
Exam videos
New videos ~ The Rain ~ Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Author's comment: A short video made for my entrainment, don't expect to much from it.

This video is about the weather (obiviously) sometimes it rains sometimes the sun comes out just for the brief of a moment and makes the rain worth waiting to pass :)

Author: MetalAnimer
Anime: Pandora Hearts, Durarara, Bamboo Blade, Fate/Stay Night, Shakugan no Shana, Last Exile, School Days, Munto, Darker Than Black, Nabari no ou, Chaos;Head, Jigoku no Shoujo, Xamdu, Ah! My Goddess
Music: Sub Focus - Coming Closer

~ The Rain ~


New videos Dead Moon Masquerade Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Author's comment: This has been a long time coming. Since I first picked up this hobby, I've wanted to make an AMV about one my all-time favorite villains, Queen Nehelenia.

I've grown fond of her crazy band of circus freaks and their outrageous antics. That said, I didn't expect them to completely overrun the video. ^_^;'s Sailor Moon; there's bound to be some silliness mixed into the drama. Mostly I just had fun editing whatever struck my fancy. As per my usual, there is a story; there is not-so-subtle symbolism; there is deep thematic philosophizing on the inner workings of the human heart a dancing seal.

This is also my reaction to the surplus of eye-candy Sailor Moon vids that only use transformation scenes (not that I don't love those--there's just more to this series than girls waving wands around!). Enjoy! ^_^

Author: pink haze
Anime: Sailor Moon Stars, Sailor Moon Super S, Sailor Moon Super S (Special), Sailor Moon Super S: The Movie
Music: Moulin Rouge Soundtrack - Hindi Sad Diamonds

Dead Moon Masquerade


Contests Победители AMVNews: Big Contest 2011 Monday, 23 May 2011

Завершился весенний конкурс от AMVNews. В голосовании второго тура приняли участие 58 человек и по результатам голосования места распределились следующим образом:

Лучший клип конкурса
1 место - Padre - The Trance Condition (338 баллов)
2 место - scarab - mm (317 баллов)
3 место - Galia & Kitty - Jus Talionis (279 баллов)
4 место - Perfect-Blue - Dare to Love Again (278 баллов)
5 место - angelface - 5A1C (257 баллов)
6 место - Squall(c) - DANGER DAYS: The True Lives of the Fabulous Panty & Stocking (246 баллов)
7 место - Rdc - BeyonD (181 балл)
8 место - Derisor - Rammte (174 балла)
9 место - Safira - Red Riding Hood (172 балла)
10 место - MooNi - МИР (166 баллов)
11 место - Ariadne - Last Song (166 баллов)
12 место - Uk@R - All nobles eat it (140 баллов)
13 место - Rebelion - Around the River 2 (105 баллов)
14 место - Fai-Fai - Session #7 (103 балла)
15 место - Hlebalolomator - Wut a F**k 2 (101 балл)
16 место - Maniaki - Theoricus (92 балла)
17 место - S.A. Robert - Furor (83 балла)
18 место - Chono - To see the light of world once more... (81 балл)
19 место - Oro$hi - Yesterday's Gone (80 баллов)
20 место - Kosmit - Gay Means Happy (78 баллов)
21 место - ZEVS1993 - Perverse Desire (77 баллов)
22 место - Voni - OuterHeaven (73 балла)
23 место - Michi - Panty Boogie (72 балла)
24 место - Костоправ - Diving into darkness (67 баллов)
25 место - RenaSun - We Dream We Can (58 баллов)
26 место - Kain-x-Spirits - Brighter Future (57 баллов)
27 место - Shirogane - Настоящая (The real one) (39 баллов)
28 место - Aggressor - Re:Action (35 баллов)
29 место - FreY - Meha Project (34 балла)
30 место - GoPblHbl4 and Co - E-BASH! (34 балла)


New videos Blame It On 2009: A Good, Good Year Sunday, 22 May 2011

Комментарий авторов: After months of delays and three convention appearances, twenty-five of the most popular anime and music of 2009 are finally available for home viewing in one convenient package!

When I first heard DJ Earworm's year-end megamix in January, I immediately knew I wanted to make this video. I had been out of the anime loop for a bit, so Pas helped me build a list of shows that were worth showing. My original plan was to finish this by May, but due to various circumstances, the only progress I had made by August was collecting my sources.

I started laying clips about a week and a half before Nan Desu Kan's contest deadline, but not long after I started, the hard drive holding most of my sources crashed. I probably would have given up on NDK had Ileia not offered to collaborate. With her editing half of the video, I got better ideas for my sections and the entire project improved as a result. We finished the rough cut in time for NDK, where we won both Catagory X and Audience Choice.

Before that convention, I had adjusted some of my edits to make a smoother version which we sent to Anime Weekend Atlanta's Exposition and Another Anime Convention's AMV contests. AWA awarded us with the Best Various certificate, and AAC declared it the Best Upbeat/Fun/Etc.

For those interested in who edited which parts, the work was divided by both anime and alternating sections of the song. The anime list in the credits is color coded to show which of us used which shows.


Author: Kitsuner, Ileia
Anime: A Certain Scientific Railgun, Bakemonogatari, CANAAN, Darker Than Black: Gemini Of The Meteor, Evangelion 2.0: You Can (Not) Advance, Hetalia: Axis Powers, K-On!, Maria+Holic, Munto, Rideback, Saki, and Spice and Wolf, Cencoroll, Chi's New Address, Clannad After Story, Eden of the East, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Hayate the Combat Butler, Kara no Kyoukai: A Study In Murder (part 2), Lupin the 3rd vs Detective Conan, Maho Sensei Negima!: Mo Hitotsu No Sekai, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Pokemon: Arceus And The Jewel Of Life, Sengoku Basara, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, and one clip from Maria+Holic
Music: DJ Earworm - United State Of Pop 2009: Blame It On The Pop, Iyaz - Replay
Awards: Best Collaborative Video на VCA 2011, Category X and Audience Choice на NDK 2010, Best Various на Anime Weekend Atlanta 2010, Best Upbeat/Fun на Another Anime Convention 2010

Blame It On 2009: A Good, Good Year


Contests Финалисты AMVNews: Big Contest 2011 Thursday, 19 May 2011

Закончилось голосование 1 тура конкурса Big Contest 2011. В голосовании приняло участие 69 человек. В финальную часть в основной номинации прошло 40 клипов. Что бы клип попал в финал за него должно было быть отдано не менее 13 голосов. В результате голосования первого тура была упразднена номинация «Лучший трейлер или реклама» в связи с недобором претендентов. Во втором туре голосования примут участие 47 участников конкурса, попавших хоть в одну из номинаций второго тура и 14 членов жюри. Напоминаю участникам конкурса, что за отсутствие вашего голоса в номинации, в которой представлен ваш клип, ведет к штрафу равному максимальному числу баллов в этой номинации. Это не очень критично, но может повлиять не в вашу пользу в случае равенства баллов. Голосование второго тура завершится в понедельник 23 мая в 18-00 по Москве. Списки финалистов во всех номинациях приведены ниже.

For the foreign editors in finals: you need to vote in categories in which your clip is nominated, or you’ll get the penalty points (which is equal to maximum points in that category). Deadline for voting: 23, May 18:00 (UTC+4)

Лучший клип конкурса [40 клипов]

New videos A Little Retrospect Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Этот клип создан на основе популярных классических АМВ начала двухтысячных. Часть из них есть в базе AMVNews.

Author's comment: Surprise! It's an MEP! If you're in it, good job. If not, um, oops? This video won the very special Keyframe Award at Anime Central 2008, and it generated a new game during Iron Editor (which, incidentally, neither Rina or Mitch are any good at).

Intro/Outro comes from Road to Iron Chef. Thank you to everyone who made videos I enjoyed, but more specifically, I wanna thank Yue for beta-testing this so much during the pre-acen stages, Lantis and Zarx for identifying a bunch of animes I couldn't recognize, Brad for reminding me to switch the ending, and CDVV for being Great

Author: Kitsuner and others (52)
Anime: Ah! My Goddess (Movie), Ah! My Goddess (OVA), Air (Movie), Air Master, All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku (OAV), Angel Sanctuary, Angelic Layer, Azumanga Daioh, Battle Athletes Victory, Berserk, Blue Submarine No. 6, Boku No Sexual Harasement, Bottle Fairy, Burst Angel, Cardcaptor Sakura, Child's Toy (Kodomo No Omocha / Kodocha), Chobits, Cowboy Bebop, Cowboy Bebop - The Movie: Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Da Capo, Dogtato-Kun El Hazard: The Magnificent World (1st OVA), Excel Saga, Fate/Stay Night (TV), Final Fantasy 8 (VIII), FLCL (Fooly Cooly), Freedom (OAV), Fullmetal Alchemist (TV), Fushigi Yuugi Ghost In The Shell, Golden Boy, Gunslinger Girl, Gunsmith Cats, Hamtaro, Hana Yori Dango, Hellsing, His And Her Circumstances (Kare Kano), Hunter X Hunter, Idol Defence Force Hummingbirds, Inu Yasha (TV), Iria: Zeiram The Animation, Irresponsible Captain Tylor, Jubei-Chan, Jungle Wa Itsumo, Hale Nochi Guu (TV), Kiddy Grade, Kiki's Delivery Service, Knights Of Ramune, Koi Kaze, Le Portrait De Petit Cossette, Loveless, Lucky Star (TV), Magic Knight Rayearth (TV Series 1), Mahoromatic, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ninja Scroll (Movie), Ninja Scroll (TV), One Piece, Pale Cocoon (OAV), Perfect Blue, Pokémon (TV), Popotan, Princess Mononoke, RahXephon (TV), Ranma 1/2, Revolutionary Girl Utena (TV), Romeo × Juliet (TV), Rurouni Kenshin / Samurai X - 1st OVA (Tsuiokuhen, Trust & Betrayal), Sailor And The Seven Ballz, Sailor Moon, School Rumble, Serial Experiments Lain, Shinesman, Slayers (TV), Steel Angel Kurumi, Tokyo Godfathers, Trigun Vision Of Escaflowne, The
Music: Matchbox 20 - How Far We've Come, Moulin Rouge Soundtrack - The Pitch, Tricky - Pop Muzik
Awards: Best Parody на Connichi 2008

A Little Retrospect


New videos Cancer no Manigoldo Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Author's comment: Finally a new full video *_* it's a tribute to a very special character... Manigoldo *_* a gold saint of the lost canvas! I tried to show you how this character was epic and amazing. I hope you enjoy it ;)

Author: Leonhearth
Anime: Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas
Music: The Used - The bird and the worm

Cancer no Manigoldo


New videos The Silver Contractor Monday, 16 May 2011

Довольно часто попадаются работы с отличным сочетанием м/в, потенциал которого, к сожалению, не реализован так, как хотелось бы, но всё же данный клип заслуживает немного вашего внимания.

Author's comment: The video is focused on charactor "Yin". I worked for this for three week. So this not perferct...  But I think I did my best XD  And hope You'll enjoy! (sry for my poor English, I'm japanese!)

Author: manabyu
Anime: Darker Than BLACK (TV)
Music: Silversun Pickups - Rusted Wheel

The Silver Contractor


Contests Голосование 1 тура AMVNews: Big Contest 2011 Monday, 16 May 2011

big contest 2011

Началось голосование первого тура AMVNews: Big Contest 2011. Всего на конкурс было сдано 104 клипа. Двадцать четыре из них, имеющие зрительский рейтинг меньше 3 баллов были отсеяны до начала голосования. К голосованию первого тура допущены 80 участников конкурса, прошедших в первый тур с аккаунтов, с которых были добавлены клипы и 14 членов жюри (Turbo, trampler, redbull, -ZERO-, ScrnShot, Norlack, fynjy, NightPunisher, B@rs, snegov1k, uncinx, narutomaniac, АRXANGEL, KalugaGhosT). Для участников конкурса за неучастие в голосовании первого тура санкции не накладываются. На голосование в конкурсе выставлено 18 номинаций. В части номинаций присутствуют только клипы, которые ей соответствуют. В результате голосования первого тура будут отобраны финалисты в каждой из номинаций. Голосование первого тура завершится 19 мая в 18-00 по Москве. Ссылка на голосование доступна в блоке "Authorизация" справа-сверху на сайте. Заполнять, дополнять и изменять формы для голосования можно неоднократно вплоть до закрытия голосования. Участники конкурса не видят свои клипы в списке для голосования и не могут за них голосовать.

Любые вопросы по процедуре голосования вы можете оставить в комментарии к этой новости или отправить через личное сообщение администратору.


New videos Selfless Sunday, 15 May 2011

Довольно эмоцональная работа от Fluxmeister'а, которая сосредоточена на раскрытии характера главного героя аниме Soul Taker - Кёсукэ Датэ.

Author's comment
1 - This was my masters entry to AWA9.
2 - Simplicity. My goal was simply to show the main character's selfless attitude towards the world... (especially the flickers, assuming you know the story) ... and the related story around him ... ( if you can even follow it ;) )
3 - ...explosions make good videos... ;) No this wasn't just for lyric sync, much of this has to do with the main character giving everything... breaking down everything... always for others. (not to say he never did anything for himself)
4 - The final build up sequence right around 4:00 in the avi version... is well, for me, the most emotional part of the video. Every time I watch the video this part sends a shiver through me! :P (especially when watching it in front of an audience like at AWA9)
5 - While this really wasn't intended to be a character profile... it certainly seems to fit
the category. :P

Enjoy the Video! =)

Author: Fluxmeister
Anime: Soul Taker
Music: Soundgarden - Blow up the outside world



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