
Exam videos
New videos Dandelions of Life Wednesday, 05 August 2020

Это будет моим последным клипом в этом году. Я и так многовато "самовыразился", надо знать меру. ) Этот клип бы тоже не вышел на свет, если бы я не встречал трек и исходник, который меня захватил полностью. Приятного просмотра.

Author: okhostok
Anime: Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou, Shingeki no Kyoujin, Radiant
Music: Aurora - Exist for Love

Dandelions of Life


Site news Best of Exam section (July 2020) Monday, 03 August 2020

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 43
Average rating: 3.04
Number of comments: 76 (~1.8 comments per video)
Number of votes: 410 (~9.5 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 1 (~2 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


New videos Kids Sunday, 02 August 2020

2 место на NCS AMV Contest 2020.

Author's comment: A few thank you's before because the video would not exist if not for these few circumstances.

1. Caroline. This woman has supported me in a way I can't really say I understand. She has these ideas that she struggles to apply to her own videos and has always looked up to me which has put a sense of pressure for me to show something new and refreshing rather than spit out something boring and forgettable. She has a vision for creativity that most can't comprehend and many likely will be unable to comprehend and that's what has helped drive me to never cease to improve because if I drop my guard I no longer will be the "teacher".

2. Judy. From very early on when I began this girl has been like my cheerleader. From the beginning of this video you saw the video each step along the way of being made and like everything else I make you gave me excitement to create non stop until I had to sleep (...)

Cм. полный комментарий автора на странице клипа.
See video page for full commentary

Author: iM Coach
Anime: Mix
Music: Roy Blair - Dennis
Awards: 2 место на NCS AMV Contest 2020



Коубы Best coubs (october 2018) Sunday, 02 August 2020

Short Change Hero


Contests Stylize IC 12th Edition: Empire Friday, 31 July 2020

Eden Team invites everyone to join the 12th edition of Stylize IC. This time you are expected to create a video in 4 days time using the music provided by the organizers. Any footage is allowed (not only anime, but also videogames and movies). You can participate either solo or as a group. The IC lasts from August 6th 8:00 pm (UTC+2) ‘til August 10th 23:59 pm (UTC+2)

Full rules at our forum
IC Discord server


New videos Conclusion Thursday, 30 July 2020

Вторая совместная работа Ellafaessa &`ZeRO. Поставили задачу - сделать что-то в стиле киберпанк. И нам подвернулась категория Retrowave. Впервые делали в такие сроки, было непривычно. Но кое как вроде справились. Приятного всем просмотра ^.^

Author: Ellafaessa, `ZeRO
Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ghost in the Shell, Death Parade
Music: Muse - Algorithm (Alternate Reality Version)



New videos Once Upon a Time Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Here is my Indigo IC Entry 2020
First of all i wanna thank the judges for the 24 hour extension,
Would not have managed to finish the video this way if it wern´t for that.

I have never spent this much time editing for an IC, i have been working day and night since day one to make to make this video!

I hope you guys enjoy this tribute to this fantastic movie.
At first i wanted to make a Death Parade video for the IC but since i didnt find any songs in Drama/psyche that i liked i decided to switch source and make an entierly different video.

ps. as i feel right now i never wanna use the pentool ever again...

Author: Insofistikerad
Anime: Cowboy Bebop - The Movie, 3-Gatsu no Lion
Music: Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son

Once Upon a Time


New videos Neolight Tuesday, 28 July 2020

22 место на Japan Expo 2020.

Основная ссылка - версия для плеера. Конкурсная версия клипа на зеркале 1.

Author's comment: voila ma japan pour cette année

Author: flo55
Anime: Mix
Music: MIYAVI - Afraid to be cool



New videos Dreamer 2020 Sunday, 26 July 2020

21 место на Japan Expo 2020.

Основная ссылка - версия для плеера. Конкурсная версия клипа на зеркале 1.

Author's comment: AMV faisait suite, 10 ans plus tard, à mon précédent AMV Dreamer

Author: Eleo
Anime: Avatar: The Legeng of Korra (+others)
Music: Hans Zimmer - The Lion King OST

Dreamer 2020


New videos Satan's Curse Saturday, 25 July 2020

13 место на Japan Expo 2020.

Основная ссылка - версия для плеера. Конкурсная версия клипа на зеркале 1.

Author's comment: Thanks Nagi for the thumbnail

Author: Onleye
Anime: Mahoutsukai no Yome, Castlevania
Music: Xtortion audio - Annaliese, Attack on Titan OST - Call of Silence

Satan's Curse


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