
Exam videos
New videos jgndfjnbjnx03vcjxn Sunday, 19 August 2018


Author: reice
Anime: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Music: Nine Inch Nails - The Lovers



New videos icarus Saturday, 18 August 2018

Что вы ожидали увидеть в новом клипе леолида? Умару? Две Умару? Три? Получите Free!

Author's comment:or trapcode shine the video
or the weeb hieroglyphics i wrote on thumbnail
i titled it like dis cuz maybe i get views and kristina back thnks
song says in the title
anime lol as if u dont know

Author: leolide
Anime: Free!
Music: joji - Head in the Clouds



Life news Happy birthday 5c0rp10n! Friday, 17 August 2018


Немного запоздавшее поздравление (на самом-то деле), но все же лучше такое, чем никакое. (Поздравить старика = святое дело)

SteRD: Катай, лутай, не унывай!XD
«Anon»: Счастья, здоровья!

Music: Window Shop - KNOWER
Anime: Kite


New videos IT-otoro Thursday, 16 August 2018

Пародия на трейлер фильма "Оно". Клип выиграл несколько наград на крупных зарубежных аниме-фестивалях.
К видео прилагаются русские субтитры.

Author: Gina Nelson
Anime: Tonari no Totoro
Music: It - teaser trailer audio
Awards: Pilcon 2018 - Best Drama, Otafest 2018 - Audience 1st Place, Anime Central 2018 - Best Parody, MomoCon 2018 - 1st Place Trailer, Animazement 2018 - Best Trailer, Anime Next 2018 - Best Trailer, Anime Expo 2018 - Audience Choice



Коубы Best coubs (june 2018) Tuesday, 14 August 2018



New videos Room 302 Monday, 13 August 2018

4 место и Best Horror на NCS AMV Contest 2018 (Summer).

Author's comment: Finally my new amv, after so long without editing. A little exploited genre and especially my favorite. This song was mixed there for 2015. From there I knew that at some point I was going to create a story. My big inspirations were my saga of favorite games (Silent hill) and my favorite movie of this last decade (Sinister-2012). I love this genre and for this reason this amv is done with a lot of effort and dedication of several months on my part. I'm really happy with the result and I hope you like it. I advance that I will soon make a "making of" for those who want to start in the genre or learn more about it. 
Regarding the name of the amv, it refers to a silent hill room where various tragedies occur. 
I promise that I will continue to improve and I assure you that my next project is already in process in my mind.

Author: kuruta
Anime: Mix
Music: Audiomachine - Transcendence, Danail Getz - Panic Room, Paul Dinletir - Crypt Keeper
Awards: Best Horror на NCS AMV Contest 2018 (Summer)

Room 302


New videos Hentai Girl Sunday, 12 August 2018

Author's comment: Hey guys! So... this AMV... hehe well, I always loved this song and in the requirements for round 3 of AMV Roulette there were some specifications that made me think, this is my chance to finally edit with this haha. So I love S3RL's music always have so I guess thanks to him for being so awesome and also huge thanks to Different Heaven for making such an awesome remix. So thank you all so much and peace out.
Special thanks to FadingSundown and LightningArrow for their input in beta testing :)

Author: DanParthenis
Anime: Mekakucity Actors, others
Music: MTC - S3RL (Different Heaven Remix)

Hentai Girl


New videos Champion Saturday, 11 August 2018

Author's comment: 这支赛稿里,我追求的是动势和构图,把它们串联起来的是情绪和声音,制作过程里满脑子也是那句中二的歌词:if i can live through this i can do anything(要能按时做完赛稿,我立地成佛(误))

EN: In this project, I am pursuing for scene momentum and composition, connecting the emotions with sounds are in harmony. The core of my process is also represented by the lyrics: 'If i can live through this, I can do anything.'
It's not hard to notice that this work is very different from my previous work. I am very grateful to everyone who has always supported me. I know that many people like to watch me make project in this style (and make a longer version →v→), so this project is done for all my fans QWQ

Author: 塞北羽山
Anime: Koe no Katachi, Shingeki no Kyojin, B: The Beginning, Megalo Box, Bungou Stray Dogs, Cowboy Beebop, Violet Evergarden, Black Out 2022, Samurai Champloo, Ano Hana, Guilty Crown, Mahou Sensou, Haikyuu, Tokyo Ghoul, Kyoukai no Kanata,
Music: Fall Out Boy - Champion
Awards: 4th Place & Best Action in TOS MAD CLUB Contest



New videos One Last Time Friday, 10 August 2018

2 место на TOS MAD CLUB Contest 2018

Author's comment: 和参赛的其他作者的比起来真的是很一般(或者说难以吸引多数人)的视频了,能拿到这个名次我是很不好意思的(想钻地缝那种)。谢谢评委,谢谢小圈子里的朋友和一直支持我的每个人。

Compared with other works in the competition, it is really a very generic video (or difficult to attract viewers). I am very embarrassed to get this ranking. Thank you to the judges, thanks my friends and everyone who has always supported me.

Author: ZEOLUS
Anime: Kizumonogatari
Music: Anton Borin, Ariana Grande - One Last Time (Anton Borin Edit)
Awards: 2nd Place & Best Character Profile in TOS MAD CLUB Contest

One Last Time


New videos How Far Thursday, 09 August 2018

Победитель NCS AMV Contest 2018 (Summer).

Выдержка из комментария автора: Well, here it is. My entry for Narcon Sommar. I placed 1st overall and 1st place in Drama/Romance. This video began it's creation period shortly 2 days after I began my original entry for this contest but in the prior entry I realized from my song choice to the way I was editing was purely for contest purposes. So I started this for fun back in May to take my mind off competition. & so this was born and I knew this video had to be the one. After roughly two months of creating and editing this video, 101 beta encodes, the support of my peers this video is here for you to see. Enjoy my story.

Author: iM Coach
Anime: Kotonoha no Niwa, Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Music: Daughter - Smother (Tennyson Remix)
Awards: 1 место и Best in Drama/Romance на NCS AMV Contest 2018 (Summer)

How Far


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