these on usual I did not even customise it to this video are use the same ones as I did for the other submission this contest. if time permitted I would've done a little bit different between the two but this was a thought too be second rate video that was either going to be submitted with another video or never. most recent edits done within 48-72 hours. I did most post stuff (sizing, naming) and screenshots the same day as the other video and they were also both submitted the same day. but really since the title is usually made last and most of the time (none this case but I could count on one hand) they are put in the same file as the video itself so the video is gonna be done done done since I have to decide how many pages the sources are going to be and stuff. but it is nice to put some comments here since I never really have a chance to discuss that being my wall of texts are way too big as it is.
basically I treat any time I use for credit to be time used for the video itself. I work with having everything be understood like the title be translated (The rest of the translation I just keep in documents from previous years.) because it can be affect the experience depending on how things are translate. (The translator did not translate 'path' that good originally (in any standard.) which is why I put it on the poster.) and i consider it polite not to be English centric but I have not really figured out what they want so until someone really makes it clear I decided to stick with the plane with some nice visual timing.

48) Blender of Hearts Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 17.05.2023 21:50
ok I see this is your first contest from your intro comments. so I am going to assume you did not know that there is someone in the akross contest that heavily wins in romance named MycathatesyouAMV did a video called Poppycockers and multiple people use this source to do romance amvs around that time. but they were a few things that seem to be slightly ahead of the music of where they were supposed to be (I assume that the moon and space picture was supposed to be when the word moon was used.) but it was decent.

49) Vampiric Vixen Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 17.05.2023 21:14
this was nicely done. usually having the scenes look like they are from a single battle does not work (I know the origin story portion which was also nicely done but I am saying the majority.) which makes it more of a accomplishment that you made it work.

50) Glowing Around The Twist Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 15.05.2023 08:34
Encruzio написал(а):
Тут мало того, что просто нарезон, так и еще и из исходников с разным разрешением и графоном. Или это троллинг такой судя по титрам

I feel to put this in a timeline this was made before 2nd Life was made. the final version was at June 27 2019, it was not even editable since between the release date my computer was wiped and I had 2 16 Gig chips to save (and blank DVDs that took forever to burn with areas that were corrupted.) everything 250 Gig with to save everything with a 14h warning with most of those hours being asleep once. (she was sick of the virus on their.) (10pm to 1pm next day). My external hard drive was broken. (and i was still deluded it was fixable.) as you can imagine Sailor Moons was saved. a few other things were too. But mostly project files. this was over 500mb to save is in the fact a sacrifice of sorts with what cannot be saved because of it, brings this video very close to me.
Darksss 73 написал(а):
ну, куда же без этого ) мне кстати песня нравится, с ней мог бы получится заводной клипец.

120fps is the top. even though teenage me would have love that.
Kvant написал(а):
Если это серьёзно, то всё очень плохо (хотя все когда-то и с чего-то начинают). (Если это конечно первый клип, а не 28-ой). Если это иронию, то Я даже не знаю. Над чем?
Ещё непонятно зачем столько исходников. Возможно всё что было на компе.

Basically the point of this was to practice transition. At some point I did get a lyrics translation sheet which caused a lot of redoing things. Basically I got caught up in some of the amv France way I thought was just beautiful transitions. (I know better now) and decided to do as many as possible.
okhostok написал(а):
100/100 (фпс).

o this is submitted as 120fps (other than the preview 60fps) not sure how that happened.

51) KIMI GA HERO Bean780 | (1 | 0) | 01.04.2023 08:35
I love this good job. (but the quality changes are really random though I think it was stylistic.)

52) Only Violet Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 07.02.2023 20:26
I wrote:
I will say this the moment I heard this track I push it to the last.
[quote="Anima Purgatorius"]
It's not about the music itself, but about the peculiarities of some scenes.
(know the formatting likely to be incorrect for this quote.)

when I said those words i did not mean I turned it off because the music did not fit the thing. I turned it off after I even really saw 1 scene. I recognise Enya's distinct sound immediately and I was every video that day for the contest and believed this deserved a extra look since as I said below this song is distinctly meaningful on a personal level. and I need to make sure to balance the biased on that carefully before I put my number in I did not go into detail on that because my comment was all a very long. there is nothing wrong that Anima Purgatorius did when he attributed the quote (and I can see how you got to that conclusion) but I wanna make sure I did not mean that in a way that I do not like the song for the show in general. but like I said I was reviewing every video making sure I did not get penalty points from not giving a vote to a video (if you look at the day of the review you would see how it is the due date of the contest vote.

53) Only Violet Bean780 | (0 | 1) | 26.01.2023 08:43
I will say this the moment I heard this track I push it to the last. The reason this was from the album my parents used where was a baby according to there stories so it is sentimental piece. On to the video, their was too much walking scenes in the middle that look to similar. (I am talking about the walking with pictures scenes.) Sadly I think the biggest this flaw was aquamarine using the exact same source and is very touching. Anyhow good luck.

54) CALL ME VILLAIN Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 26.01.2023 07:31
This is a shame the characters and idea is amazing but just not enough movement on many of the mid to end scenes.

55) Мурррррррррр Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 26.01.2023 05:28
this is nicely done but I am not sure, you are definitely stretching the edge of 50 percent anime requirement. I do understand how complicated it is when videos are on the edge for places to post them but it is beautifully done fit the lyrics but it is still a cat video. because of that I have to take off a point to 4.

56) Echos of Reincarnates Long Ago Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 11.04.2022 20:31
Эль-тян написал(а):
Больше скриншотов богу скриншотов!

What can I say. I use the maximum allowed. (Doing with screenshots.)

57) Broken Girls Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 27.09.2019 19:43
You do realise Up-Beat does not mean PSYCHEDELIC, it means happy joy or even positive and hope.It is possible to use a anime that is gore but the beginning song is not right for this.It is a great video just not for the category. ps I seem to keep hitting the post button instead of the check spelling one.

58) 2nd Life / Bторой Жизнь / Другий Життя Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 27.09.2019 19:12
Darksss 73 написал(а):
I have a question. And other source codes except 8 are not present Man whether that. Why exactly he. If you dear. Amateur retro anime, then it was possible to take Lily C.A.T., Cyber City Oedo 808 well or on more fresh the same 8 Man After: Perfect Collection

I have a question. And other source codes except 8 are not present Man whether that. Why exactly he.

Is this about why the scientist chose him or did Google translator screwed up. It happens to all of us that is why in the future after copying the text, you should reverse back and see if it. To be honest, I never see Google translator screwed up in this particular way as in separating the 8 from the man and I have been double checking translations for hard subs for the last 2 days and used it for credits. Usually it is words it gets wrong.I do appreciate the effort though and it is easier not to cheek back and forth to Google translator when responding to a Comment.

Based on what you said the answer was 8 man does not stand for 8 bits in a byte I think (they never officially said no to the idea), if that is what you meant with source codes or is it about 8 man being a robot.
I think I got what you meant after a carousel to rus back to eng translation, but I think asking the person who said it wood be the best thing for the comment viewers and double translating a translation does not end well usually.

I do have a idea for 8 man after but I can not seem to chose which version to use of of the song (the song is from a movie series).
I have not heard of most of the other choices. I was thinking of doing a report (For PowerPoint class,we were allowed to chose any appropriate topic) on the history of English dubbing and heard of the show that way. At one point I did of a lot of 8 man amvs for quick fun and due to the fact that I have not found a single amv for 8 man amv online. The reason I used this one for the contest is that it worked so well and alt openings are my specialty.
The reason I used this one for the contest is that it worked so well and that alt openings are my specialty.
In some of the early drafts, I did not even edit the moths speed and even in the final version, the "Going Turbo" mouth clip was not edited. It was asking for it, as the saying goes.

Sorry about taking so long to respond, I originally thought your comment was a clever joke about how old 8 man is, and outdated tech. Or about what the 8 meant.

59) 2nd Life / Bторой Жизнь / Другий Життя Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 27.09.2019 05:43
Lyrics in the video. (For pasteing into translator )

Max Steel Theme 2000 version

Nightmares just beginning, ay(hay) kid

If the Max Probes have integrated into his organic systems,
Then the reason he is weakening, is because the probes are, literally starving to death.


The Max Probes need Transphasic Energy to survive.

Fire when ready bro
Hang tough hermono (brother)
Aaa aa

Josh McGrath Can not run around the globe, battling terrorists, and still expect to live in normal life.
Josh McGrath is out of the picture. The new names Max Steel
Going turbo

We are doing this the Max Steel way.


60) 2nd Life / Bторой Жизнь / Другий Життя Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 27.09.2019 05:25
MesoGear написал(а):

да собственно все то же, что и на предыдущих конурсах, треш есть всегда, и в принципе имеет право на жизнь, другой вопрос, что интерес к летнеконам в принципе стремиться к нулю.

Does not help that it is in late auguste early fail. making it not even in "summer brake" season, and putting it in go bake to school. I also think the problem lays in not knowing the theme far in advance or even when in summer the post for the theme will come out. (If I know I wood not have posed what I submitted for Across.)
Though why are all the con's in the winter with the exception of amv France. Is a mystery to me.

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