
Exam videos
New videos Summer Saturday, 18 February 2012

Author's comment: In every human life, supposedly, there's just a single, one-of-a-kind sultry summer. The best summer of his youth, the sultriest of all. What happens afterwards is just a mere reminiscence of this intense, heart-taking experience. With this video I want to take you back to those days of exaltation, of pure ecstatic splendour. Let your mind reactualise the memories stored in the dusty attic of oblivion, fill them with the colours of your newer self and rejoice your heart once again.

Author: Virtuos
Anime: Working!!, Usagi Drop, Nichijou, Steins;Gate, B Gata H Kei, Hana-saku Iroha, A Certain Scientific Railgun, Seitokai Yakuindomo, Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko, Nyan Koi!, Amagami SS, Idolmaster, Shiki, Mayo Chiki!, My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute, Durarara!!, Kobato, Angel Beats, Princess Lover!, Darker Than BLACK, 5 Centimeters per Second
Music: Neverstore - Summer



Contests Soul's Team - Iron Chef 08 Friday, 17 February 2012

Soul's Team организует очередной конкурс из серии Iron Chef. Как и в прошлом году, на создание клипа отводится три дня, а подборку музыкальных треков судьи выдадут в день начала конкурса. Сроки на создание клипа с 24 февраля 2012 (7.00 pm GMT) до 27 февраля 2012 (00.00 am GMT). Мейкеры должны зарегистрироваться командой из трех человек, так и только так, в одиночку зарегистрироваться нельзя. Каждый из трех авторов должен выбрать одну из шести жанровых категорий и сделать клип в этой категории. После выбора категории мейкер получает от жюри музыку. У него будет три дня на создание AMV. Соревнование будет вестиcь в трех различных зачетах (личный, командный и зачет по категории). Организовывают и судят конкурс три члена жюри (Creed, Nyala и Angelface). Подробности на нашем форуме.


New videos Fairytale of Lies Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2011

Author's comment: So here's my first official CS4 vid as opposed to 7.0. lots of new toys, i see... Oh yeah, SPOILERS. Of course spoilers should be obvious if you know the story of Romeo & Juliet at ALL.

Author: Rider4Z
Anime: Romeo × Juliet (TV)
Music: Within Temptation - Faster

Fairytale of Lies


New videos Puella Royale Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Author's comment: Where every magic girl is a princess, and every princess kicks ass.

The goal here was to create an action AMV because I got it into my head that I should. It's sort of an action AMV, so I'm giving myself partial credit.

Author: Warlike Swans, Olores Bellicose
Anime: Puella Magi Madoka Magica (TV)
Music: Julie Zenatti (Tango) - Princesse
Awards: Best Action at Ohayocon 2012, 2 место на G-Anime 2012

Puella Royale


Misc Аниме журнал ARRU Style (февраль 2012) Monday, 13 February 2012

В этом номере вы узнаете кто такие Изанаги и Изанами. Узнаете кто такой Морикава Джордж. Окунетесь в мир традиционных видов спорта Японии. Послушаете сплетни о программе "Сплетни" на Radio Reactor. Узнаете много интересных подробностей об Ассоциации Anime-клипмейкеров России «АКРОСС» из уст главного администратора ресурса EvilSpider'а. А на десерт подборка аниме, манга и дорам на около спортивную тематику. Приятного чтения.


New videos Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works (Fan Trail Monday, 13 February 2012

Author's comment: Trailer made for an Italian contest organized by the "vahala contest", where you must edit with only epic songs. I chose Brutal Revolution with Fate stay Night and I have win.

Author: LukeG
Anime: Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works
Music: Song: Equus - Legends; Music Junkies - Brutal Revolution
Awards: 1° Place Vahala contest

Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works (Fan Trailer)


AMV news Финалисты VCA 2012 Sunday, 12 February 2012

VCA 2012Video of the Year

All That You Can't Leave Behind - ScorpionsUltd (Scorpions Unlimited)
Fate Matrix - Shin-AMV (Shin)
PencilHead - qwaqa
Safety Dance - Shin-AMV (Shin)
Under ! Where ? - Cross/fade (Jakub (Jacob))

Отдать свой голос за победителей в номинациях можно до 18 февраля 2012 года.


New videos Fame ✩ Friday, 10 February 2012

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2011

Author's comment: I think it's the best Lipsynch I have done so far. Also I tried to put a little choreo in it so that not only the lips match perfectly but also the boys movements fit the song. Try to put attention to that :3

I experienced so far that the video especially is popular with girls. But if you are a boy I think you could also like it. And I experienced that some people think that it is gay. Maybe it is... but just a little bit!!

Author: JadeCharm
Anime: Angel Beats (TV), K-ON! (TV), Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens (TV), Uta No Prince Sama (TV)
Music: Backstreet Boys - Larger Than Life

Fame ✩


AMV news ЧибиФест 2012 в Екатеринбурге (25 февраля) Thursday, 09 February 2012

Приглашаем вас принять участие в VII ежегодном аниме-фестивале «ЧибиФест 2012». В рамках фестиваля пройдет показ лучших клипов конкурса AKROSS Con 2011 на большом экране.

Дата проведения: 25 февраля 2012 г. (суббота)
Место проведения: г. Екатеринбург, ДК им. Лаврова
Тема фестиваля: Sci-fi (научная фантастика)

Более подробную информацию можно получить на официальном сайте мероприятия или группе вКонтакте.


New videos Science: Poetry in Motion Thursday, 09 February 2012

Author's comment: Steins;Gate was amazing. Definitely anime of the year for me. It had everything I wanted from a series: interesting characters, comedy, drama, GREAT story .... so I just couldn't resist this project. So about what is this AMV? Good question .... it's about ...... LOVE, PASSION AND SCIENCE (and me having good time). But really now, I wanted to make an AMV out of this anime before we get flooded with drama stuff. Steins;Gate got its share of a drama side to it but it is also a fun series and I wanted to show that. Kurisu and Okarin are a dynamic duo that reminds me a bit of Holo and Lawrence from Spice & Wolf.

So yeah, believe it or not, this IS a romance AMV ..... romance by Crossfade that is.

I wanted to have fun editing and toy a bit with the viewer at the same time. AMV is sometimes random but within limits of SCIENCE. The dynamic duo is supported by a great cast of characters from Evangelion, Nichijou and even Back to the future! There are a lot of "hidden" stuff throughout the whole AMV so don't be shy to pause it from time to time :3.

Прототип клипа на Youtube. Можно смотреть до или после, как угодно) Слова там примерно такие:

It's poetry in motion
She turned her tender eyes to me
As deep as any ocean
As sweet as any harmony
Mmm - but she blinded me with science
"She blinded me with science!"
And failed me in biology

When I'm dancing close to her
"Blinding me with science - science!"
I can smell the chemicals
"Blinding me with science - science!"

Author: Cross/fade
Anime: Back to the Future, Ergo Proxy (TV), Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1.11 You Are [Not] Alone (movie), Nichijou (TV), Steins;Gate (TV), Team Fortress II (PC)
Music: Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me With Science

Science: Poetry in Motion


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