
Exam videos
New videos What's That Sound Monday, 10 April 2017

Multi Editors Project hosted by Sunlight .

Author: amv2710, Sunlight, Sempai3607, VictoriusAMV, Nosamvs, ReyNeroKun, ShatteredxDream
Anime: Various
Music: Throttle - What's That Sound (Live Mashup)

What's That Sound


New videos Dark Love Sunday, 09 April 2017

Author's comment: Hey, this is my submission for Online Contest 2016 :
Enjoy, hope you like it !

Картинка Making-of (~ 9Mb)

Author: Sagiki
Anime: Original Animation, Mirai Nikki, Mekaku City Actors, Steins;Gate, Brave 10, Kuroko no Basket, RDG: Red Data Girl, Ranpo Kitan - Game of Laplace, Fate Zero, Haikyuu!!, Zankyou no Terror, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Shiki, Naruto, Deadman Wonderland, Bayonetta, Sword Art Online, C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control, Ajin, Guilty Crown, Tasogare Otome x Amnesia, Tokyo Ravens, C³ (Cube x Cursed x Curious), Red Eyes Sword: Akame ga Kill!, Nanatsu no Taizai, Zetsuen no Tempest, 11 Eyes, Umineko no naku koro ni, Psycho-Pass, Gintama
Music: HECQ - Bete Noire, Thirty Seconds To Mars - Up In The Air, NF - Motivated, Akeboshi - Wind
Awards: 3rd Global ranking of Online Contest 2016, 2nd Public prize of Online Contest 2016

Dark Love


Contests WeeklyAmvContest project Friday, 07 April 2017

WeeklyAmvContest project invites you to join a series of small Youtube-based contests. Organizers will provide you with a new anime series each week, which is allready pre-cut, and ready to edit. You then have 1 week to edit the clips you're given, and submit that edit within 1 week. It's a good chance for everyone who'd like to edit a video without spending too much time on pre-editing preparations.
Submission form is released together with the video pack. The top 10 amvs of every week will be uploaded to WeeklyAmvContest channel. Contact the organizers in Discord for any questions!

Youtube channel
Discord chat


New videos 初恋 Thursday, 06 April 2017

Author's comment: 音乐:佐香智久-初恋 新人第一次做MG,如果将女角替换,大概讲的就是自己的故事吧。虽然还有很多不足,但能够参加haru祭真是太好了,由此才能结交那么多朋友,甚至还被wink叔PY2333

Author: 墨染双舟
Anime: Original Animation
Music: 佐香智久 - 初恋



New videos Muted Wednesday, 05 April 2017

Author's comment: This is a video I made for AWA Pro 2016. There's a long dramatic story behind why I made that, but I put it at the bottom for the people who care. xD I also have another Pro video I'm uploading in a few days, but people won't like that one as much so I decided to upload this first ^^

Author: Xophilarus
Anime: Kokoro no sakebitagatterunda
Music: Lauren Aquilina - Forest Fires
Awards: Best Sentimental, Best Character Profile на VCA 2017, Best Storytelling на AWA Pro 2016



New videos That will be beginning Tuesday, 04 April 2017

Author's comment: 2015MAD新人战参赛作品。_(:3」∠)_啊啊啊怀胎四月的宝宝被看光光了!II 非常感谢这期间陪我吃喝玩乐、教导我、一起讨论MAD的朋友们和砍刀队的伙计们,还有这次新人战给我提供的这次机会!_(:3」∠)_我会继续努力做得更好的!拒绝Dota2!温馨提示:请耐心的看到最后哦~。联动同期百万点击の王者 泛式的新人战作品:av2820724

Author: Kobai酱
Anime: Clockwork Planet (manga)
Music: Close your eyes

That will be beginning


Site news Best of Exam section (March 2017) Monday, 03 April 2017

Arcothy B3stEck - Barakamon - Little Wonders

MEP - Face Everything And Rise

Gabriel - Retroshooter

espada98 - Predatory doll (ver.2)

Crookz - EON †

Disengager - Ratio

Summary statistics for AMVs in Exam section for given period:
Number of releases: 54
Average rating: 3
Number of comments: 347 (~6.4 comments per video)
Number of votes: 1634 (~30.3 votes per video)
Moved to the front page as a result of voting: 13 (~19 %)

Dear creators and audience, do not forget to visit our Exam section where novice authors are waiting for your advice. There you can also vote for best videos which in your opinion shoud be moved to the front page.


New videos Time Limit Monday, 03 April 2017

Author's comment: First time doing drama/romance, first time trying to create an original story with 2 anime and tbh i'm pretty satisfied with the result even if overall is nothing more than decent considering that is made in 3 days (usually it takes me months to make a video). There are some imperfections and some things could be better but I'm happy about what I've done since I enjoyed the output. Editing drama/romance is such a pain in the ass, definetly not funny but I wanted to do something different this time.
I also want to thank Kara and Clement because I had a lot of fun with them, special thanks to MysticBeard for the motivation (sadly he couldn't join this year) and to UAZ.

Author: Riku'
Anime: Steins;Gate, Zankyou No Terror (+others)
Music: Stephen - Crossfire

Time Limit


New videos The Daily Dance Sunday, 02 April 2017

Клип делался для участия в третьем раунде орговского конкурса AMV Roulette 2017 и стал в этом раунде победителем. По условиям конкурса в каждом раунде определяется жанр клипа, тип музыки и некое особое требование к видеоряду, после чего участники в течение недели делают клип с учетом всех этих установок. В частности, в этом раунде задачей участников было сделать комедийный или фановый клип на кавер или ремикс какой-либо песни и обязательно включить в видеоряд три разных сцены с поцелуями.

Author: SpeedQueen GK
Anime: Mix
Music: Twenty One Two - Shake It Off

The Daily Dance


New videos Psychedelia Friday, 31 March 2017

Hello everyone, this is my latest amv. I love the visual aspect of Shinsekai yori and really wanted to use it, and since i found this song i decided to challenge myself and edit it. I hope it paid off and you guys enjoy it :)

Author: Lightning Arrow
Anime: Shinsekai Yori
Music: CUTglitch - Fog, Kashiwa Daisuke - Colophon.#02



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