Index > Level Up 2014
Needs 27.02.2014

Riddy (richardbfv) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works): So I had the idea to do a Sims theme AMV for years, but I didn't had the skills and wasn't motivated so I found the best pro I could have asked for: Jazzy, who suggested me to join Level Up with her and she gave me all the support to do it. I had to hurry a bit with it and it doesn't look how I wanted, but I guess it came out okay. If you haven't played Sims maybe it won't be that fun but I hope everyone enjoys it and maybe get motivated to play Sims?
* Special thanks to ReplayStudios

Jazzy (JazzsVids): When Riddy first presented his idea to me for Level Up I was suuuper excited about it because I'm a huge fan of this game (The Sims). Riddy was already a very capable editor, so I didn't have to assist him too much, but I tried to help in any way that I could. As my friend, of course I enjoyed working with him hahaha :D I do think we ran out of time a bit towards the end, but overall I'm very pleased with his entry.

Аниме: Binbougami ga!
Музыка: Breathe Electric - One In A Million


Comments: 40 |  Rating: 3.983.98
Author: richardbfv

Behind of the Dreams 26.02.2014

Hinata1495 (Novice) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works): I'm not Dead, I'll die the day you forget me.

When I asked him to be my Pro I never thought he would accept the offer, it was a wonderful experience. I did learn a lot from him, he is just not a strict teacher, he is kind and patient, he managed to arrange my craziest ideas, he knew how to guide me and I'm completely satisfied with the results. He's more than a betatester, He's my friend who I cherish deeply, thank you again. I really hope you guys enjoy this, Greetings from Peru!

goЯz (Pro): I really had such a wonderful time working with my novice this year. She is very bright, easy to teach and a quick learner. She easily grasped any concepts I presented her with. I am very pleased with her final product and look forward to seeing how she expands her newly found knowledge in her later AMVs.

Аниме: Ookami kodomo no Ame to Yuki, Jigoku Shoujo, Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae, Kara No Kyoukai, Pupa
Музыка: Daft Punk - Instant Crush (Feat Julian Casablancas)

Behind of the Dreams

Comments: 40 |  Rating: 3.873.87
Author: Hinata1495

In Extremis 25.02.2014

AlchemistEskimo (Novice) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works): Level Up was an experience that ruined my sleeping pattern and pushed my editing to a point that I'm very satisfied with! I honestly couldn't have asked for a better pro and this video wouldn't have been possible without her input. Centurione helped me develop concepts and helped me refine my video with her super detailed beta tests. The amount of bases she covered was overwhelming in the best way possible, bringing things to light that had never even crossed my mind. I can't thank her enough for taking the time to help me progress as an editor. This is my first proper attempt at a crossover and through the video I wanted to convey the idea of all actions having a consequence as well as drawing upon my love for science fiction stories (more specifically time travel).

The general story is that Kiritsugu finds himself working for a mysterious organization who are based in an alternate future. They deliver him information on targets that he is required to kill via an old computer that links both periods of time. Every single person he needs to eliminate will in the future do things that effect this organization thus meaning when they are killed in kiritsugu's time the things that person was going to do never transpire. From here kiritsugu gradually becomes mentally unhinged sending his mind into a very dark and dangerous place.

Centurione (Pro): I really enjoyed working with AlchemistEskimo and I think he did a very good job on the video. I have to admit I found him to be a pretty good editor from the start and I wished not to interfere too much into his style while helping him with the video. But in the end, I'm glad of the whole effort he's put into it.

Now, a fun fact about my novices: both of them decided to use Fate/Zero with Kiritsugu being forced to kill by someone and I didn't do anything to push them to go this way with their videos. It was a pure coincidence which I actually found quite funny :D. Anyway, go and enjoy the video, guys!

Аниме: Fate/Zero, Kara no Kyoukai, Berserk Movie 3, Death Billards, Durarara!, Eden of the East, Fullmetal Aclehmist Brotherhood, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, Rebuild of Evangelion, Hellsing Ultimate, Black Lagoon, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Steins;Gate, Another, Kill Bill, Tekkon Kinkreet, Canaan, Aoi Bungaku, Death Note
Музыка: Cellestial Fires - Night Verses, Singularity - Northlane

In Extremis

Comments: 29 |  Rating: 3.643.64
Author: AlchemistEskimo

Time Hollow 24.02.2014

Pro: KingCartoon
Novice: Machiko

Ce level up que j'attends depuis un certains temps était pour moi l'occasion d'apprendre de nouvelle chose, de tenter certaines choses qui plaira ou non. En tout cas je me suis bien amusé en le faisant ce qui est le principal !!

I hope you'll like it :)

Аниме: Steins;Gate
Музыка: Let it go - Demi Lovato

Time Hollow

Comments: 22 |  Rating: 3.153.15
Author: Machiko

Apocalips 23.02.2014

AmyLee (Novice) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works): Наконец-то я добралась до ЛА, на пути было много трудностей, которые я раньше обходила стороной из-за недостатка знаний и настойчивости. Благодаря Лебу, который не предоставил мне другого выбора, пришлось страдать с цк, титрами и даже постером! Никогда ранее я не уделяла СТОЛЬКО внимания мелочам, как в этом клипе. Я впервые могу сказать с уверенностью, что довольна своей работой, смогла исправить все ошибки, на которые мне указал Про, надеюсь, это ведь так?... Моей любимой частью клипа являются титры XDD. Изначально в голове была четкая идея титров, то, как они должны были выглядеть, но я осознавала, что создать их не сумею в полной мере, Леб же помог воплотить мечту в реальность, "Leberate - мечты сбываются" х). Да, я сама удивилась тому, что все-таки получилось создать титры, которые были задуманы у меня в голове и что самое главное, мне понравилось их создавать, весь этот процесс рисовки ростков и их расстановка, движение камеры... просто теперь готова каждый день включать АЕ и что-нибудь создавать). В общем, огромное спасибо моему Про, это уникальный человек, крайне внимательный, в любой момент заметит что синхра уехала на три фрейма (до сих пор не могу понять, как он это вычислил), то, что в кадре появляются на полторы секунды фиолетовые руки и это не нормально, перерендривай все по-новой! Так-то я еще могу много всего написать, впечатлений море! х) Что касается сюжета клипа, ну все как всегда просто: любовь и ревность с ее пагубным исходом.

Leberate (Pro): Фигасе настрочила =) Не буду тут оставлять стену текста, а то до клипа не доберетесь. Скажу пару слов. С Amy очень легко работать, быстро соображает, учится, видит допущенные ошибки и главное не лениться их исправлять. По клипу, он не идеален и многое оставил на её усмотрение, тем не менее он очень хорош. Amy, Удачи на ла, и в будущем жду от тебя не мало отличных клипов.

Аниме: Zetsuen no Tempest
Музыка: Apocalyptica feat. Cristina Scabbia – SOS (Anything but love)


Comments: 38 |  Rating: 3.813.81
Author: Amy Lee

Deep Soul 22.02.2014

Cross (pro) : [ENG] Hello everyones, this is my turn to present my novice. Ok, I know "an other Bleach amv with rock", but let me introduce the story of this vid'.

First, Sagiki was no talent, no skill, a real novice. Rythm ? Zero, scenes selection ? Zero, Editing ? Zero too. I was really afraid at the beginning, he starts probably 4 or 5 projects on differents animes and always the sames errors. After that, I decided to let him to make an amv like a want, no rules or story. Step by Step, he tried many things, corrected and finally he can stand up here with this. For me, this is a great Level Up, he grow up. I think he has no chance to take a good place but this is not importante at all for me, 'cause to make him level up is more important, so this is a succes for him, me and probably the others.

Good Watching

Sagiki (novice) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works): [In French] Le level up, un gros travail, une prise de tête énorme aussi, je me souviens qu'au début c'était trés dur, j'ai vraiment galéré mais au final ca c'est plutôt bien passé!

Cross, un vrai pro, il m'a apprit beaucoup de choses, que ce soit à l'écrit ou en audio, il m'a vraiment bien aidé. Certain disent que c'est chaud de ce faire beta test par ce monsieur (je le pensais) mais en faite c'est vraiment cool! Merci Cross c'était super, si c'était à refaire, ça serait avec plaisir ! Une bonne expérience!

Аниме: Bleach
Музыка: From First To Last - I Once Was Lost But Now Am Profound

Deep Soul

Comments: 20 |  Rating: 3.223.22
Author: Sagiki

Up for the Show 21.02.2014

Origamii (novice) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works): Le clip a pour but de présenter un groupe d'amies qui partent en voyage à Londres. J'ai volontairement éviter de trop utiliser les scènes de musiques car tel n'était pas l'objectif de ce clip.

Irany (pro): Un clip intéressant avec de bonnes idées de composition. J'espère que vous aimerez.

Аниме: K-on
Музыка: GIVERS - Up Up Up

Up for the Show

Comments: 37 |  Rating: 3.893.89
Author: OrigamiiAMV

Supplicium 20.02.2014

PЯIDE (Novice) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works): First of all shout out to this flawless human being for sticking with me untill the very end of this project because the Gods know how annoying I can be.It was an immense honour to work along with someone who I admire and I'm truly grateful for her support and infinite patience.

The main point of this video was to portray Saber as a merciless servant that would do anything to get the holy grail all to herself. Born in a time of chaos and war she's grown to be greedy for power, killing everyone who would stand in her way and consequently achieving nothing but piles of corpses of her enemies as well of those who blindly followed her in every step she took as a king. And so, summoned to the Holy Grail War she sees a chance to get power in her hands again willing to do whatever it takes to conquer what she desires even if it means playing a risky game with other people's and her own life at stake once more.

Centurione (Pro): I'm really glad this cutest derp ever asked me to be her pro. I really enjoyed working with her and really liked her as a person. About her editing and working on the video: I feel she has a much greater potential but she needs time to show it and I really hope this is not the end of her improvements. I only regret I didn't learn how to use AE so that I could help her with that, since I barely use it for my videos myself ^^'. Anyway, I'm really glad with the work Pride has done and I hope you enjoy it!

Аниме: Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night, Mayo Chiki, Kingdom S2, Nisemonogatari, Kara no Kyoukai, Shingeki no Kyojin, Berserk - Golden Age, Maoyuu Maou Yuusha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Sword of the Stranger, Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Ilya
Музыка: Florence + The Machine - Seven Devils


Comments: 67 |  Rating: 4.244.24
Author: PЯIDE

Through to you 17.02.2014

Caps Lock (Novice): Не знаю даже с чего начать... Начнем с того, что я ленивая задница, и мне было немного трудновато по началу. Спасибо KSANDR'у за терпение, за то, что он все таки дождался плодов своего труда, объяснял все внятно, относился к работе очень серьезно. И огромное спасибо за то, что научил меня пользоваться АЕ. Над клипом я очень старался, однако вышло не так как мы расcчитывали, но все же думаю, что оно достойно внимания.

KSANDR (Pro): Я выжил! руки - ноги на месте, пострадали только нервы и волосы :) На самом деле хочется похвалить Кэпа, потому что за 1 месяц он не только прилично освоил АЕ, но и в целом продвинулся в плане монтажа. Хочется пожелать ему дальнейшего роста, креатива, чувства стиля, чтобы не забывал то, что я ему впаривал, ну и конечно же буду ждать от него ЭПИКОВ.

Аниме: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
Музыка: James Arthur – Impossible

Through to you

Comments: 51 |  Rating: 3.913.91
Author: Caps Lock

Bangbangbang 16.02.2014

Cmoididi (Novice) (Предыдущие работы / Previous Works): J'ai toujours voulu faire le level up. Clairement, le concours propose un concept vraiment intéressant et c'est certainement le plus ouf de tous les contest.
Concernant mon projet, je me suis dirigé vers le FUN. J'ai commencé mon clip et j'ai essayé de le monter correctement tout en appliquant ma touche délire. J'espère que vous aimerez!

Irany (Pro): Un concours vraiment intéressant qui permet de prendre sous son aile une personne pour essayer de lui apporter son savoir faire. Didi a écouté tout ce que je lui ai dit et ce fût sympathique de le faire avec lui.

Аниме: Nichijou
Музыка: Shaka Ponk - Let's Bang


Comments: 31 |  Rating: 3.363.36
Author: Cmoididi

Free Willies 15.02.2014

Pro: l33tmeatwad
: Amaterasu (Предыдущие работы / Previous works)

This project was basically the result of a conversation that turned into a Level Up project. It evolved a lot over time, basically starting out as an entirely different video than what it ended up being.

Аниме: Free!, Princess Jellyfish, Boku no Pico, Ouran High School Host Club, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Музыка: The Lonely Island - No Homo

Free Willies

Comments: 36 |  Rating: 3.813.81
Author: Amaterasu

Absolute Zero 14.02.2014

Pro: l33tmeatwad
FeedMeMoreZone (Предыдущие работы / Previous works) 

Working with l33tmeatwad was truly a great pleasure. In beginning I made a few mistakes in my video, but my pro gave me some great advice about how I can improve the overall flow, fluency and pacing but most importantly making it clean. Overall, with the help of l33meatwad, I created a great experience editing in Level Up 2014.

Аниме: Black Lagoon
Музыка: Stone Sour - Absolute Zero

Absolute Zero

Comments: 43 |  Rating: 3.723.72
Author: FeedMeMoreZone

Despair 13.02.2014

Zuuki (Novice) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works)
(In French) C'étais cool d'avoir eu MagicDarkLight en tant que pro pour ce level up car je le connaissais déjà et il capte un peu mes délires niveaux AMV donc je pense que grâce a ça la liaison a pu se faire et au final on a pu bien travailler ensemble, malgrès le premier level up fail ( Fate Stop ) on a décidé d'en faire un deuxieme qui seras mieux car on savais que j'pouvais produire mieux que le premier. Merci MDL

MDL (Pro): We actually made another AMV before this one but since I felt like he was quite low considering his potential, I just got him to make this one. I'm quite happy with it, he tried some new stuff and had the opportunity to become more rigorous in his editing. I believe this is only the beginning and I'm expecting more from him in the future. I hope you'll enjoy his work !

Аниме: Soul Eater
Музыка: D.R.U.G.S. - Sex Life


Comments: 33 |  Rating: 3.323.32
Author: Zuuki

Close The Door 12.02.2014

Bigalaxy (Novice) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works): Here is my video for the Level Up. During the last months I edited, Draga has continuously assisted me and helped me to get better bases and this allowed me to get a more critical look at my own creations.
I chose to do an AMV "mainly" romance, It tells the story of a young man and a young woman attracted to each other, however the black memories of the young woman took over the couple. The Story here is almost the Anime's one but i insisted more on it's dark atmosphere.
I think this video has allowed me to have a little more versatility in my editing so i want to thank my pro who has allowed me to acquire more mastery in my AMV!

Draga (Pro): It was really interesting to work with Big', especially because he was one of my friends.He listened to my feedbacks and even re-made some parts because they weren't good enough , he was serious through all the way and he managed to finish at time , so i'm quite satisfied with the result.I helped him as i can and i hope this experience will allow him to make better AMVs in the doubt about it , he WILL!

Аниме: Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
Музыка: The Birthday Massacre - Unfamiliar

Close The Door

Comments: 41 |  Rating: 4.034.03
Author: Bigalaxy

Don't Back Off!! 11.02.2014

Death_K (Novice) (Предыдущие работы / Previous works)
(In French) Pour mon Premier LvL Up, j'ai décidé de partir sur une musique et sur un style que je trouve très peu exploité en Amv, ce qui est dommage. Le sport c'est cool ! Je le confirme j'ai regarder assidument l'ensemble des animes utilisées dans ce clippe et j'espère que cela permettra à certain/e de s'intéresser aux animes de sport qui inspirent pas mal de belles valeurs.
Relation pro/novice, j'ai trouvé ça super cool parce qu'habituellement je fais pas de beta de mes clippe pour les envoyer à d'autres personnes et avoir des retour, et en faite c'est super utile. Au début j'étais sceptique au niveau de la musique mais grpâce au pavé de correction de MDL sur mes premières beta ça m'a permis de donner un coup de foutet et à me décider d'exploiter mes sources et cette musique au max.
C'est très intéressant de discuter des forces et faiblesses du clippe avec son pro, et puis étant donné que je suis un Fan de ces clippe en générale (plus particulièrement Ardent Sky!Allez le voir si c'est pas déjà fait) je pense que ça ma permis d'avoir confiance en ces directives et c'est comme ça que ça marche bien, un level up. Un mix entre confiance, convivialité et professionnalanisme!
Je pense avoir appris pas mal de choses afin de renforcer l'impacte de mes prochain clippe et je remercie mon pro pour avoir eu l'opportunité de participer à ce concours. J'insite grandement les autres amv maker à en faire de même.

MDL (Pro): Death' had a more ambitious project but I felt like it would have taken too much time so we finally head back to an "easier" one. However I think it was an important step because he had to learn a lot in editing basis and I think it was the occasion for him to improve on this side. I'm satisfied with the result! I hope you'll like it.

Аниме: Kuroko no Basket, Hajime no Ippo, Yowamushi Pedal, Area no Kishi, One Outs, Inazuma Eleven, Eyeshield 21, Prince of Tennis, Diamond no Ace, Major, Giant Killing
Музыка: BACK-ON - Infinity

Don't Back Off!!

Comments: 46 |  Rating: 3.823.82
Author: Death_K

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