
Exam videos
New videos Bad Friends!! Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Пародия на знаменитый клип Bad Apple!, сделанная для участия в конкурсе MMD Cup 20. В оригинальной работе использованы силуэты героинь игровой вселенной Touhou, в пародии - персонажи серии игр Kemono Friends.

Author: 6666
Anime: Original 3D animation
Music: Masayoshi Minoshima Feat. Nomico - Bad Apple!

Bad Friends!!


New videos The Ouran Side Monday, 22 October 2018

К клипу прилагаются русские субтитры.

Author's comment:
SOOO I hope you all didn't forget about this awesome series lol.

Author: BecauseImBored1
Anime: Ouran High School Host Club
Music: Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron - The Other Side (The Greatest Showman OST)

The Ouran Side


Contests Winners of AMVNews: Mix Con 2018 Sunday, 21 October 2018

Mix Con 2018 competition is over. 28 people took part in the voting of the second round and the results are following:

Best OverSync video
1 place - Death_Kn1ght - D[EVA]STATION (60 points)
2 place - Fobos - Overdose 2 - Chaos (31 points)
3 place - Dm1try[A] - Our thirst (22 points)
3 place - S.A. Robert - Itro (22 points)

Best SlaviCon video
1 place - Death_Kn1ght - Far away from you (38 points)
2 place - Sempai3607 - Baby (34 points)
3 place - David Heli - War In My Heart (28 points)

Best Retro video
1 place - AntaresHeart07 - Genki's Song (31 points)
2 place - Fobos - Sword of Death 2 - Scar (23 points)
3 place - Deviant - Dasein (11 points)

Best Non-anime
1 place - JustRukia - My Curse (32 points)
2 place - Ellafaessa - Flying through War (24 points)
3 place - SWS - Гвозди (16 points)


New videos 3303! Saturday, 20 October 2018

Решил попробовать сделать клип в жанре легкой психоделики! Надеюсь, что не так ужасно получилось, я не силен в этом жанре, но учится никогда не поздно! .

Author: Gary freeman
Anime: Witchblade, Akira, Kokkoku, Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Monogatari Series: Second Season, Kizumonogatari, Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion, Black Bullet, Mirai Nikki,Afrosamurai, GTO, Sakamoto desu ga?, Paprika,Mousou Dairinin, Redline
Music: Le perv - Carpenter Brut



New videos Туда, где наши мечты Friday, 19 October 2018

It's too late to tell you that I care and I'm wishing you were here
And I think it would be better if you had never left at all
This place is not the same without the smile on your face
And if you were here then I would take you everywhere

Author: чайный пьяница
Anime: Mix
Music: Penfold - i'll take you everywhere

туда, где наши мечты


Коубы Best coubs (july 2018, part 2) Thursday, 18 October 2018



New videos (Day)dreaming Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Another fall, another "character profile" type video. Honestly, I've no idea why I keep making these around every september.
For this one I tried not to sleep until it was done in order to really get into it. I can not sleep for a pretty long time, it seems. Maybe next year we'll make one on permanent brain damage. Oh well.

А мы продолжаем копаться в головах хороших девочек, nuff said.

Author: rgb
Anime: Hibike! Euphonium
Music: Michael Andrews - Cellar Door & Liquid Spear Waltz (Donnie Darko OST) 



Contests Voting of AMVNews: Mix Con 2018 Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Now you've seen all contest videos of Mix Con 2018. Since the contest turned out to be small, there will be just one single round of voting (held by the rules of second round). Voting is opened for 15 members of jury, who commented on at least one contest video, and 19 contest participants. Voting is voluntary, votes accepted till October 20th, 19.00 (UTC+3). Link to the voting form is available in "Authorization" menu (upper right part of the page). Contest participants can't see their vidos on the list and can't vote for themselves.

You can ask any questions concerning the voting procedure via the private message.



New videos Darling in the FranXX in 10 minutes Monday, 15 October 2018

К клипу прилагаются русские субтитры. Версия с русской озвучкой - по ссылке.

Author's comment: I've written enough sex jokes for this one video to last me a lifetime. Yup, it could only be Darling in the FranXX

Author: Gigguk
Anime: Darling in the FranXX
Music: Original audio

Darling in the FranXX in 10 minutes


New videos Kings and Queens and Guillotines Sunday, 14 October 2018

First off, Fuck Nightcore.
Made in a week but i spent about 3-4 days on the edit, I guess this finishes the Trilogy of Nichijou edits for me! but who knows, maybe ill do like the Transformer movies and just dont stop when i should have a long time ago.
Wanted to put a comic book theme on this edit and experimented alot to make the video fun to watch but not too repetitive with the effects!

Author: Insofistikerad
Anime: Nichijou
Music: Royal Republic - The Royal

Kings and Queens and Guillotines


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