
Last comments Avient

46) 围绕你我的小小恋曲 Avient | (1 | 1) | 18.10.2015 19:13
welll.....the intro was cool, LOL

47) Just Funkin' Dandy Avient | (1 | 0) | 30.09.2015 18:13
Hikado95 wrote:

i do not understand that something so insignificant can be admired to this community as the combine expressions with the music, as if it was a work of titanic.
Nor do i understand this community that gives more value to a work that is made of parts that are not theirs and the moment to see an original animation (from anime of course) not giving good appreciation to the author, since it is a pain of balls develop something like that.

Well, finally and after all, so will be this community.
and finally, i have nothing against you. ;) i am sorry if I got out of the topic lol

do i sound mad to you lol, i'm not really. this is just small talk.

but yeah you get what im saying.

48) Just Funkin' Dandy Avient | (1 | 2) | 30.09.2015 06:06
Hikado95 wrote:
Good amv! 4

When at least make one original animation with an excellent concept, is where i say: "Shin the god"

Don't take offense, it is a reality. :)

i'm not saying it because he's original, but because he hit the lyrics bang on with all the scenes and the scene's expressions. which, is rarely done.

I mean he could've done something like fracture (let's say fracture was never done) to this song, and i could've probably given it like a 2 or 3 lol.

49) Just Funkin' Dandy Avient | (2 | 9) | 29.09.2015 16:45
Shin the god

50) D.E.D. Avient | (1 | 2) | 11.09.2015 11:10
so da gud i lub et

51) When Anime Wasn't About Schoolgirls Avient | (2 | 0) | 11.09.2015 10:50

52) Figment Avient | (2 | 1) | 09.09.2015 21:37
its just twixtor LOL

53) Cards Avient | (0 | 0) | 07.09.2015 22:31
this is such a nice jam good job!

54) Idyll Avient | (11 | 4) | 01.09.2015 21:55
ThalesEditions wrote:

Really makes no sense aimed at our hearts technical and mood. I agree with you, why? : /
Our Hearts could take 1st.

Because while Our Hearts has technical skill, the uniformity and consistency lacked, this one however is lyrically synchronized and fit the mood all the way through. You all seem to think that technical skill would win everything which is why you fail at producing even the slightest amount of substance.


^ here you go

55) Our Hearts Avient | (2 | 2) | 27.08.2015 03:27
u maek da videooh i see, it es liek 69 fps 2 me, i liek dis like i like gabbermd like medical doctor, nedotz is redron oui oui pas mal, oui oui, yoshi

56) Skull Curse Avient | (1 | 0) | 25.08.2015 00:44

sunlight is that you? es 2 spoopy 4 me

57) Dreamers Avient | (4 | 0) | 19.08.2015 22:54
i came here for the amv drama

58) Fallen Souls Avient | (1 | 1) | 05.08.2015 20:02
awww yeeeee nayan

59) Life Seems Different Avient | (1 | 0) | 31.07.2015 14:01

ya ur right, life does seem different

60) My neighbour Figaro-kun Avient | (1 | 4) | 21.07.2015 21:55
Thoroughly bored
watch episode 1 of the show, and come back here for a recap

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