
Exam videos
Contests Soul's Team - Iron Chef 08 Friday, 17 February 2012

Soul's Team организует очередной конкурс из серии Iron Chef. Как и в прошлом году, на создание клипа отводится три дня, а подборку музыкальных треков судьи выдадут в день начала конкурса. Сроки на создание клипа с 24 февраля 2012 (7.00 pm GMT) до 27 февраля 2012 (00.00 am GMT). Мейкеры должны зарегистрироваться командой из трех человек, так и только так, в одиночку зарегистрироваться нельзя. Каждый из трех авторов должен выбрать одну из шести жанровых категорий и сделать клип в этой категории. После выбора категории мейкер получает от жюри музыку. У него будет три дня на создание AMV. Соревнование будет вестиcь в трех различных зачетах (личный, командный и зачет по категории). Организовывают и судят конкурс три члена жюри (Creed, Nyala и Angelface). Подробности на нашем форуме.


New videos Fairytale of Lies Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2011

Author's comment: So here's my first official CS4 vid as opposed to 7.0. lots of new toys, i see... Oh yeah, SPOILERS. Of course spoilers should be obvious if you know the story of Romeo & Juliet at ALL.

Author: Rider4Z
Anime: Romeo × Juliet (TV)
Music: Within Temptation - Faster

Fairytale of Lies


New videos Puella Royale Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Author's comment: Where every magic girl is a princess, and every princess kicks ass.

The goal here was to create an action AMV because I got it into my head that I should. It's sort of an action AMV, so I'm giving myself partial credit.

Author: Warlike Swans, Olores Bellicose
Anime: Puella Magi Madoka Magica (TV)
Music: Julie Zenatti (Tango) - Princesse
Awards: Best Action at Ohayocon 2012, 2 место на G-Anime 2012

Puella Royale


Misc Аниме журнал ARRU Style (февраль 2012) Monday, 13 February 2012

В этом номере вы узнаете кто такие Изанаги и Изанами. Узнаете кто такой Морикава Джордж. Окунетесь в мир традиционных видов спорта Японии. Послушаете сплетни о программе "Сплетни" на Radio Reactor. Узнаете много интересных подробностей об Ассоциации Anime-клипмейкеров России «АКРОСС» из уст главного администратора ресурса EvilSpider'а. А на десерт подборка аниме, манга и дорам на около спортивную тематику. Приятного чтения.


New videos Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works (Fan Trail Monday, 13 February 2012

Author's comment: Trailer made for an Italian contest organized by the "vahala contest", where you must edit with only epic songs. I chose Brutal Revolution with Fate stay Night and I have win.

Author: LukeG
Anime: Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works
Music: Song: Equus - Legends; Music Junkies - Brutal Revolution
Awards: 1° Place Vahala contest

Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works (Fan Trailer)


AMV news Финалисты VCA 2012 Sunday, 12 February 2012

VCA 2012Video of the Year

All That You Can't Leave Behind - ScorpionsUltd (Scorpions Unlimited)
Fate Matrix - Shin-AMV (Shin)
PencilHead - qwaqa
Safety Dance - Shin-AMV (Shin)
Under ! Where ? - Cross/fade (Jakub (Jacob))

Отдать свой голос за победителей в номинациях можно до 18 февраля 2012 года.


New videos Fame ✩ Friday, 10 February 2012

Contest video of AKROSS Con 2011

Author's comment: I think it's the best Lipsynch I have done so far. Also I tried to put a little choreo in it so that not only the lips match perfectly but also the boys movements fit the song. Try to put attention to that :3

I experienced so far that the video especially is popular with girls. But if you are a boy I think you could also like it. And I experienced that some people think that it is gay. Maybe it is... but just a little bit!!

Author: JadeCharm
Anime: Angel Beats (TV), K-ON! (TV), Kannagi: Crazy Shrine Maidens (TV), Uta No Prince Sama (TV)
Music: Backstreet Boys - Larger Than Life

Fame ✩


AMV news ЧибиФест 2012 в Екатеринбурге (25 февраля) Thursday, 09 February 2012

Приглашаем вас принять участие в VII ежегодном аниме-фестивале «ЧибиФест 2012». В рамках фестиваля пройдет показ лучших клипов конкурса AKROSS Con 2011 на большом экране.

Дата проведения: 25 февраля 2012 г. (суббота)
Место проведения: г. Екатеринбург, ДК им. Лаврова
Тема фестиваля: Sci-fi (научная фантастика)

Более подробную информацию можно получить на официальном сайте мероприятия или группе вКонтакте.


New videos Science: Poetry in Motion Thursday, 09 February 2012

Author's comment: Steins;Gate was amazing. Definitely anime of the year for me. It had everything I wanted from a series: interesting characters, comedy, drama, GREAT story .... so I just couldn't resist this project. So about what is this AMV? Good question .... it's about ...... LOVE, PASSION AND SCIENCE (and me having good time). But really now, I wanted to make an AMV out of this anime before we get flooded with drama stuff. Steins;Gate got its share of a drama side to it but it is also a fun series and I wanted to show that. Kurisu and Okarin are a dynamic duo that reminds me a bit of Holo and Lawrence from Spice & Wolf.

So yeah, believe it or not, this IS a romance AMV ..... romance by Crossfade that is.

I wanted to have fun editing and toy a bit with the viewer at the same time. AMV is sometimes random but within limits of SCIENCE. The dynamic duo is supported by a great cast of characters from Evangelion, Nichijou and even Back to the future! There are a lot of "hidden" stuff throughout the whole AMV so don't be shy to pause it from time to time :3.

Прототип клипа на Youtube. Можно смотреть до или после, как угодно) Слова там примерно такие:

It's poetry in motion
She turned her tender eyes to me
As deep as any ocean
As sweet as any harmony
Mmm - but she blinded me with science
"She blinded me with science!"
And failed me in biology

When I'm dancing close to her
"Blinding me with science - science!"
I can smell the chemicals
"Blinding me with science - science!"

Author: Cross/fade
Anime: Back to the Future, Ergo Proxy (TV), Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1.11 You Are [Not] Alone (movie), Nichijou (TV), Steins;Gate (TV), Team Fortress II (PC)
Music: Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me With Science

Science: Poetry in Motion


New videos The Pretty Cure for the Common Magical Girl Tuesday, 07 February 2012

Author's comment: A rainbow of magical girls and their transformation scenes? For 6 minutes? You bet. :D

Author: Ileia
Anime: Eiga Heartcatch Precure! Hana no Miyako de Fashion Show... Desuka!? (Movie), Precure All Stars DX2: Kibo no Hikari—Rainbow Jewel o Mamore!, Precure All Stars DX: Minna Tomodachi— Kiseki no Zenin Daishugo (movie), Suite Precure (TV)
Music: Aly and AJ - Do You Believe in Magic, Amaranth - Hunger, Black Eyed Peas - Pump It

The Pretty Cure for the Common Magical Girl


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