
Последние комментарии DiGiCyber011

Количество комментариев за все время: 129, за последние 3 месяца: 0 (0%)
Положительные оценки 119 (49.58%)
Отрицательные оценки 121 (50.42%)
Количество положительных комментов 37 (28.68%)
Количество отрицательных комментов 38 (29.46%)
1) Fireflowers DiGiCyber011 | (1 | 1) | 15.05.2019 14:45
okay regardless of the fact that there's some parts in the vid that looks to be kind of inconsistent (for example in the last part where u switch from where the boy & the girl are underwater & in the next scene they're playing on the ground) and the fact that the vid overall could have benefited from some light or blur or color transitions (depending on the situation u're in) instead of using hardcuts all the time , the video overall have good vibes & sure is clean , i could give it a 5 if u took care of these errors but for me it deserves a strong 4 :)
good job & best of luck ;)

2) World Étude: The Last Survivor DiGiCyber011 | (1 | 0) | 25.07.2018 19:26
oh before i'll forget , this is a work of mine as an eden member so make sure to add my team's name in the credits thank you very much ^^

3) World Étude: The Last Survivor DiGiCyber011 | (1 | 1) | 25.07.2018 02:26
Arrow написал(а):

The editor of this AMV is not French though.

greetings from tunisia ^^

4) Atonement DiGiCyber011 | (1 | 1) | 17.05.2018 17:18

5) French kiss DiGiCyber011 | (6 | 0) | 26.04.2018 00:42
that was disgusting

6) Glorious DiGiCyber011 | (1 | 2) | 25.01.2018 12:57
j'arrive x)

7) LUXURIΛ DiGiCyber011 | (4 | 2) | 27.10.2017 23:04
even with a download link in the decriptions u guys still like to convert from youtube , gg

8) Smoohly DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 0) | 23.07.2017 17:15
Cmoididi написал(а):
Smoohly or smoothy , this is the question ;p

to be or not to be

9) Eternity DiGiCyber011 | (2 | 0) | 16.07.2017 15:18
okay i checked ur edit , u sure putted a lot of effort in there which is good, it's actually better than ur previous works , but still there's overall couple of things that bothered me on visual aspect , ur cc feels like it was thrown on the whole vid just like that ( u should have took care of it in the first place cuz it needs more work to begin with ) , the idea of the butterflies was interesting but the way u used it didn't work in a proper way unfortunately ( cuz the scenes get too bright whenever u use them ) , still the mood u created was nice & fit for the song (which i agree with Death_Kn1ght, about it , it's really overused i myself had an overdose of it haha) , u have a goof potential for making it to 12th place in JE so congratz , & i hope to see some better stuffs from u in the future ;o

10) Kofuku No Akuma DiGiCyber011 | (0 | 0) | 16.07.2017 00:23
Cmoididi написал(а):
pas mal ;pppp rdv au prochain

rdv à la JE 2022 ptdrrrrr

11) Kofuku No Akuma DiGiCyber011 | (1 | 0) | 15.07.2017 22:46
Noor написал(а):
great video

it's all done thanks to the great senpai that supported me to make it

12) Kämpa DiGiCyber011 | (2 | 2) | 12.07.2017 18:29
Lion0608, if u con't care as u say then don't even dare to comment about such thing next time

13) Kämpa DiGiCyber011 | (6 | 2) | 12.07.2017 15:14
Lion0608 написал(а):
Хаха. Вы можете обвинить меня в предвзятости, но по-моему я вычислила идеальную формулу судейства) Чтобы никто не ушел обиженным) А, возможно, это такая общая договоренность в студиях и между ними, выдвигать по одному сильному представителю в разных жанрах. Просто, как и в прошлом году, в топе представлены и драма, и экшенчик, и танцульки и фан.

okay srsly now man , look
he got 3rd place with an action vid as well as 6th & 7th place from his team , only 4th place hada psyche M@D , so what are u even saying is a pure nonesense imo
Lion0608 написал(а):
По работе - как простому зрителю однообразный экшен, хоть и с элементами опенинго-эффорта показался скучно-затянутым. Как клипу с перспективами на пересмотр - 4.
Как некая обязаловка на спортивных соревнованиях под названием современный JE 9/10 (- балл за унылый монтаж).
Каша без какой-то осмысленной кульминации и души..

& why do u even say that since the song itself have nothing to do with sport ?? u serious about it ??

14) Kämpa DiGiCyber011 | (1 | 1) | 12.07.2017 09:58
Les vrais retours :D bien joué senpai :D

15) Stratos Sphere DiGiCyber011 | (2 | 3) | 11.07.2017 01:33
hope u guys will really be cured from ur illness of converting youtube vids & uploading it here

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