


VCA 2022 Voting in Finals Wednesday, 16 March 2022

AMVNews: Big Contest 2022 (Demonstration) Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Date Author Video title Video page
20.01.2023 Tragic Amaryllis HeartLink
19.01.2023 CALL ME VILLAINLink
19.01.2023 Reincarnation of ConstantineLink
18.01.2023 Бумажная войнаLink
18.01.2023 It's not what you wanted from meLink
17.01.2023 Digital Riot MachineLink
Show full table

All contest videos

VCA 2022 first round voting Monday, 21 February 2022

VCA 2012VCA 2022 first round voting has started. Join the largest viewer's choice contest in the AMV world! The voting ends on March 1st, and all you need to support your favorite videos of 2021 is a google account.

List of all nominated videos
Voting forms
Main contest forum


Soul's Team IC 18: OTODAYO SHEITAN Thursday, 17 February 2022

Soul's Team welcomes you to the annual Iron Chef contest, the most well-know and expected online Iron Chef of all. Compose a team of three, choose one of the 6 genre categories and make an AMV in 72 hours.  The contest starts on March 3rd. Check the complete rules below and get ready!

Rules in English and registration of teams 


Results of AKROSS Con 2021 Saturday, 12 February 2022

       Akross Con 2014

Best Video:
1. espada98 - Clear sound
3. xmissleti92x - Detective & Thief

Best Action:
1. BlackDiamondTeam - Feel Something
2. xmissleti92x - Detective & Thief
3. seriy - Hanami 

Best Drama:
1. Scara - Welcome To The Abyss
2. Darksss73 - Мементо-Мори
3. BlackDiamondTeam - Feel Something

Best Fun:
1. ZeRo ft Kain4ig - Dance Move Move and Your Problem
2TritioAFB - LeoStyle
3. Dream of a mad fox & Risen404 - Изделие №1

Best Romance:
1. TakeshiAMV - Somebody That I Used to Know
2.  espada98 - Clear sound
3. luudanmatcuoi - By My Side

Best Story/Plot:
1. RaflyZalya - Shock
2. xmissleti92x - Detective & Thief
3. TakeshiAMV - Somebody That I Used to Know

Best Psychedelic:
2. Scara - Welcome To The Abyss
3. PHANTOM - In My Head

Best Character Profile:
1. xmissleti92x - Detective & Thief
. Fukushi - Echidna : The Witch of Greed
3. seriy - Hanami 

Best Dance:
1. espada98 - Clear sound
2. ZeRo ft Kain4ig - Dance Move Move and Your Problem
3. okhostok - Monobeats

Best Original Concept:
1. espada98 - Clear sound
xmissleti92x - Detective & Thief
3. Fukushi - Echidna : The Witch of Greed

Best Technical Work:
1. espada98 - Clear sound
3. xmissleti92x - Detective & Thief

Best Design Of Visual Effects:
2. xmissleti92x - Detective & Thief
3. seriy - Hanami 
Best Presentation/Design:
1. xmissleti92x - Detective & Thief
3. seriy - Hanami 
Viewers Choice Award
espada98 - Clear sound
 Fukushi - Echidna : The Witch of Greed

 Detailed results here


Big Contest 2022 announcement Thursday, 03 February 2022 announces the annual spring AMV competition - Big Contest 2022. We welcome creators from all over the world to join us with any kind of AMVs. Remember that contest entries should be exclusive, i.e the contest video can't be released online before the premiere at AMVNews. Participants can register via on-line form, registration is opened till the submission deadline for those who have the site account. Videos can be submitted from February 1st till April 15th, 2022. This year we have rule which allows to use any animation.

Prize fund
1 place – 5000 roubles + statuette 
2 place – 4000 roubles + statuette 
3 place – 3000 roubles + statuette 
4 place – 2000 roubles + statuette 
5 place – 1000 roubles + statuette

We have the contest rules translated to several languages. We used last years' translations made by community volunteers with some minor changes so if you find any mistakes in any of the rules please let us know. Also, if you are a foreign creator and are willing to help us with more translations please write a PM to Turbo or Minstrel. AMVNews won't forget you! )


-Registration for Big Contest 2022
-Apply as jury for Big Contest 2022
-List of registered jury and participants of Big Contest 2022


VCA 2022 announcement Wednesday, 02 February 2022

The 2022 Viewer's Choice Awards is announced, and this year it's special - the contest celebrates 20th anniversary! For many years it has been the largest online contest of the kind. Аny video released in 2021 is eligible for participation, as long as it can be watched online. Videos will be nominated by both audience and jury, and anyone can vote for the nominees

Read the detailed rules at our forum

Nominate your favorite videos here. 

VCA Schedule 

Nominations: 03/02/2022 - 02/15/2022 
Round 1 Voting: 02/17/2022 - 03/01/2022 
Round 2 Voting: 03/03/2022 - 03/13/2022 
Final Round Voting: 03/15/2022 - 03/22/2022

Winners of previous VCAs (2002-2021)


Level Up 2022 (AMV-France Edition) Sunday, 26 December 2021

Level Up contest is back! AMV-France association with the consent from AMVNews holds a new installment of a popular event targeted at aspiring editors.

The main idea behind the contest is to join forces of pro and novice music video creators and make them work in pairs. Partners exchange experience, and novice gains new skills in video making from their "elder" teammate, thus increasing their level drastically. 

Thе contest is opened for pairs of AMV editors, Pro (experienced and acknowledged creator) + Novice (a beginner without significant achievements). A team’s goal is to create an AMV through joint efforts, with the assumption that Pro doesn’t do editing and does not work on effects but does what they can to support the Novice technically.

Contest deadline is March 13th, 2022. Please proceed to the Discord server to read the rules and enter the contest!

 Discord server of Level Up 2022


AMV-France Online Contest 2021 Sunday, 28 November 2021

AMV-France invites you to take part in Online Contest. The very specific feature of this contest is complete anonymity of both participants and judges. The contest is opened for exclusive entries, i.e videos made specially for this event. It is forbidden to release the contest videos online before the end of the contest to keep the anonymity of the creators. Contest deadline is January 1st, 2022

Register to Online Contest 2021 in Discord


Winners of CreaCon 2021 Sunday, 07 November 2021

Best video overall
1 place - VIDOK - CONTROL (47 points)
2 place - MrAuditore96 - Soul Corp (46 points)
3 place - strangemanedits - HELLBORN (44 points)
4 place - Илья Чижов - Battlefield 2011-2021 Anniversary Cut (42 points)
5 place - Kroner - Medusa (34 points)
6 place - Leberate - god of chairs (32 points)
7 place - Муняша - ПРОСНИСЬ (26 points)
8 place - Apologet - War mess (22 points)
9 place - Kenjii - Phenomenology of Spirit (21 points)
9 place - D0SKA - To hell and back (21 points)
11 place - SolvekV - D.R.D.L. (14 points)
12 place - exellic1 - Time to say goodbye (8 points)
13 place - FobosAMV - Crossroad (0 points)

Best debut
1 place - Kroner - Medusa (21 points)
2 place - FobosAMV - THE POWER OF THE DARK SIDE (17 points)
3 place - exellic1 - Time to say goodbye (10 points)
4 place - BlackDiamondTeam - Royalty (3 points)


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