
Exam videos
New videos Baseless Friday, 06 October 2017

Вообще хз, какой жанр поставить этому клипу. Просто крутая работа по FLCL.

Author's comment: There are wacky credits stay tuned!
I had soooooooooooooooooo much fun with this one. Its not an action is like a drama off beat IDK. I accidentally deleted the audio before uploading it so I'm super paranoid the sync is off now we shall see if i keep this one up lol.

Author: BecauseImBored1
Anime: FLCL
Music: Cage the Elephant - Back against the wall



New videos ...ship Thursday, 05 October 2017

Nothing much to say. Some old project, one of my favorite Animes, I really like the song and the Connichi deadline was closing in.

Author: Eazy
Anime: Hibike Euphonium, Kuzu no Honkai
Music: Phoebe Ryan - Dead



Коубы Best coubs (august 2017, part 2) Wednesday, 04 October 2017

It's about Us



Contests Финалисты AMVNews: Fun Con 2017 Tuesday, 03 October 2017

Best video overall [in order of apperiance]

All jury members and participants take part in the voting. Finalists should vote in the second round of voting. In case a finalist fails to vote in the nomination where their video is presented, their video's rate should be reduced by the maximum number of points possible for this nomination. This can seriously impact the final ranking of videos. For all others the voting is voluntary. Please fill in all the slots in the voting form. Second round voting lasts till Saturday, October 7th, 10.00 am (GMT+3).


Site news Best of Exam section (September 2017) Tuesday, 03 October 2017

Arma - Runnin

espada98 - Wanderer

Light - Blackl1st

Yukihana Team - That's What You Get

Scara - Made To Fly

Scara - Shut Me Up

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 44
Average rating: 2.98
Number of comments: 90 (~2 comments per video)
Number of votes: 855 (~19.4 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 7 (~14 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


New videos Repletion Of Electrolytes Monday, 02 October 2017

Клип с soul team Iron chef 2015 года, этакий привет ветеранам с ньюса.) Так получилось, что юьюб забанил этот клип в 237 странах, на чифе зрителям он также был не доступен, его видели, разве что мои друзья вконтакте. Сюда тоже долго не решался залить такой слабый клип, но пусть будет, для истории так сказать, ведь 15 год это важно.)))
P.S. Отдельное спасибо Игорю (SteRD) за постер.

Author: 5c0rp10n
Anime: Tamala 2010
Music: Rone - Bye Bye Macadam

Repletion Of Electrolytes


New videos Paralyzed Saturday, 30 September 2017

Well... hi xD I had like 2 mental breakdowns, 4 times wanted to kms and hit my PC like 20 times while making this project XDDD It seems I need some new SSD or more HDD disc space. Also I had like 3 breaks from making this project but here it is :D I'm not fully satisfied with this one but I just had to make sth to not let my channel die xD Anyways, enjoy :D

Author: DuczmenAMV
Anime: bleach, hunter x hunter, steins;gate, deadman wonderland, boku no hero academia, soul eater, one-punch man, akame ga kill, fate stay/night UBW, ao no exorcist, boruto the movie, tengen toppa gurren lagann, fairy tail, shingeki no kyojin, blood lad, fullmeta alchemist brotherhood, death note, kyoukai no kanata, code breaker, tokyo ghoul, re:zero, SAO
Music: Papa Roach - Crooked Teeth

Paralyzed [AMV]


New videos Homura in wonderland Friday, 29 September 2017

Ýòîò êëèï íàõîäèëñÿ â ðàçðàáîòêå äîëãîå âðåìÿ è äàæå íå ïëàíèðîâàëñÿ ê ðåëèçó. ß åùž î÷åíü ìíîãî ÷åãî õîòåë èçìåíèòü (ïî÷òè ïîëîâèíó êëèïà), íî ïîòèõîíüêó íà÷àëè óìèðàòü ìîè æžñòêèå äèñêè, à íîâûå ÿ ïîêóïàòü ñêîðåå âñåãî íå áóäó. Ïîýòîìó âûêëàäûâàþ òàêóþ âåðñèþ è èçâèíÿþñü çà ýòî ïåðåä òåñòåðàìè, êîòîðûå íàêèäàëè íó î÷åíü ìíîãî ãîäíûõ èäåé. Èäåè, êîòîðûå óæå íå ðåàëèçóþòñÿ. Èì, êñòàòè, îãðîìíîå ñïàñèáî, à èìåííî: NewOvermind, Engine of Death, VovanKoperativ. Íó è îòäåëüíîå ñïàñèáî: Alkatraz, î÷åíü ñèëüíî ïîìîã ïðè ðàáîòå íàä ñþæåòîì, îáúÿñíèë êàê ïðàâèëüíî ìîíòàæèòü è ìíîãî ÷åãî åùž. Íà ýòîì âñž, ïðèÿòíîãî ïðîñìîòðà, äóìàþ è òàêîé âåðñèåé ìîæíî íàñëàæäàòñÿ.

Author: Disengager
Anime: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 1: Hajimari no Monogatari, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 2: Eien no Monogatari, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari, Owarimonogatari, Kabukimonogatari
Music: Charlie Clouser - Dead Silence OST

Homura in wonderland


Contests First round voting of Fun Con 2017 Thursday, 28 September 2017

We begin first round voting of AMVNews: Fun Con 2017. 17 videos took part in the contest. All 15 contest participants whose AMVs are eligible for the first round can take part in the voting now, as well as 17 jury members. Full list: Turbo, denismax, redbull, padre, S†eelshine, hellsing 13, kemaxto, kyle_m, SWS, Siar_Mortal, KISfly,, uncinx, Deviant, Disengager, Darksss 73, hohmTM, Commander_Kyon1212, Fobos, Bimyou, Rollingfux, Aoimina, SeikiYukine, MesoGear, DiGiCyber011, AngrySmile, Armresling, David Heli, ripatti, EtoJeSpitFire, Kawai ishi, kk wuhui. Voting in first round is totally voluntary.

First round voting ends October 3rd, 20-00 Moscow time (UTC+4). Link for voting form can be found in "Authorization" block, right upper corner of the webpage. You can fill in the form, add and change anything as much as you want till the end of voting period. Contest participants do not see their own videos in the list and can't vote for them.

New videos Polyamorie Thursday, 28 September 2017

RU: К клипу прилагаются русские и английские субтитры. Зеркало 1 - конкурсная версия клипа (FullHD, 10bit)
EN: English and Russian subs available. Mirror 1 - contest version of the video (FullHD, 10bit)

Комментарий авторов: The initial idea to make this video came from ceddic at the beginning of the year. It was supposed to be finished way before the Connichi contest but due to unforeseen circumstances it was delayed and even barely got finished for the Connichi deadline. In the end we got 1st place in every voting: "Judges", "Editors" and "Audience". We hope you guys also have fun watching the video!

Author: JadeCharm, ceddic
Anime: Various
Music: Farin Urlaub Racing Team - Herz? Verloren
Awards: Connichi 2017 - 1st place



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