
«Chaos_Fighter» added these videos to favorites

Number of favorite videos: 703

Number of videoPlay videoTitle of AMV Number video was added in favorites Rating on AMV News Date added
301Play Delusion21 4.02 2018-03-25
302Play Glorious11 3.55 2018-03-25
303Play Uncrowned33 3.74 2018-03-25
304Play Lucida28 3.97 2018-03-25
305Play Phoenix24 3.97 2018-03-25
306Play Morpheus Fragment33 3.90 2018-03-25
307Play Bullets Rain22 3.61 2018-03-25
308Play Adscription11 3.51 2018-03-25
309Play Waht???????????????43 3.79 2018-03-25
310Play Zero Requiem20 3.80 2018-03-25
311Play Overtime10 3.66 2018-03-25
312Play Colors11 3.74 2018-03-25
313Play Bend Hard, Play Hard96 4.33 2018-03-25
314Play That Day13 3.68 2018-03-25
315Play If Game of Thrones was an anime13 3.73 2018-03-25
316Play Fate/None18 3.65 2018-03-25
317Play SUFFERAM!10 3.45 2018-03-25
318Play Reflection23 3.68 2018-03-25
319Play Limit Break II: Accel Limits32 3.72 2018-03-25
320Play Deep End14 3.47 2018-03-25
321Play ...ship13 3.59 2018-03-25
322Play Baseless17 3.64 2018-03-25
323Play Diva9 3.51 2018-03-25
324Play Cherry Bomb17 3.70 2018-03-25
325Play A Shared Path78 4.34 2018-03-25
326Play Paralyzed9 3.01 2018-03-25
327Play To break and trust26 3.85 2018-03-25
328Play The D1Ck Only Makes It Better34 3.87 2018-03-25
329Play So, my brother refused to Ayase11 3.50 2018-03-25
330Play Trauma7 3.40 2018-03-25

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