
Exam videos
New videos Beyond Oblivion Saturday, 07 November 2015

This collab has been made in 3 hard days for SpeedProof IC contest.
A person who doesn't know where he goes... is he dead? Why other persons can't see him? Who is that girl and why he feels that is different from others? he has to discover it for escaping from oblivion.

xDeuz: Thanks for watching Beyond Oblivion;) Made this Amv with dedication, I like it in many ways, but especially editing with Strat (Uge) to achieve the end result, I'm lazy and some people know that, but the music has been inspiring and motivating. Thanks gabberMD (Dani) to add the song to SpeedProof IC New Edition, Thtat's why this AMV is dedicated to you (Hug) See ya soon.

Strat: We had a lot of problems because our idea was very ambitious for an Iron Chef, but we could communicate it very well and thanks to it we avoided other complications. We had no time for a beta between us but that doesn't mean we didin't help each other finding scenes, preparing masks etc. The trust in ourselves was very important all the days. I took advantage of the IC for testing new stuff, so I'm very happy with all the result. Thanks to xDeuz I've could learn a lot in a low time, I won't forget this.

Author: Strat, xDeuz
Anime: Charlotte, Dekinai Watashi Ga, Kurikaesu, Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo, Sword Art Online, Tokyo Ghoul, Your Lie In April
Music: Nightcall (ft. Dreamhour) - Dead V
Awards: Best Teamwork на Aeon Speedproof IC

Beyond Oblivion


Site news Best of Exam section (October, 2015) Friday, 06 November 2015

New videos Lonely Souls Thursday, 05 November 2015

My video for SpeedProof AEon IC. Tried to make the little story as clear as posible, but basically what I'm trying to show is that even in your hardest moment you can find someone in a similar situation to share your pain, and support each others.

Author: xDieguitoAMV
Anime: Welcome to the NHK, Ga-Rei -Zero, Colorful, Clannad After Story
Music: Sigur Rós - Ný Batterí
Awards: Best Overall и Best Drama/Romance на Aeon Speedproof IC

Lonely Souls


New videos 6F.Und3r Tuesday, 03 November 2015

Author's comment: Wesh la mif! Bon voilà mon IC r3act, toujours à la poursuite de mon apprentissage AE, j'ai ssayé de nouvelle chose et j'ai vraiment bien kiffé ! Pas grand chose à dire d'autre si ce n'est merci Aku pour la bann, Zuuki pour l'outro et merci El.g pour helvetios! J’espère vous kifferai!

Author: Luciole
Anime: K-Project
Music: Phase One – Six Feet Under
Awards: 1st place R3T IC



New videos Yin Yang Destiny Tuesday, 03 November 2015

Author's comment: With my second attempt at a romance vid I ended up showing a yin and yang type of relationship as they travel together. Came together quite nicely.

Author: UnluckyArtist
Anime: Katanagatari
Music: A.R. Rahman, The Pussycat Dolls - Jai Ho! (You Are My Destiny)

Yin Yang Destiny


New videos Silentheart Monday, 02 November 2015

Как-то на днях нагрянуло ко мне в голову одно м/в, и настойчиво и неуклонно меня обуревало до тех пор, пока не была получена эта миниатюра. Спонтанная зарисовка одного состояния, которой не планировалось. Мини-клип для легкой разминки и настроения, чтобы разогнать по жилам застоявшуюся кровь перед тем, как приступить к проекту более трудоёмкому.

Author: Kimihairu
Anime: Kigeki, Mushishi
Music: Chiaki Ishikawa - house



New videos Speedwagon Slamjam Sunday, 01 November 2015

Author's comment: I wanted to do a JoJo's video for a while, but just couldn't think of a good song until this one popped into my head. Submitted to AWA Pro 2015 where it won Best Action.
Beta Testers: VivifxAMV, Daramue, Aria, Xophilarus, ShinAMV, BecauseImBored1

Author: irriadin
Anime: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (2012), JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders
Music: Celldweller - Good L_ck (Yo_'Re F_cked)
Awards: Best Action на Anime Weekend Atlanta Pro 2015

Speedwagon Slamjam


New videos Fly To Stay Alive Saturday, 31 October 2015

Hey ! Here is a new collab with Fobos with the anime Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya (a kawai version of Fate/Stay Night haha ^^) Anyway, i think the result is cool for a quick collab, i hope you'll also like it :)

Author: Draga, Fobos
Anime: Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya, Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2wei!
Music: Manga - Fly To Stay Alive

Fly To Stay Alive


Contests Конкурс AMV на Dai-Fest IX Friday, 30 October 2015


28-29 ноября 2015 года пройдет девятый фестиваль анимации, комиксов, научной фантастики/фэнтези в кино/компьютерных играх и связанного с ними популярного искусства Dai-Fest (г.Омск). Организаторы приглашают всех желающих принять участие в конкурсе AMV в рамках фестиваля. На конкурс принимаются работы, сделанные не ранее 1 января 2015 года (более ранний срок допустим только для работ, которые не были нигде показаны / выложены для публичного доступа). При решении о принятии работы на конкурс при прочих равных условиях предпочтение отдаётся видео, ранее не показанному на каких-либо фестивалях и онлайн-конкурсах (обязательным условием это не является).

Что достанется победителям? Как правило, это набор из сувенирной продукции с маскотом фестиваля, сертификаты магазинов комиксов/фигурок и прочего добра, собственно комиксы и/или фигурки, а также эксклюзивная статуэтка омской птицы, каждый год изготавливающаяся в новом антураже специально для победителей ряда конкурсов (в том числе и AMV).

Приём работ уже идет и продлится до 15 ноября.
Работы прошлых лет можно посмотреть на канале фестиваля

Тема конкурса на нашем форуме
Правила конкурса AMV на сайте фестиваля


New videos Dahlia Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Author's comment: It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed a new series so much. Good show. Check it out if you haven’t already. Yona herself is pretty awesome, so I wanted to focus on her ambitions rather than her relationships with other characters. Not that her relationships aren’t important obviously (all of the characters are great – except Su Won. No one likes Su Won, not even Su Won.) but I wanted to try something a little bit different.

Author: Chiikaboom
Anime: Akatsuki No Yona
Music: Snow Ghosts - Murder Cries, Svenja Leopold & Ocean Avenue - There's no Us



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