
Exam videos
New videos Tomorrow's Leaves Thursday, 12 August 2021

Короткометражка, созданная по заказу Международного олимпийского комитета и приуроченная к Олимпийским играм-2021. Над видеорядом работала студия Ponoc (основана в 2015 году выходцами из студии Ghibli)

Author: Yoshituki Momose
Anime: Original animation
Music: Takatsugi Muramatsu - Tomorrow's Leaves OST

Tomorrow's Leaves


New videos LULLABY Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Быстрый меп, который мы сделали командой Эден в короткие сроки по фану с понравившимся треком, надеюсь вам понравится также, как нам понравилось его делать, приятного просмотра и спасибо за внимание :)

Author: Fobos, NeKu, AzukaYuki, ReiAMV, Chan_AMV, iKuZu, kyugo sebastian
Anime: Ergo Proxy, Bungou Stray Dogs, Fate Movie, Kekkai Sensen, SAO, Vivy Fluorite Eye's, Kill la Kill
Music: Against The Current - Lullaby



Contests AMV contest at Nan Desu Kan 2021 Monday, 09 August 2021


Nan Desu Kan, one of the 10 biggest anime conventions in USA is now taking submission for 2021 AMV contest. Get your videos in for a chance to win a world famous "Asuka" awardNon-exclusive videos created after September 1st, 2019 are accepted in case those didn't participate in Nan Desu Kan before. Collabs and MEPs are accepted too! Submission deadline is August 20th, 2021.

Contest thread at our forum
Full rules and submission form(in English) 


New videos STOP Monday, 09 August 2021

This AMV created on 2014 Year, to be honest I have badly skill of recoloring and transition so I almost not todo (most time I has forgot to do these). My other AMVs same of this video, simple editing and fitting with music, If you guys like it, I will upload more : )

Author: ngtmuzi
Anime: The Animatrix
Music: The Glitch Mob - We Can Make The World Stop



New videos Violet Evergarden AMV - Left Outside Alone Saturday, 07 August 2021

This video was originally made for Japan Expo but I didn't get anything ;'3 I hadn't find the project at first but I fortunately found it in my external hard disk
I hope you will enjoy this failure! ;D

Author: TakeshiAMV
Anime: Violet Evergarden & Movie
Music: Anastacia - Left Outside Alone

Violet Evergarden AMV - Left Outside Alone


New videos 来 约 会 吧 - Come on a da Friday, 06 August 2021

There is always a person who doesn't know where. She (he) will come to you after a long journey, even in a way you don't intend.

My wife didn't get lost on the road, did she?

Author: Canbyaboy
Anime: Mix
Music: Saint Motel - My type

来 约 会 吧 - Come on a date


New videos Deadly Time Thursday, 05 August 2021

18 место на JapanExpo 2021.

Author's comment:
Nouvel AMV sur les animes Weathering with you et Your Name avec une petite histoire, pour le concours de la Japan Expo 2021 organisé par AMV France.
J'ai été sélectionné puis finaliste me voilà donc 18ème je suis très content!

Enorme merci à Nogi pour son travail sur la miniature voici son devientart.: 

Merci à LUNA Glave Luciole Kuta et Gemini pour l'aide apporté que ce soit avant ou pendant le montage.
Dédicace à L'akaza et a monbro BurnSama !

Author: NoctKyu
Anime: Kimi no na wa, Tenki no ko
Music: NF - Time

Deadly Time


New videos Save me Wednesday, 04 August 2021

20-е место на Japan Expo 2021.

Author: Onleye
Anime: Akame ga Kill!
Music: Sleeping With Sirens - P.S. Missing You

Save me


Site news Best of Exam section (July 2021) Tuesday, 03 August 2021

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 23
Average rating: 2.93
Number of comments: 47 (~2 comments per video)
Number of votes: 289 (~12.6 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 1 (~4 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


New videos After The Rain AMV - It's moving like the Wind Monday, 02 August 2021

Here is my entry for Indigo Team IC 6, back again with sentimental ♥‿♥ this time with After The Rain that I have recently rewatched
I hope you will enjoy it (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Lately I am editing romance pretty much (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Author: TakeshiAMV
Anime: Koi wa Ameagari no You ni
Music: Feather - Rise (feat. Kait Weston)

After The Rain AMV - It's moving like the Wind


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