
Last comments Bean780

16) Shape of your Heart Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 20.04.2024 07:25
You did a amazing job in this. it is not perfect 23 seconds to 34 seconds but it made you feel, and got the amv feeling down.

17) For You Bean780 | (1 | 0) | 20.04.2024 07:07
I loved this, you found a way to make everything work.

18) No Turning Back !!! Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 18.04.2024 09:25
you did a great job on this video. this was one of the fandoms that I first watched AMV's from. (though way before I begin making them) everything fit the beat perfectly and you got the characters.

19) Вампирский Кусь Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 18.04.2024 06:39
I think the panty shots were overdone. A little is fine but this was just too much. at the same time you did a great job with the love triangle aspect. The appearance of the second love interest (Green haired) along with when the original one finds out was done perfectly. I definitely think the end was executed perfectly when he gives into vampire temptations and she ends it.

20) Dance with you Bean780 | (1 | 1) | 06.04.2024 21:27
okay the title is a misnomer. (this video has nothing to do with dancing) I am going to begin saying even the worst here (for the most part) is at least middle ground elsewhere. that being said this is a mess. even though you did a great job with the beat from the wheel. I will say some people are saying the lips sinking is off, I say it looks strange but the lip syncing does match. it is not the issue of lip flaps not being there when speaking. I feel there is an issue and you do not feel in the video yet by the time you see the lip syncing but you are doing good lip syncing work for future reference. (And there are professional products that begin that way, rosario vampire ending 2 comes to mind immediately)

now on everything else, there is no syncing to make you feel like you watching something syncing. there is no lyrics to make you feel like you watching something based on lyrics. then again I saw the response to the comment. The concept idea is decent, you really have to execute this idea really well with some syncing though just because it is a decently done ,not to death that you have to bring something 'new to the table' or anything but enough that people are going to notice if there is issues with it. (granted the translating software yandex is saying "the viewers are a handsome" from that comment so it is obviously not getting the sub text that saying 'handsome' in the English language is really reserved for men) Maybe the issues I am looking at this completely objectively as a female myself not having the "male gaze". (I will say though 1.35 to the next scene 1.36 was very sloppy with the bangs)

it could just be because a lot of these scenes (very specifically the coat flying off of the red haired girl) were already used in ONE OF THE STARRY GIRLS from akross less than 4 months ago and even though that video has issues did a lot more syncing work and I am directly comparing both of those videos to each other. if this video came a different year not that close I have a feeling I would not be this critical.

21) Prayer Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 04.04.2024 03:57
You did a good job with this story, I really felt the emotion.

22) The Yin, The Yang, and The Girl Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 04.04.2024 00:21
Good job, there were a few confusing bits with the love triangle but overall good.

23) Pretend to be me Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 03.04.2024 07:41
you got the two persona thing clear. in terms of the other comments the issue is that there isn't really a lot to distinguish this for many others. but there is something to say about something straightforward and understandable. you also did not really do much animation with the eyes. when it comes to eye work you have to do a really good (with motion) or do not even bother. 3

24) speed drop Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 03.04.2024 07:31
Leberate wrote:
Слабовато как-то, из двух исходников можно было больше выжать. Эффекты так себе, дергание бьет по глазам. Про дропы я вообще молчу, хотя я и сам их не особо умею делать
Посоветовал бы больше времени уделать раскадровке и синхре)

it would be nice if you can mention what it was supposed to be about since that is standard practice but my best guess is it's it about peoples influence into peoples doing suicide. ( and possibly possibly the dangers of technology) anyway you do a decent job.

25) DESIRED Bean780 | (1 | 0) | 03.04.2024 07:22
I have to say I went tickled pink (blushing I am not sure how that translates) you did a good job on that front. The issue is that it was not really clear how he got to the other girl. you said in the introduction "Но когда эти женщины встречаются друг с." i do not really see the "meeting each other". anyhow you did really good for the erotic genre, you just need to connect the two pieces.

26) "Yandere" girlfriend_s desired for love! Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 03.04.2024 07:12
you did some great action scenes but you did not get the concept you listed of Yandere girlfriend. there's just not enough relationship seems to hammer it in.

27) Kenshin Evolution Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 03.04.2024 07:09
you did amazing amazing job following the lyrics and bring us into the story.

28) Oh, Yes! Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 03.04.2024 06:57
this is a good job at a parity of the women with a car behind them genre. you got the vibe perfectly I have to say 1.23min-1.40min (with the exception of the open door scene) lost the fast paced momentum you really need to keep going for this whole video. if there was a lyrical reason I would understand but there was definitely none.

29) Reprobate Romance Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 03.04.2024 06:55
you did the transitions perfectly. you also got the relationship feelings amazingly.

30) S-Class Bean780 | (0 | 0) | 02.04.2024 11:23
you did a great job with the transitions everything was seamless.

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