
Exam videos
New videos 3:33 Thursday, 12 July 2018

2 место на Japan Expo 2018. Зеркало 1 - конкурсная версия клипа (10bit).

Author's comment: Hello everyone! After one year and a half, I finally release a new video ! Glad it's out ! I don't have much to say, I will only say that I got inspired from paranormal myth called « 3:33 a.m », the witching hour, the hour of the devil for some people.
To talk shortly about it, this video should have never exist, it was at the beginning a little practice on Element3D.
The story? There is not actually any story, it's only an apocalyptic tale where demons go out at 3h33 and wipe out the world.
I invite you to watch the video in details, I have hidden a lot of things regarding the myth, for the curious ones enjoy !

Author: Sagiki
Anime: Aldnoah.Zero, Another, Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-Hen, Berserk Golden Age Arc, Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi, Charlotte, Code Geass, The Portrait of Little Cosette, Deadman Wonderland, Evangelion 3.33: You Can (Not) Redo, Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Hellsing Ultimate, Highschool of the Dead, Hunter x Hunter, Kara no Kyoukai, Karas, Kimi no na wa, Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu, Kuuchuu Buranko, Macross Zero, Madoka Magica, Mekakucity Actors, Naruto Shippuuden, Noragami, Original animation, Shigatsu wa kimi no Uso, Shiki, Soul Eater, Supernatural: the Animation, Taboo Tatoo, The Animatrix, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Tokyo Ghoul, Zankyou no Terror
Music: Keith Ape - Diamonds (ft. Jedi P), Danger - 1:13
Awards: 2 место на Japan Expo 2018



Contests Announcement of AMVNews: Mix Con 2018 Wednesday, 11 July 2018

   Mix Con 2015 holds summer thematic AMV competition Mix Con 2018. Each participant is expected to create a video in one of four proposed categories:

Videos made using songs in any of Slavic languages (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Bulgarian, Serbian, etc.)

Videos made of anime and/or music released before year 2000

Videos with the best and most creative synchronization of video and audio parts.

Videos made of non-japanese animation

Let us remind you that only exclusive videos are eligible for this contest (i.e it's forbidden to release your video anywhere on the internet before it is shown at MixCon). Registration is opened till the submission deadline. You can register via on-line form; the account at AMVNews is required for registration. Entries accepted from August 15th till September 15th, 2018Prizes are reserved for winners.

Check the detailed contest rules below.



Attention: we are in need of promo materials for this event. If you wish to make a poster, banner or trailer, or translate the rules to your language, please contact the organizers: TurboMinstrel.


New videos Remenissions Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Победитель Japan Expo 2018

Author's comment: 'Remenissions' tells the story of 2 men, one is grieving about his friend that past away.
The second man wakes up in an unknown location while dealing with Amnesia.
Some words: I was aiming high when i've started this project, but i never thought that this conclusion of me having the first place would transform to reality. For me it's the solid proof that hard work and constant attempt to improve will deliver results, doesn't matter where you are from or what you try to accomplish. 2 years ago i've uploaded my first AE attempt and tried to join every studio that would take me, so i can practice my style. Today i'm standing here, thanking all of you for supporting me through this long journey, some of you actually watched my whole evolution and i really appreciate that you were here to give feedbacks and to support. I love you everyone!

Making-of (~17 Mb)

Author: Alon
Anime: Aoi Bungaku, Alndoah.Zero, Code Geass, Death Note, Death Parade, Fate/Zero, Hellsing Ultimate, Hunter x Hunter, Psycho-Pass, Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin, Sword of the Stranger, Trigun: Badlands Rumble, 91 Days
Music: Echos - Fiction
Awards: 1 место на Japan Expo 2018



New videos Dango Dango Literature Club Monday, 09 July 2018

This year for Animecon's AMV competition I once again tried to go outside of my comfort zone by using a song which I normally would never use. I had a hard time picking my main anime & characters. After quite some time, I finally decided which character I wanted to use and where and how. Besides that I didn't wanted it to be just the anime version of the game, but also show my experience and others while playing this game. I had a lot of fun creating scenes and it took a lot of photoshopping and this project is far from perfect and I am fully aware of it, but I hope you will enjoy watching it!

Author: MarikoAMV
Anime: Clannad, Clannad After Story, Eromanga Sensei, Gamers!, Net-juu no Susume, Oreimo & Re:Creators
Music: OR3O - Doki Doki Forever (ft. rachie, Chi-chi, Kathy-chan★)
Awards: Animecon 2018 1st Place Editors Choice & Animecon 2018 3rd Place Audience Choice

Dango Dango Literature Club


Contests Indigo Team IC 3 #RunForYourLife Sunday, 08 July 2018


AMV studio Indigo Team invites you to join the third IC hosted by the studio. The IC will start on Friday 20-07 00:00 (GMT +1) and end on Sunday 22-07 23:59. You can enter with solo AMV only (no collabs/MEPs accepted). Money prizes reserved for the winners (the total prize fund is $250). 

IC rules at our forum


New videos Palette Saturday, 07 July 2018

Author's comment: 大家好我是轨迹。感谢拜年祭的总导演噩梦大佬给了机会可以用这个PV参加2018拜年祭。这次的PV在制作&保留手绘质感上下了很大的功夫,可以让这么多朋友看到作品真的很开心!
歌曲部分由友人mes(写了十分美丽的英文歌词并演唱。希望大家能喜欢> <

palette是喜欢了多年的神曲,感谢原曲作者授权可以在拜年祭作品使用><  感谢各位观看!

Author: 軌跡_CAxis
Anime: Original animation
Music: ゆよゆっぺ feat. 巡音ルカ - Palette



New videos Kyūketsuki Friday, 06 July 2018

In this video I wanted to focus on the vampirism, and in particular on the internal conflict and tribulation of the main character, who is subject to a metamorphosis that turns him into a vampire.
Special thanks to Kroner, KazKon and [key]Scarlet for helping me out with this video

Author: Letal
Anime: Kizumonogatari, Berserk Golden Age Arc
Music: 65daysofstatic - Don't Go Down to Sorrow



New videos New Age Thursday, 05 July 2018

A new era, a new fight, new heroes fighting evil and overcoming their limits. I wanted to bring a simple amv, but with it I get a feeling of more drama with little action. I hope you enjoy it, thanks for watching :)

Author: g4nzo
Anime: Boku no hero academia
Music: Mechanic Vibes - Aggressor (ft. Lara Ausensi) [Epic Heroic Hybrid]

New Age


Site news Vote for the subject of summer contest! Wednesday, 04 July 2018

Right now we're deciding what kind of contest we should hold at AMVNews this summer. Visit our forum to see the list of possible subjects and vote! The voting ends on Sunday, July 8th.

Check it and vote

New videos Nah Hey Tuesday, 03 July 2018

Author's comment: Final round of Project Editor. This was the video with which I ultimately placed second in the contest with. The theme of this round was to edit a video that represents you, as a person. And then the theme got changed a few times and the people did take to the streets, calling for reform. But while all this was going on, I just went with my original plan and made a video that epitomized everything I stand for as an editor (sweet dance moves).

Author: Copycat_Revolver
Anime: Nyan Koi!
Music: The Fratellis - Creepin' Up The Backstairs

Nah Hey


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