
Exam videos
Contests Project Org Editor 2016 Wednesday, 15 June 2016


A sixth installment of  Project Org Editor contest is about to begin!  Project Org Editor is a widely known and extremely popular AMV event that has produced many outstanding videos throughout the previous years. It's a video editing contest that puts editors against each other in a weekly competition for the span of several months. Each week’s competition has a unique “theme” on how editors should edit their video. This year the contest consists of 7 rounds (5 preliminaries, semifinals and finals) without registration deadline - anyone can enter the competition at any point during the preliminary rounds.
Prize support for the competition is provided by MomoCon.
Round 1 begins June 20th, the contest will last till the end of August

Rules and Information at AMVNews forum (English)
Contest forum at


New videos The Chariot Monday, 13 June 2016

Author's comment: "The charioteer wears emblems of the sun, yet the sign behind this card is Cancer, the moon. The chariot is all about motion, and yet it is often shown as stationary.
What does this all mean? It means a union of opposites, like the black and white steeds. They pull in different directions, but must be (and can be!) made to go together in one direction. That is perhaps the most important message of the Chariot. Separate the driver form the chariot, the chariot from the horses, the horses from each other and from the driver, and nothing gets done. They all do their own thing. Put them all together, with the same goal in mind, and there will be no stopping them."

I just wanted to finish this vid since i got a new comp and i've had the project file for like two years >> i love the movie and the song. there are a few frame glitches because i have to literally hold my computer together for it to work xD one more vid to finish and i can put this abused laptop to rest

Author: Pieandbeer
Anime: Tekkonkinkreet
Music: Jose Gonzalez - Step Out

The Chariot


New videos Geppu Dasu BOMB!!! Sunday, 12 June 2016

This was a project I dropped a while ago. Then my graphic card broke up and all of a sudden I had nothing to do in my life. So I decided to pick it up again and I've finished it pretty fast. This is the result, hope you like it

Author: Yusuke
Anime: One-Punch Man
Music: Maximum the Hormone - Buiikikaesu

Geppu Dasu BOMB!!!


New videos Home Thursday, 09 June 2016

... и я рад, что на свете есть расстояния более немыслимые, чем между тобой и мною.

Сделано по фану, в свободное время и от души. Я все это пишу потому, что ограничение в 200 символов не дает мне залить видео с просто глубокомысленной цитаткой. Всем спасибо, enjoy :)

Author: LIA
Anime: Subete ga F ni Naru: The Perfect Insider, Harmonie, Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki, Shinsekai yori, Grisaia no Kajitsu, Otona Joshi no Anime Time, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle, Kyoukai no Kanata, ef - a tale of melodies, Air, Ao Haru Ride, Boku Dake ga Inain Machi, Hibike! Euphonium, Higashi no Eden, Kimi no Iru Machi
Music: Coldplay ft. Beyonce – Hymn For The Weekend



Contests AMVNews: Level Up 2016 reminder Thursday, 09 June 2016


Let us remind you that we have less than one week left to the registration deadline of AMVNews: Level Up 2016 contest! As of now we have 52 ready Pro+Novice pairs. You still have time till June 15th! Join the ranks of Pros or Novices and gain a valuable editing experience or share your wisdom with others!

English rules
Contestant registration (+ list of participants)


New videos Wagnaria Memories Wednesday, 08 June 2016

Author's comment: 自制 第七回春秋合战第一日作品。感谢陪伴我们这么多年的迷糊餐厅~ yamada快跟我回家吧!公开页

Author: 小一二P
Anime: Working!!
Music: 小鳥遊宗太・佐藤潤・相馬博臣 - まつ毛にlock Tv Size (Working!!3 Ending)

Wagnaria Memories


New videos 综漫误解伪预&# Sunday, 05 June 2016

Author's comment: 重发黑历史,脑洞开太大,发现技术严重跟不上,脑补的镜头很多没有实现

Author: 3酱
Anime: Various
Music: Steins;Gate OST - SPCD02_01, The Expendables 3 OST - Lament, Ao No Exorcist OST - Exorcist, X-Ray Dog - Cosmic Radiation, X-Ray Dog - The Last Prediction



New videos Wheapon Saturday, 04 June 2016

Author's comment: I recommend watching full-screen with your headphones turned up. :o
My good friend and roomie MonkeyKingGhost is always on everyone about making more AMVs using rap/hip hop music so I thought I'd toss one on the pile for him. It's not intended to be a deep video, I just really enjoyed syncing this slick animation to this song. I've had K on my harddrive for years waiting for a decent song/inspiration to strike and I found this song around when the new season started airing. I waited for it to finish, then cooked this up right quick to send to a few cons this spring. Enjoy!

Author: Ileia
Anime: K-Project
Music: Bastille Vs. Angel Haze Vs. F*U*G*Z Vs. Braque - Weapon
Awards: Tsukino-con 2016 Best Action, Anime Detour 2016 Best Action



One Hundred Editors MEP 100 Trailer Friday, 03 June 2016

A message from coordinators: Hello there! We continue to gather our team to make the biggest MEP in the AMV world. As of now we have 40 accepted parts and 25 almost completed. Maybe you want to join us too? Then hurry up and take the remaining vacancies! You can also invite friends or even bring the whole studio with you. Support the project and contact us the way you like (see the list below):
Skype: Awesome_zik
VK Group


Contests Анонс Skirmish & Slots #5: The GodStitcher Thursday, 02 June 2016


We welcome everyone to join an anonymous forum-based contest, the next installment of VS Battle series - Skirmish & Slots #5: The GodStitcher. All registered contestants propose video and audio sources for an AMV, then every participant should create an AMV using a random combination of video and music from the list. Winner is decided by popular vote, the voting is anonymous. Right now you can read detailed rules and contact the organizers for registration. Registration deadline is June 14th.

If we have a lot of submissions, then all entries will be released at AMVNews frontpage, anonymously.

Contest thread at AMVNews forum
Detailed rules (English)
Registration of participants:


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