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So I had the idea to do this almost a year ago, and just 2 weeks ago before the "premiere date", I started it and slowly worked on it. I kept the effects to a minimum just because I'm too lazy and impatient to work on effects nowadays. And yeah, most of the editing is just hard-cuts. I combined Kara No Kyoukai and Fate Zero mostly because their artwork and animation are very similar and are of very high quality. They were both produced by Type-moon and Ufotable and I just feel like they go well together.
Anyway, I hope you guys like it :)

Anime: Fate Zero, Kara No Kyoukai
Music: El-P - Oh Hail No







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Author: (video created: 16.07.2013)
Submitted by: Enigmo 22.07.2013 at 07:59
2.70 2.70 (66 votes)
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Comments (40)
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Gorz   User profile
  13.09.2015 01:48
This is RAD!
Эль-тян   User profile
  09.08.2013 19:40
Кто-нить приберите сцены на таймлайне
makakep   User profile
  05.08.2013 00:13
АМВ понравилось. Такое ощущение, что автор делал клип в состоянии берсерка =)
Pacific Prince   User profile
  29.07.2013 10:37
Плохая работа с текстом, но выбор трека - очень смелый выбор. Мне понравилось) 4
Enigmo   User profile  Video channel
  26.07.2013 00:20
Theredflash66 wrote:

That's not mocking that's critisism

Oh my god.... Just stop commenting. If you read it before, I even pushed that guy to start saying he was trying to be "funny". I mean like go ahead and reply actually, but I think it's about time I stopped commenting here because seriously, if you read his comment and still cannot see it, what good reason do you have to have my time spent on you?
xDieguitoAMV   User profile  Video channel
  25.07.2013 21:41
Kyoroichi wrote:
Why am I not surprised to see you ramble on about every single critique you get, what the hell is your problem?....jeez and seriously bro I'm far from perfect when it comes to editing but holy crap you're not as great as you think either, just acknowledge the opinions you get and move on, its not hard, do they bother you that much?

Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  25.07.2013 20:08
EnIgMoZz2 wrote:

Read pic4arts's original comment.

That's not mocking that's critisism
Enigmo   User profile  Video channel
  25.07.2013 15:17
Theredflash66 wrote:
no one was trying to mock you in the first place

Read pic4arts's original comment.
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  25.07.2013 05:49
no one was trying to mock you in the first place
Enigmo   User profile  Video channel
  25.07.2013 04:29
Just in case you're wondering I'm deciding to delete my comments. I actually feel like shit now lol
Theredflash66 wrote:
It's okay, the text ruined if for me

Btw, last reply for now, but look here. I mean this is a king of "negative" comment, but I didn't reply to it, did I? :/ The reason I didn't have to reply to it was that it wasn't trying to mock me; it wasn't making false accusations; it was a flat out opinion. Let me show you how this comment would have to look for me to argue against it. "The text was trash. Next time, blend it in properly, and I don't just mean changing the colour of the font to look the same as the background."
pic4arts   User profile  Video channel
  25.07.2013 02:51
How should I know why u are so pissed?

EnIgMoZz2 wrote:
Do you want to know the real reason why I got so pissed off with your comment and keep using "arrogant" to describe your comment? 'By lyric synch I don't mean unreadable text and by concept I don't mean more punches in da face.' That there is clearly mocking me.

Now I know ...
pic4arts   User profile  Video channel
  25.07.2013 02:07
Sorry ... my fault ... I thought you would understand it ... but shit happens in internet. Maybe next time ...
pic4arts   User profile  Video channel
  25.07.2013 01:56
Yeah sry ... I have forgotten that some people don't have humor in this world.
pic4arts   User profile  Video channel
  25.07.2013 01:44
I'm not here to get education from you. I'm here to watch some AMVs. I just watched your video and said what I don't like about your video. I don't wana help you or educate how you have to edit, because you didn't ask me. My comment is a simple critique showing what I don't like about this video. My opinion is subjective and you have not to listen to it. If you like the video the way it is, just keep it that way.
Kyoroichi   User profile
  25.07.2013 01:15
Why am I not surprised to see you ramble on about every single critique you get, what the hell is your problem?....jeez and seriously bro I'm far from perfect when it comes to editing but holy crap you're not as great as you think either, just acknowledge the opinions you get and move on, its not hard, do they bother you that much?
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  25.07.2013 00:01
Actually these editors do edit and if you say they are so arrogant you should look up what the word means before using it because every one of those comments they weren't being arrogant they were only trying to help you. Meaning that you should have tried harder in the video because it appears that the rating is pretty low and the people who commented knows what they are talking about.

Also if you are talking about harsh criticism, if you don't like them then just don't post a video on here. Not everyone is nice when they criticize, sometimes it's a lot easier than being nice.
Criterion of truth   User profile
  24.07.2013 21:17

you don't need to claim that you are arrogant -
it is obvious from you initial comment ("started just 2 weeks ago", "I'm too lazy and impatient to work on effects")
moreover your actual work isn't so good as you think, you got 3 stars average
so you can't complain on the arrogance of the others

I think you could do much better if you try harder
and once you realize that it isn't appropriate to mention "2 weeks" or "I'm lazy" in any context, you will be enforced to try harder
[Aleister]   User profile
  24.07.2013 11:55
Да редко что увидишь на рэп, весьма неплохо получилось.
Good work.
Mikoto   User profile
  24.07.2013 08:12
not bad, need more Saber!
Shinzui   User profile  Video channel
  24.07.2013 02:47
What's so arrogant? All everyone did was to tell you what is wrong about the video and what they didn't like about it. That's just what critisism is, it's nothing to argue over. pic4arts was right on most things and you argue and say he's arrogant? Then you come and say you are a better editor than he is, but aren't you being arrogant yourself?
skieZ   User profile
  24.07.2013 02:08
Default Avatar
@first you should lay down your arrogant ass and accept the opinion of others and second:
I dont like the rap music over all. For me it didn't fit with the pictures.
And if you get angry about my opinion, you really should learn how to control your anger.
Peace out.
pic4arts   User profile  Video channel
  23.07.2013 21:02
You have to accept that some people don't like the idea behind your video. Lyrical synch can be extremely powerfull - I would say ignoring it in a rap song makes your video not better. Using an instrumental version would fit more to the video in my opinion. I don't say your video is bad - it got a nice flow and synch, but I think this song deserves more than that.
pic4arts   User profile  Video channel
  23.07.2013 19:47
EnIgMoZz2 wrote:
I mean your comment is like you're stating facts, but trust me, your "facts" are completely wrong.

pic4arts wrote:
I said just my opinion. Opinions aren't facts.

Thinking > Writing. Enough said. Just go.
pic4arts   User profile  Video channel
  23.07.2013 19:06
First: I said just my opinion. Opinions aren't facts. If you were such an intelligent boy you would know that.

Second: This is not Youtube. Not everybody gona like your video.

Third: I don't think you have the right to call other editors "little boys who has very little knowledge of editing and edits like a fag as well" as a 18 years old. So please learn something about life and try it after 5 years again.
TheShadowMV   User profile  Video channel
  23.07.2013 16:03
Disengager wrote:

Конечно, ведь критика и засирание это ровным счётом одно и тоже.

Не, тут у кого как.
Если тебе говорит опытный автор, то ты к нему прислушаешься, а если говорит какое-то дно, которое вообще не садилось а редактор и не знает, что куда и как, то это смешно....Что даже грустно...Как-то так...
Disengager   User profile
  23.07.2013 15:17
TheShadowMV wrote:
Не обращай внимания на комменты, здесь засирают все клипы подрят, даже идеальные...

Конечно, ведь критика и засирание это ровным счётом одно и тоже.
TheShadowMV   User profile  Video channel
  23.07.2013 05:51
Не обращай внимания на комменты, здесь засирают все клипы подрят, даже идеальные...
pic4arts   User profile  Video channel
  23.07.2013 05:44
Why don't you accept the opinion of others? If you don't wana hear criticism, don't upload it here.
pic4arts   User profile  Video channel
  23.07.2013 03:43
I don't like the idea to edit a flow video with a rap song using only fight scenes. I think rap music should have some lyric synch or a better concept. (By lyric synch I don't mean unreadable text and by concept I don't mean more punches in da face) More sense would be nice. ^^
Anjunaboy   User profile
  22.07.2013 17:33
Качественно сделано, но слишком быстро для меня. Напрягает глаза.

Quality work. But it's to quickly for me.

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